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Posts posted by kelen

  1. Now I get it.  He has tied the other Europe spot to the other cup. I didnt realize that.  In this database the other spot goes to the league winner which is the way I believe it works IRL.  I tried to test the Italy database.  It seems to work as intended but I might not be the best tester haha.  I simmed 5 years and I couldnt find anything.  My online save got cancelled today so i will finally be starting my San Marino save.  I had been holding out waiting for this DB to be finished.  There was a problem updating the San Marino file and it got deleted?  Not sure how, but he has put up a new San Marino in its place.  Has anyone else run into that problem before?  Anyways, here is the new San Marino link and the Italy link as well.  Both are on steam.





  2. So I simmed a bit using the San Marino file you guys use.  The teams that come in 1st and 4th in the cup get to go to Europe?  Is that how it is for you guys as well?  Doesnt really make sense.  So my Buddy CTxCB is in the process of completing the D5 Italy plus San Marino DB's.  The playoff system works.  All cups have been added to Italy and they function as they should.  Same as San Marino plus they will be available on steam for EVERYONE.  The San Marino file has been up for a days.  I'm still waiting for him to finish Italy so i can test it for him.  I didnt realize how big of a task this is.  He has been working on this for days and I have been in Discord watching.  I can say for sure that I could never do it haha.   Here is the link for his San Marino in case anyone is interested.  Or you can juts look it up on Steam.  His name is CTxCB




  3. Thats what I think as well.  Last year my buddy CTxCB made me a 2 tier San Marino that i used on my Twitch stream.  You could buy teams and upgrade the team using channel points.  Plus you could buy 3 newgens  a year that we would spin a sweel to see rating/potential.  It was a blast and trying to work your way through Europe was alot of fun.    

  4. So I have been trying to get my hands on Classans Italy database with no luck.  No idea why it was pulled and to be honest dont care to hear the reason.  So i decided to get my buddy who works on DB's to work on it for me so i can try to do this challenge as well.  When its done it will be made available to everyone.   As of right now we dont have a cup system set up for D5.  The amount of teams vary widely from year to year and we havent figured out that part yet.  Also, San Marino doesnt have a playoff system, the team with the best record wins the league.  Those are the only 2 things that are different.  I'm using Victor San Marino and only plan on being in D5 a year or so before i move on so i dont really care about those 2 things.  At least now i can attempt to do the save.  I'm still simming it ahead to make sure it works.  I will be posting it on here later in case anyone else wants to enjoy the San Marino Challenge.  I see no reason why more people shouldnt be able to have fun and try this.  As of right now without a functioning Italy DB its not possible.  BTW, this DB has been made on the latest version of FM as well.

    Just noticed the links are working today for Classens D5.  They were not a few days ago.  Either way, this one will be made available on steam for everyone to use.  Enjoy!


  5.   On 07/02/2021 at 03:17, kelen said:

    Hello.  I found a bug in Portugal and it has happened on every save I went back and checked.  After one year the 3rd tier splits into 2 tiers and then the 4th becomes playable. That part works fine.  For some reason every team in Portugal Tiers 1-4 suddenly turn pro.  Even amature teams that drop from 3 to 4 turn pro.  I know its not in the league settings because the following year the teams that come up from tier 5 are semi pro usually.  Basically teams that have no buisness being pro are suddenly forced to and just start losing money fast.  Can you please take a look into this?  Thanks.   

    Hi, this is a known issue under review currently - thanks for raising. - Freddy Sands

    So did you guys fix this issue?



  6. Hello.  I found a bug in Portugal and it has happened on every save I went back and checked.  After one year the 3rd tier splits into 2 tiers and then the 4th becomes playable. That part works fine.  For some reason every team in Portugal Tiers 1-4 suddenly turn pro.  Even amature teams that drop from 3 to 4 turn pro.  I know its not in the league settings because the following year the teams that come up from tier 5 are semi pro usually.  Basically teams that have no buisness being pro are suddenly forced to and just start losing money fast.  Can you please take a look into this?  Thanks.   

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