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2 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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    Fc Alania

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  1. I have a question, I want to create a sub-division (2 divisions of 18 teams each) 2 teams from each sub division will get promotion and, accordingly, from higher another division 4 teams are relegated, my question is,is this 4 teams that will be relegated will they be distributed into two divisions randomly or not?
  2. Thanks,but in general, my created clubs, players etc should be fine, right?
  3. I have a custom date that I created during fm22, I created a new nation, clubs, players, etc. Will I be able to open this file in the new versions of the fm editor to verify it or not?
  4. I have a custom date that I created during fm22, I created a new nation, clubs, players, etc. Will I be able to open this file in the new versions of the fm editor to verify it or not. For example, custom files from previous fms easily work in my fm22(after verification)
  5. in some stadiums created by me, it does not show the cities (which I also created myself and added through the editor) in which they are located, what is the problem? and can it somehow affect the gameplay ?
  6. how do I get players to stay in the club using the in-game editor?
  7. is there any chance to I add a minimum number of players of a certain nationality to the squad rules in the editor(like Germany has ''Minimum of 12 German players in squad'')?
  8. I created my own league with a custom nation, clubs, etc. And I have a dilemma with the rules for buying, signing players, I would like clubs not to spend all their money on buying foreign players, but to try to develop young players with their nation . . what is the best way to deal with this situation?
  9. how do I add a minimum number of players of a certain nationality to the squad rules in the editor? Bundesliga has it (Minimum of 12 German players in squad) but i don't get how to do it
  10. how do I add a minimum number of players of a certain nationality to the squad rules in the editor? Bundesliga has it (Minimum of 12 German players in squad) but i don't get how to do it
  11. Will it be possible to transfer the editor data(where i created nation , clubs , leagues etc...)created in the fm 22 editor to the new fm 24 (its editor)?
  12. Let 's start with the fact that I really like to create my own custom saves where I create my own nations , leagues , clubs , etc . The last time I did this in fm 22 , and after a short break I would like to start improving my custom save again . And so I had a question, will I be able to run my custom file in the new fm 24 (and editor) in a few months when it is released, or not?
  13. How do I get a player to play only in one club? Is it possible to do this through an ingame editor?
  14. I uploaded logos for a custom save (with a nation, leagues, clubs) that I created myself, added logos, but they are not displayed in the league table only in the profile of a particular club, how to fix it?
  15. How to make the team that took 17th place in the 1 division play with teams from the 2nd division for the opportunity to stay in the 1 division ? I know it can be done, but I don't understand how...
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