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84 "There's no crying in baseball"

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  1. Those are based entirely on stats/hidden stats iirc, so the easy answer is no, but you could try to investigate which traits are linked to which stats to train them and try to make a particular trait pop up, but i dont see too much sense in doing it. I think traits are useful mostly to know some extra info on hidden stats, you could know if inside of a mediocre shooting stat you have a high value on definition or longshots, for example.
  2. ah seems odd then, maybe win some time uploading the save so they can check it as soon as they see it?
  3. on the manager options, you probably have your 2nd loaning them in his duties, just turn it off and should be fixed
  4. nope, the selection is meant to save only the players and thats how it always worked.
  5. this has been a thing for years, why there isnt a way to disable auto saves at all? but anyways, you can still load your manual save if you use the "load save" option instead of the "most recent" one.
  6. What the title says, i already have my A and B selections saved and want to load them to change between league/cup games etc, but i cant cause each time i load one i lose any tweak i made on my setup and it goes back as it was when i saved the selection. Im using a Motorola G32 with Android 12 if that helps.
  7. gotta second this, first time it was cool to see the comparision but in the day to day makes lining up the team more clunky and tedious
  8. You will be able to play offline, just need to connect "periodically" as the FAQ says.
  9. I love this game and i have a lot of respect for how the team had worked on it since i started playing years ago despite the differences with the community. That said, im struggling really hard to understand this decision, i dont know how it can be seen as anything but pure greedy or a part of a bigger deal that doesnt care about the game at all, at least from the user perspective. Im already suscribed to Netflix and that means i wont have to pay for the game at all, but that doesnt even matter cause content creators i read, people i like to share my careers/tactics/challenges i play with and even people i run and moderate the ds server with already said they won't pay a monthly suscription that adds to more than x5 the value the game used to have to play it. Its really frustrating and i dont need to wait for the launch or a faq or whatever, it is already clear this will be a HUGE step backwards.
  10. just a heads up, playing on a new phone now, game works perfectly, not sure if its worth to keep this thread open if no one but me with my old phone was having this issue.
  11. Hey @Zachary Whyte, sorry for the late reply too, this issue had me without touching the game or entering this and other communities for too long sadly :(, so i just read your answer, udpated the game and tested it and yes its still there, if i can do anything to help fix this ill be glad to do it because it makes the experience too uncomfortable to play for me, its really weird cause it worked perfectly fine just before the winter update and the game still chooses the enhanced match engine when i first open it, so i guess its not an issue with my device. Let me know what can i do to help.
  12. I always played on the highest speed and after the winter update it feels too slow and the player circles dont move smoothly, been reporting it since the update came out but havent got too many answers, tried to deal with it but found myself not playing at all in the last month because of this, its annoying cause it worked perfectly smooth when it came out, not sure what can i do to help fix this . Using a Samsung Galaxy J7 Prime with 8.1.1 Android.
  13. Yes, now it doesnt matter if its on or off the game size fits the phone screen size
  14. i had this too several times, using a galaxy j7 prime with 8.1.1. os
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