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35 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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  1. Yeah, training isn't something I've ever gotten especially into. I'm sure it could be done better, but the default schedules just seem to work fine for me. I'm sure others could point you in the direction of how to maximize that area of the game.
  2. I don't think so. I don't do anything special with the training side of things. I just make sure they're mentored and I'm conscious about giving them a good enough chunk of game time - using the reserves/youth or loaning them out as needs be. It's insisting because I don't struggle with the tackling, but do find it hard to get a decent header. Maybe that's our respective scouting and youth departments at play!
  3. I'm about a decade in on my current save and have well developed defensive players. One difference is how often I use them though. I don't rotate my CB as often as I do my attacking players (and sub them off less), so they get less minutes which does affect their development. I'm not sure if they applied to you at all.
  4. Could you post a screenshot of your tactic and of the players committing the mistakes ? It sounds like the exact type of problem that's been around for years and is often solvable through looking at the problem in context.
  5. No worries, like I say I'm no expert so I'm not just asking questions then saying I definitively know how it works ! My understanding of hold shape is that you'll be asking them to maintain their formation for longer which is counter what I believe you want. I think you could trial just not having either counter or hold shape ticked. With the dribbling, I think you just play and see. They're not going to stop dribbling completely so it depends if it's causing problems when they are. All you can do is select options to limit them doing it - their roles, team instructions, player instructions and traits. Maybe a solution to the dribbling and the Shaw issue would be too have Shaw play as a more traditional and attacking wb and letting him play to his strengths. The left winger is already inverted to leave that wide space (could ask them to sit narrower if need be as well) and could have the lcm position mount currently occupies as one which holds and is more static. Could just start with a CM support tweaked with player instructions and start from there.
  6. I'm hardly an expert, but there's a few things which stand out to me: Firstly, if you're looking to change your shape in possession why have you gone with the 'hold shape' instruction for transitions? Secondly, Fernandes and Mount might not excel in dribbling but it's not a single digit attribute and you're asking them to dribble less anyways to mitigate it. You can tweak it with player instructions further. The only thing is, I believe the Mez role will dribble more into the channels, so it might be something to consider if it's causing you problems. Finally, if Shaw has traits which will encourage him to do the opposite of what you want it doesn't make sense to make that change.
  7. Could you roughly outline your set up for this idea ? Mainly a formation/roles you've found productive. I'm currently toying with a 3atb. I'm looking to not use wb, so something like a 3-1-4-2 (or even better a single striker approach) is looking like my best bet, but I'm lacking inspiration currently. I'm naturally evolving from a 4231 where I've got an abundance of players in midfield and wide, but very few good Lb/RB options (and the good one I've got would fit playing further up).
  8. But that's the screenshot you chose to post, and it clearly shows that player isn't the best position. Do you have other (more appropriate) screenshots where you would expect the pass to happen ? Just to echo what has being said - the tactic really isn't set up to play through the middle. Look at your roles, your DM is staying back and your cm is moving out wide, whilst your wide options look too hug the touchline. You wouldn't expect there to be build up through the centre here. You roles don't suggest your looking for that. The 'play through the middle' team instruction isn't going to suddenly counter-act that. I'm sure you've already done this since posting, but if central build up is what you want you need to go start again with your role selections.
  9. Thanks for the reply @Cloud9. I know you don't have to use high intensity systems to succeed, it was just more that it's all I've been coming across shared so far. I've used them successfully in previous years I'm just lacking inspiration! Some useful points in your reply I'll definitely take on board: I liked the point about lower tempo/hitting early crosses so I might use that one as a starting point to build an idea off.
  10. I'm loving the FM24 beta, but I'm finding myself in a tactical quandary. I just can't settle on anything. Reading about for inspiration, I notice many tactics are high intensity (with the usual counter/counter-press/more or much more pressing combination ramping the intensity up) so I thought I might try to build a lower or mid intensity tactic to see if I could and give me some direction. I'd love to know if anyone has had any success/tips to help my starting point. I'm not committed to a team, I'll find and build one to fit once I've got some direction. Thanks
  11. My memory when reading about the new format is that teams with 4 or more teams in the group stage could play 1 game against a team from the same nation. 2 sounds like it could be a bug, but I could easily be misremembering.
  12. Are alot of people actually seeing this, or did one person post it and it's just being repeated ? Because it's only this one example I keep see being brought up. I'm not deep enough into my save to come across this yet, I've only had the initial window.
  13. @autohoratioI'm sure this is a daft question, but you are using a wide player further up the pitch, aren't you? I've seen the behaviour in the screenshot when playing last night. I've got an IWB on the left in a 433. The DM is a support DLP and the wide player in front is an IF attack. Edit: reading your post a bit more thoroughly, I might be wrong. I'm getting the behaviour you want but not as early as you're after. Ignore me maybe !
  14. Just to offer a contrasting point of view on that one, I've only actually conceded in 2 of my games and I'm winning 2 or 3 nil pretty consistently. Games vary in how many shots the AI get - I've had some with a few and one with lots. There's never been anything mysterious about the goals I have let in, each one has been because there's an opportunity to score (I haven't let in anything flukey at all yet).
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