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Posts posted by faldal

  1. On 10/07/2022 at 13:03, Sadiq said:



    Hi Wozzie, I had an issue on the top right where the play/pause button was transparent as above. The issue was due to Bundesliga games having different match graphics and overriding the skin's match graphic as the champions league and cup games the button was fine. I was able to fix it by creating a new folder for the Bundesliga games in the panels folders and just copying the revelant xmls.

    Can you explain in detail what folders you have created where and what files you have copied there?
    I have the same issue and it freaks me out. :)

    Nvm, I figured it out I guess.
    It is explained in this thread 

    Please let me know if I am missing something:
    I created these folders "skins\Tato22_v3\panels\match\comps\ger\bundesliga"
    and put all files from "skins\Tato22_v3\panels\match" in there. Looks like it is working so far.

  2. Same issue here, happens quite often and ruins the whole save.
    As fas as I can tell the other text says "Unknown" in every field.

    Already deleted but still not working:
    C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2021\Caches
    C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2021\Preferences

    With new save everything is fine.

    Here is my savegame where the error is happening.

  3. @michaeltmurrayuk I could not find anything in the "state-fm-Pitch-match_console_panel", the file did not even get re-created after deleting and re-loading the game. Funny enough, all panel states were still the same/were still saved. :D
    However, removing the widget from the nep2 file actually worked, it instantly set itself to what I set as default_item. Since I don't intent to use mgup in the nep2, this is good enough for me. 

  4. @michaeltmurrayuk Even with default skin it is still the same, having the panels folder directly extracted into the "...\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2021" folder.
    What I noticed though is that no matter if I clear the cache or even use reset -> all, the positions/settings of the widgets/panels are still saved/the same as before. So my question would be where these things actually are getting saved/cached?

    @NCFCRossky I had the same issue for the team stats panel.
    In "match team stats full top.xml" and "match team stats full bottom.xml" at line 30, I set the value for "default_view" to "moti".


    <flags id="default_view" value="moti" />

    Then clear cache, reload skin and upon the NEXT match, it started working for me.

  5. I have to correct myself, it was not the "feed" view/widget:

    So in the nep2 panel, no matter what I choose there, it will always go back to "mgup" aka "match_goal_update_panel".
    default_item is "prmC" but it does not really matter what I set there, I tried several other widgets, it will always go back to "mgup".

    I have searched through all files with notepad++ for the keyword mgup to see if it might have been set somewhere else but there is basically nothing that would interfere.
    mgup is not being mentioned in any other file than these listed in the screenshot.

    match touchline tablet slot nep2.xml

  6. On the left side the match stats bar (nep2) always jumps to Latest Event Updates when I want it to stay on Focus of Attacks or Shots.

    edit, only one issue remaining:
    "default_view" is adapted to the panels I want to have everywhere where I have these issues.
    "dont_restore_selection" and "save_session_state" are both set to true everywhere where I have these issues.

    For example in "match touchline tablet slot nep2.xml":

    <!--in-between highlights summary panel-->
    	<widget class="match_view_selector_panel" id="nep2" pause_match_on_menu_opening="false" default_item="foap" file="client_object/client object viewer selector match" colour="match accent" alignment="centre_x" navigation_container="true">
     	<boolean id="save_session_state" value="true" />
    	<boolean id="save_default_state" value="true" />

    Deleted cache and reloaded skin...still everytime the match between highlights panel closes (half-time, going to tactic view,...) and then re-opens, the nep2 is set back to "mgup" when it should be "foap".

    For clarification....
    I want it to stay like this:

    But it always switches back to this:

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