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\'Appy \'Ammer

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340 "Greed, for lack of a better word, is good"


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    Portadown, N Ireland

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  1. Is it best practice when creating competitions that already exist, to start the file completely from scratch? In general, I usually dismantle a competition and change bits here and there, keeping many areas untouched. Would working from a blank competition base get me a quicker success rate of edited files. I keep finding strange things that I can't remove without serious monitor staring!!!
  2. 1. There is a thread on here around the date of release of FM24 that lists / discusses new features in the editor. 2. I can't answer that one 3. No. Fm23 only transfers to FM24. FM24 should transfer to FM25. You would not be able to jump from FM24 to FM25, and you won't be able to continue an FM23 save that was already transferred to FM24 into FM25.
  3. I'd say this link will get you the answers you're after. There's very knowledgeable people in there. Also this year's editor is the slowest I've used that I can remember! https://community.sports-interactive.com/forums/topic/579435-fm24-performance-benchmarking-thread/
  4. FINALLY...after about 6 weeks trying to solve this, I have finally managed it. For anyone wishing to know then this is how... This screen needs to have the Use Sub League Table active and not the Extra Fate Places. I don't know why but Extra Fate Places only seems to work when the groups are equal in number of teams. This next screen is what has hamstrung me big time for a long time. You need to have the box ticked that allows the stage just to be setup. Much to my detriment, if you do not tick this the 3rd place league table does not work. Here, Palestine finished 3rd in the group that had 5 teams. And here you can see the 3rd place league table has adjusted their stats so that the matches with the bottom team in the group have been ignored. I am now at one with the world 😎⚒️
  5. I prefer the old reserve league system that was in place. It was a natural progression from the u18s / u21 level, that allowed youngsters a taste of playing against seasoned professionals and first team players coming back from injury.
  6. For the previous versions did you import directly from fm14 into the version you wanted to play, or have you imported fm14 file into fm15 then into fm16 etc all the way up to fm23?
  7. Sorry to bring up an old thread, but did you ever find the solution for this @Marian752. I have exactly this same issue and have been trying to solve it for weeks now.
  8. Good work @grade. Love the concept, maybe you should get a job at UEFA 😎. My two cents (again!) that you might want to look at. You've listed 3 rules in Europe > Continent > Fixture Rules (Rule 0 for ECL, Rule 1 for EL, Rule 2 for ECfL). But when you look at UEFA Champions League > Fixture Times and Rules > Fixture Rules it is reading -1, which is the default setting. This means your rules are not being implemented. You will need to put the corresponding number of your rule to replace the -1 in each competition. The same applies for the discipline rules if you changed them. My other point is the finals are all played at the stadium of the home team. You have set it to be a neutral stadium in the stage 6 > Round 0, Final, but this also needs to be in the fixture dates section. Currently you have that set to home which seems to be the dominant instruction. You may also want to play around with the Stadium Rules section in each of your competitions, where you can set minimum stadium sizes, host nations etc. Feel free to examine my UEFA REBOOTED 80s file if you need any guidance on it.
  9. If you check the pre game editor there is a drop down list of what conditions you want to include for FFP. I'll dig it out if I get a mo later
  10. Thanks for the very detailed explanation @rusty217, however there's a couple of things that just aren't right (and I still can't do what I'm trying to do!!). The Group Index 6 is Group 7. Index 0 is Group 1. I was having a play around with the settings to try and fully understand what things do. I set the extra fate places to read like so: I wanted to see if group 7 would be looked at to get the 3 places I had set for this test. As you can see it did take the 3rd, 4th, and 5th placed teams. So group index 6 is group 7. The number of Teams in Group box will only check for groups with that number of teams. So if 4 is there it will check all groups with 4 teams in. 5 will check groups with 5 in, and when I put 3 in, it could not find any groups with just 3 teams in so it did not pick a best placed team at all. I also realise why I was getting a crash when I put 4 in the Maximum Teams in Group To Check. After your explanation I realised that 4 teams would be asking for 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th positions in all the groups. 6 groups only have 4 teams , and 1 group 5 so that caused the crash as what I was asking for was impossible. So now I have a better understanding of what does what, I went back to the drawing board and used these settings: I was hoping this would work. It did check all the 3rd placed teams in each of the 7 groups BUT failed to deduct points from the team in the group with 5 teams. Oman had beaten Timor-Leste twice, 3-0 and 2-0, so their points tally should drop to 7. This would mean that Kuwait in Group 3 should have taken the final qualification spot. Highly frustrating, but I am not defeated. There must be something else I need to do to get this to work properly. Thanks for your input @rusty217, it has helped me to understand what is and isn't working. I think things would work perfectly if all my groups had the same amount of teams in. This is why I am convinced there is something else I need to be doing. I am going to sleep on it!! 🤔🤔😴💤
  11. It doesn't work. This was raised in the bugs forum months and months ago but sadly was not addressed. The fields are all in the editor but they are never activated in the game.
  12. Well I've spent alot of time on this and really would appreciate someone telling me if I have misunderstood how the best placed teams work when the group sizes are different. I assume that any points accrued against the 5th placed team are removed. So if the 3rd placed team has 13 points and they drew and beat the bottom club, for the purposes of best 3rd placed team they would have a total of 9 ? If I am correct then unfortunately there may be a bug which is stopping this working, as I keep getting a crash. This is what I have on the screen: The Last group index is group 7 which is the 5 team group. All the others have 4. Continual testing does not have the group 7 team ever qualifying when on occasions they should. I assume that that is because I have 4 entered in the box 3rd from the left. Therefore I can assume it is only checking for groups within the Index range that have 4 teams in. I believe the box to the left of that is the one to enter 4 into, as that would check the teams in the group up to a maximum of 4. BUT whenever I use that box the editor crashes on the next test. If anyone out there knows if I am doing something wrong to encourage the crash then please let me know. This particular issue is driving me nuts and I have been at it now for at least 2 weeks, and I DON'T WANT TO GIVE UP!!!!! ps thanks @rusty217 for pointing me in the direction of the Extra Fate Places area.
  13. Removing stage 2 totally seems to have done the trick. The down side of that is I don't get to see a third placed teams league table, but the plus side is I think it is working. I am testing alot to see if it is counting the group with 5 teams in because as yet the 3rd placed team in that group have yet to qualify.
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