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Gingerbread Man

FM Head Researchers
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46 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"


  • Member Title
    National League North & Northern Premier League Head Researcher


  • Biography
    National League North and Northern Premier League Head Researcher

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  • Interests
    Football Manager/Football/XBOX.

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  • Favourite Team
    Leicester City

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  • Currently Managing
    Kidderminster Harriers

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  1. Thanks but this is incorrect, Dan Flack is the player/assistant manager.
  2. I think that one is right, I used findmypast to check birth years and I have a Matthew Stenson born in Coventry in 1994, not 1995
  3. It's a dual registration. He's still a Blyth player but also plays for Bedlington when not needed at Blyth.
  4. Thanks @Timma you are correct, the rivals (and favoured personnel) were provided by the National League as part of the licensing process.
  5. Thanks @displaced_seagull I'll make sure all of these changes are made
  6. Thanks @tv_capper, he still runs the under 18s at Rugby, this is also shown on his linked in. Although I see from there he now has a UEFA B licence, so I've been able to update that thanks to your post!
  7. I'm not sure why that is showing as it is, as the data we have set is correct and has the hoops with a black number and white outline as shown in your picture.
  8. Thanks for raising this issue and thanks @xSEARLEYx for commenting, I've unticked "Stop Outside Takeovers", and this will be sorted for the next update.
  9. It's an interesting one really, I've always gone with the same guidelines and used the traditional name, but I can certainly see an argument for changing it, with the stadium only a few years old and the name has been there since inception, the name is now synonymous with the stadium. Deva Stadium is the Leap 76 stadium for this season, but I wouldn't have suggested we change that as it is only a season long deal. In this instance I'd lean towards changing it.
  10. Thanks. We'd like to add Smith's loan buy option but the figure is unknown and would tricky to guess. Jenkins loan is a short term loan. We only include loans up to and including September the 1st, otherwise this is classed as short term (Jenkins signed September 8th).
  11. He's been playing as a centre half for years now, and he still has a high rating for playing as a striker.
  12. This is not a data issue, as it is determined by the game which division Macclesfield are allocated. Try competitions Competition, Rules and Scheduling Issues - Bug Tracker - Sports Interactive Community (sigames.com)
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