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Earnie is God!

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296 "I mean, funny like I'm a clown? I amuse you?"


  • Biography
    Cardiff City supporter since the dark days of the early 90s

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    Sheffield, England


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    Football, Golf

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    LA Galaxy

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  1. The 3-5-2 has worked pretty well but sometimes we get caught out at the back so have also adapted it into a 5-3-2 with wingbacks. The issue there is that we occasionally struggle to break down teams so it needs more tinkering. Results have been exceptionally good And we've even got two players in the NxGn 50 Palacios I sort of expected to be in there but Saavedra surprised me. He's pretty good though and he was an absolute bargain at just £54,000!
  2. A new season and new signings = new formation. With a number of quality CMs now, I started using a narrow diamond 4-4-2 but then we had injuries to 3 of our 4 fullbacks I created a 3-5-2 formation with defensive wingers and we won the 1st game of the season 7-0! We struggled a bit in the 2nd match but came from behind to fluke a 2-1 away win. And it looks like I may have to stick with the 3 at the back as all 4 of our fullbacks are now injured I had signed two new FBs in the past month but let them return to their previous clubs on loan until the summer 😡
  3. Decent draw for the Copa Libertadores. We have a chance of getting out of the group but Gremio and Talleres both finished 2nd in Brazil and Argentina respectively last season so they are quality opposition Pre-season report makes us 2nd favourites for the league And that's mainly down to our excellent business in the transfer market. Those highlighted below were my 1st signings after joining last season. We've brought in a few freebie youngsters since but my main man is Rodrigo Dourado, a player I've admired for years Gonzalez and Munoz are two 18yo newgens who look promising but it's Dourado I'm most excited about although no idea why his value and star rating aren't higher
  4. Two poor defeats away to bottom four clubs put paid to our title hopes but 2nd place is still a great achievement considering we were 12th when I took over. Fernandez was brilliant up front, finishing with 23 goals, almost twice that of anyone else. A shame he's 33yo as he could have been superb for us for many more seasons. He has another year left on his contract which might be enough for youngster Kevin Cano to start filling that role. Girotti, the supposed heir to Fernandez's throne, simply hasn't done the business when given the opportunities this season.
  5. Could be going down to the wire although I see no more than the top 3 in the title race tbh, the others simply aren't good enough
  6. Youth Intake 2024 Well, it's not bad. One or two decent prospects but nothign special. Let's see how they develop We've ended up signing half of them on, this guy might just about be the best one
  7. We've shot up to 2nd in the table and if we can beat Colo Colo next, we'll go top
  8. A month or two later and we've won our first piece of silverware for nine years A thumping 5-1 win in the cup final over current league leaders and by far the best and most successful team in Chile, Colo Colo Although the prize money is pitiful... Just as I was about to moan about it, I saw this... Relieves a bit of pressure on our league position and these are healthy budgets they've just given us too We're currently spending £100k in wages so that gives me plenty of room to improve the squad. Hopefully will be able to find more youngsters like this; only cost us £600k too We are still unbeaten too which is fantastic. After the first few games, I wanted to change formation to something a little more solid so went with the 4-3-3 with a DM. It worked well in that 1st game, a 3-0 away win and they created virtually nothing against us, so I decided to keep it. 11 clean sheets in 15 games shows just how well it has worked. Not sure if I'll have to change it to incorporate our new signing Palacios above but I'll try and fit him in as a CM
  9. Maybe things aren't going as well as I'd have hoped, if this comment is anything to go by... But then again, perhaps he doesn't know what he is talking about... Not had chance to play much, been busy fixing up my new home, but will try and get some game time in over the next week or two. It's my birthday tomorrow so I think I deseve a bit of a break
  10. Just returned from a 3-week hiatus. The last day I posted was the day I was made homeless. Had to stay in a B&B for 2wks and my PC, etc went into storage. Thankfully, I managed to get a new flat this week and, although I have no furniture yet, I bought an inflatable armchair to sit on, my monitor is sat atop a cardboard box serving as a table and I have my keyboard and mouse on my knees That can only mean one thing... It's time to return to FM
  11. Two wins to start us off and then we had the youth intake preview which looks quite promising Well, at least in a few areas
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