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128 "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer"


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    2FuzzyDunlop#5838 @dc

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  1. I doubt it. My tactic is anti counter. Iam also not loosing every game. It is just that there is something in the game, that breaks tactics. Also Iam not an underdog that is overperforming. Iam constantly putting out good performances, and some days it does work out. Other days it does not, without a reason, other than the opponent scoring from what can be called FM-Goals. For me this game comes in to flavors, one is winning and one is loosing. Tactic, attributes and all that fancy talk is pointless.
  2. Is there a mechanic that breaks the user's tactics? It's no fun anymore, there's no tactical response from the opponent, they just score. That is not fun. No, I am not talking about Real Madrid, I am talking about every team in this game. Even if you have a tactic that works very well, you hardly ever concede goals, you always score. From one day to the next, you lose all your efficiency. And you stop scoring and start conceding. That is just meh. I would understand it, if the opponents would use a different tactic, but they don't. They just play a 4-2-3-1 with IWB and IFB all the time.
  3. If you used it, you could share your results. I would like anyones thought on it.
  4. I have some numbers from last season. The blue numbers are particularly interesting. Goals per xG and Asists per xA were outperformed by about 2x, by some players. I also want to give you pictures of the average position. The possession is quite deep and wide. Out of possesion we maintain a midfield press with a very high defensive line to compress space.
  5. So it turned out, that IWB(su) and Lib(su) do better in combination. That freed up the other DM to be a VOL(at). Now the structure is very solid and can produce some low axG games, that you will win in most cases. The nemesis that is 4-2-3-1 with IWB and IFB can sometimes dominate you in terms of possession, but it will be mostly blunt.
  6. So, this is another iteration of my tactical system that is under continous development. Previous iterations also focused on transformation. But this one realy seems to hit. The ultimate piece in the puzzle is the AP, that holds everything together and also leaves enough space for the IW, that are the main threats. I include a pkm so can watch for yourself and build up from there. HSV – TSG Hoffenheim.pkm 3-4-3 DFB-Pokalfinale II VoSm.fmf
  7. I know FM24 is not in development anymore, but can you make sure that we don't get players complaining about reha in FM25. Would like that. Also WTF.
  8. Okay. I don't have any 2D pics sadly. Already moved on to a double pivot.
  9. I don't agree. This is not a realistic approach. Figure this; In 1 game there is 1 spot for a winger. The winger who is starting 25 games, says he wanna play 50 games, You say : "no". You can't give him the reason, which is, the winger can't cope with more games, or he will just get jaded. Then the other winger is coming in, who is also playing 25 games. He then says, "why is the player that is sharing his spot with me not starting all the time? I want him to start all the time!" At the same time he come to you and says "actually I want to play 50 games not 25, why am I not starting all the time? " Expand this on every spot. This is not plausible, it is just wrong and impossible.
  10. Why "player interactions"? Can you just make a game mode without them? It's getting ridiculous. When you are in the CL, you have a game every 3-4 days. Contrary to reality, you cannot let your players play 50 games in a row without a break. So you start to rotate, you build a squad of 24 good players and they all want to start all the time. Then they come to you and say "I want to play more!" You try to calm them down, and then every player triggers a meeting with every other player in the squad and says that this particular player should play all the time. HOW? That is not possible. The game is not supposed to be like that. It should give you a choice, an option where the player just walks away and accepts your word as a manager. Either that or just strip the game to bare metal. Training, Tactic, Transfers.
  11. New Version output now more reliable even against stronger side, but less dominant in possesion. Changes roles: - right IWB to defend - right DM to Regista Team Instructions: - added pass into space
  12. Hello there, I wanted to share the tactic Iam currently playing as Hamburger SV. It has lots of dynamic roles, so roles that have different defensive positions from their in possession roles. So the change of shape from a 4-3-3 3DM can smoothly create spaces by using a 3-1 to 2-2 build up play.
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