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Posts posted by Jono_DH

  1. 1 hour ago, Harper said:

    Seems to me that the only part they were off about was how leagues would be classed for points. Looks like they implemented the core of it, but retained the existing work permitting guidelines or had a tighter classification of competitions than reality.

    I wouldn't be surprised if there is more work to be done to accurately replicate the competition tiers, minutes/appearances thresholds, U21 restriction et al, now that they are public, but for a first stab, it doesn't seem "way off" to me.

    Yep, agree in terms of the rules themselves they were pretty close (and they were obviously privy to a lot of the information beforehand) but the resulting effect in game seems quite a lot different. We’ve gone from it being really hard to get work permits for a lot of players, to it being much easier for the vast majority (although I appreciate that’s purely anecdotal evidence on my part!).  

  2. Well, I was very much up for the challenge of playing with the new work permit rules. Just started my third season with Sunderland and, on my game at least, this latest update (21.1.3) has made things a whole lot less strict. 

    I had over 10 players in the under 23s who I’ve been applying (and failing to get) work permits for for the last year or two, and now each new application is resulting in them getting a permit. In addition, the vast majority of scouted players coming through are now listed as likely to get a work permit, whereas before it was very rare to see that, with most coming through as unlikely. 

    I’m sure Miles and the team are keen to say this was a “minor” update, but if this is how it will work going forward, it seems to me they were some way off being correct initially. 

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