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1 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. 23/24 Season This has been a great season overall. We managed to finish second in the league to Real Madrid, overtaking Barcelona on the last day with a 3-2 win at the Camp Nou. We got knocked out of the Copa Del Rey in the Fourth round by Villareal at the end of January, but after that we went on an incredible run of form, not losing another game for the rest of the season. In terms of transfers, I made a few more deals in the January window, Picking up Alvaro Fernandez for £2.5 Million (allowing us to loan out Julen Agirrezabala to Huesca in return for some game time), and agreeing another future transfer for Aihen Munoz for £2.5 Million, setting us up nicely for next season. The tactic worked surprisingly well, and I only made a few changes, most notable of which being Bringing in Julen Jon Gurrero into the sarting line-up as an Advanced Playmaker. He did a great job running things from the centre of the pitch and has become a nailed on starter in this position over De Galarreta. The only issue I think we had this season was that we ddn't really have a main goalscoring threat, with our goals being spread out amongst the team, with Nico Williams and Iker Muniain picking up 12 goals each and Inaki Williams scoring 11. Despite this, we still scored 87 goals in the league, the second most of any team and we put together some incredible attacking moves in games. I was also able to give minutes to a lot of young players this season, with Vicandi, Alboniga-Menor, Junior Bita, Peio Canales and Dani Rodriguez all getting a fair amount of game time to hopefully speed up their development. Oscar De Marcos was one of my favourite players this season, continuously popping up in attacking areas and grabbing a fair few goals and assists. I only wish he was 10 years younger because he would have this position on lock. Looking forward to next season, I'm hoping to shift some of the deadwood (players like Raul Garcia, Ander Herrera and De Galarreta) and replace them with either players from the academy or signings I can make, with my aim to bring down the age of the squad and continue developing youngsters for the future. I would love to bring in Aimar, however being priced at £68 million makes him a bit out of reach. I was hoping Osasuna might get relegated so I could pick him up cheaper, though that did not happen. I will also be looking at brining in Odriozola as his contract ends with Madrid at the end of this current season and he would be a big improvment on Lekue. The only other players I'm looking at are Guillamon, to reinforce the midfield and central defense, and Ivan Martin, who I think would be a good rotational option in pretty much all of our attacking positions. Hopefully next season we can pick up some silverware and can continue to play good football, will keep you all updated on how it goes!
  2. So I have decided to start an Athletic Club save this year as my main save, after having several successful saves with them over the last few years. I chose to start on the 'Your World' game mode as I wanted to simulate something a little more realistic, by taking over in the off season and being able to build the squad in my own image. After looking at the squad and all the players, I decided I wanted to try something a little different with the formation/tactics rather than the usual 4-3-3 or 4-2-3-1, and so I came up with this: The Idea behind this tactic is that Muniain would drop deeper into the CAM position, pulling a defeder with him, allowing space for the shadow striker, wingers or even the right Inverted wing back to run into. I liked the look of Muniain as a false 9 as he is quite a creative player and would operate well in the tight spaces rather than running in behind, something the Williams brothers and Oihan Sancet would be much more suited to. In possession, this would create a kind of 2-3-5 kind of shape, with the inverted full backs reinforcing the midfield, providing solidity and, for the right back, running into the space left by Muniain and linking up with the more advanced players. For transfers I didn't go too wild, signing Julen Jon Guerrero for £550k and Dani Rodriguez for £2.5M, while also selling Dani Garcia for £3M, Jon Morcillo for £3M, Gorka Guruzeta for £2.5M, Mikel Balenziaga for £200k and Peru Nolaskoain for £725k. I also agreed on future transfers for Jesus Areso (£3.1M) and Javi Lopez (£4M), with both of them joining the club at the end of the season as I planned on letting Yuri and Oscar De Marcos go after this season was over due to them being in ther 30's now with them most likely declining as the year goes on. I promoted Luis Bilbao to play backup to Nico Williams on the right wing, and also planned on using Nico Serrano to rotate/ cover for Sancet in the shadow striker position. To rotate with Muniain up front, I kept Villalibre and Raul Garcia who I would play as DLF(S) when needed. Despite some fairly mixed results in our pre-season friendlies, we started our league campaign with some good results, playing some really nice football with the players taking to this new tactic pretty seemlessly. Some stand out performers early on are Oscar De Marcos who was MOTM in the first game of the season, getting 2 assists and winning a penalty, Nico Williams who has scored 3 goals, and Iker Muniain who has scored 2 in the first 3 games. I'm looking forward to seeing how the rest of the season goes and how this tactic holds up over the rest of the campaign but if we can finish in the european places at the end of the season I will be happy. I have been training more standard 4-3-3 and 4-2-3-1 tactics as backups just in case this new system ends up being a disaster.
  3. Just wondring whether anyone here has ever found any Basque regens from outside of Spain/France nationality? In real life there are Basque players with Romanian, Dutch, Mexican and Andorran nationality to name a few, but I have personally never found any regens that are not Spanish or French.
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