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Everything posted by Sysynho

  1. Hi, I don't know how to explain further, I have put the custom schedules in the "schedules" folder but when I try to load them into the game the folder doesn't even appear. I haven't changed the way I do it since FM18 so I really don't know how to resolve this issue. I dont know how other people resolved it but if you have a clue, I'd gladly take it. Thank you.
  2. Hi, The issue is still occuring, is there any solution ? Thank you
  3. Can you please let me know how ? This issue has been bothering me since the game released
  4. Hi, Apologies for yet another reply but I am still struggling with this issue. Is there any solution ? Thanks
  5. Je viens de voir ça, merci beaucoup. J'ai tout essayé, depuis des .fmf ou depuis le workshop, je n'ai même pas l'option "importer" de grisée comme certains, il n'y a même pas le dossier "training schedules" qui s'affiche dans le jeu (alors qu'il est bien dans le dossier FM). Vraiment bizarre...
  6. Bonjour, Je me permets de rebondir sur ce topic car il m'est toujours impossible d'importer les programmes d'entraînement. Une solution a-t-elle été trouvée ? Merci à vous,
  7. Weird... Thanks for your answer anyways. I hope it will be fixed soon...
  8. Did you do something specific ? I deleted all my existing "schedules" files, unsubscribed, subscribed again but nothing happens still within the game. I can't load anything
  9. Oh, I didn't know that ! Thank you for the heads up, it does make sense now. I will just let the AM run it and focus on individual training then
  10. A bit oustide the topic, but could you tell me if loading the schedules worked on first try for you ? I tried everything and when I want to load the schedules from the game it doesn't even find them. It works with tactics, I can import them easily but somehow doesn't with schedules... I am a bit lost here
  11. Hi, did you find any solution ? I cannot seem to find any solution either :/
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