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5 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. Two questions really, the first is the most important: per the thread title, is it possible to create an event (including news story/report to player inbox) take place on a specific date (or between a date range)? If so, I'm going to assume this will involve editing xml files or some such... Secondly, is it possible to have a weighted probability of outcomes included in said event which would apply the selected condition on the event being triggered? For example... Let's say I want to include a scenario where Manchester City are possibly punished for being the filthy cheats we all know they are. So an event triggers 15 to 18 months (or on a specific date if a date range can't be used) into the game. On trigger, one of X outcomes are randomly selected (preferably with a weighting bias if possible). e.g. 45% A) Found guilty. 100 pts deduction for each of next five seasons. 45% B) Found guilty. Relegated from current div at season's end. 10% C) Found guilty, but get away with it due to a dirty cheating technicality. Please don't focus too much on the Man City aspect of this, I'm more interested in the events and random outcomes possibilities...
  2. Awesome. So the stat is useful - and now legible. Thank you.
  3. I'm guessing this means no-one actually knows...
  4. Like the title says, can someone explain this because it defies logic: I'm seeing wildly different numbers (from large negatives to opposing positives) for keepers with similar save percentage and concession stats across a similar number of games. The useless manual says the square root of bugger all. The in-game tooltip just explains what the acronym stands for, which, like the manual, is frustratingly useless. I'm trying to work out if my keeper is rubbish, or if I have a defensive issue with my tactics. After 26 games his xGP 1.49 (0.06 per 90)... but what does that mean? What is that calculated against. It most certainly is not calculated against xGA (a stat which might be useful on the squad screen, but noooooo... gotta calculate that one manually) which is 37 conceded against ~22.5 expected goals against. This alone suggests my keeper is a bit dodgy, except his save ratio is above his xsv%, and I have conceded an hilariously ridiculous number of worldies... Soooo... what is it? How does it work, and/or what is it calculated against please?
  5. Hi kids, Long time listener, first time caller... As the title says, the tactics screen is a complete and utter mess, and, imnsho, it's been getting progressively worse with each release for a while. This isn't just an aesthetic complaint either, the functionality is completely borked as well. It shouldn't be impossible to switch between two relatively simple formations and have players in whatever damn position I want in the second formation. For example, I want my most attacking midfielder in my 4-3-3 to be my no10 when I need to go more attacking with my 4-2-3-1. No dice apparently. I have to go into the tactic screen and manually check everyone is where I want them. It makes the quick changes options on the match screen completely and utterly redundant. There are so many glitches and oddities on this one screen (choosing the clear slot option for slot three messing with the line-ups in your other two slots is an hilariously annoying fav), which, you'd think for this game would be a centre piece which is intuitive, informative and relatively glitch free. FM23 is 0 for 3 in that regard.
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