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Posts posted by Oluf

  1. 10 hours ago, Experienced Defender said:

    Okay, here are my thoughts...

    You have only one attack duty in the entire formation, which is bottom-heavy at that. And even that one attack duty is given to a playmaker role, which means even less penetration. 

    Especially missing is central penetration. For a system with none in attacking and central midfield, your role and duty selection in defensive midfield is way too conservative (even for a weaker team, let alone Chelsea).

    A role such as CWB would make a lot more sense in narrow formations, where its freedom of movement can be utilized to full effect. But yours is not of that kind. For that reason, I would change both your CWBs into normal WBs. 

    A team instruction like Dribble less makes no sense in a tactic like yours, much less when the quality of your players is taken into account. In fact, Run at defense would be a lot better choice IMHO. 

    You are asking your players to work the ball into the box. Not only that the instruction can overcomplicate your attacking play, but it's also hardly possible to be properly executed with your setup of roles and duties. 

    Last but not least, just look at your out-of-possession instructions: extreme pressing + get stuck in + prevent GKD (plus all that under a high team mentality). Is it really necessary to be that much aggressive? No, it's not. It just means great defensive risk without any real justification.

    Now, taking all of the above into account, here is how I would tweak your tactic without changing the formation:

    Roles & duties


    IFat                                     APsu


    WBsu    DLPsu   VOLat    WBsu

    CDde BPDco  CDde



    Mentality - Positive

    In possession - play out of defence, slightly lower tempo & run at defence (to help reduce the gap between the defensive and attacking thirds of your setup)

    In transition - counter-press & roll it out

    Out of possession - higher D-line & more urgent pressing

    That would be my basic starting tactic. Everything else would be just small subtle in-match tweaks based on observations during matches (and only when is really necessary). 

    I cannot tell without seeing his player profile first. But based on what I know about him, he is too creative a player to have his talent wasted in that kind of role. If you want to use a RMD anyway, Werner would probably be a more logical choice. 

    I dont want to copy your tactic sinceIi want to make my own, but I have taken some of your setup into mine, what about this?


  2. 8 hours ago, Experienced Defender said:

    Especially missing is central penetration. For a system with none in attacking and central midfield, your role and duty selection in defensive midfield is way too conservative (even for a weaker team, let alone Chelsea).

    I want a double pivot. Would it help to push up kante and jorginho into centre midfield with DLP-s and CAR-s?

  3. 1 hour ago, Experienced Defender said:

    Apart from this trio, are you pleased with how your tactic performs in general? 

    I am asking because I've noticed some obvious flaws in your tactic, so I would be much more concerned about that than any individual player. 

    Please tell, I struggle hard with the tactic overall too (just lost 4-0 to Spurs). But I also want to get the best out of my front 3, does Havertz suit the Raumdeuter role? want him in the half-space :) @Experienced Defender

  4. 52 minutes ago, Prolix said:

    What problems are you having? 17 goals for Werner as the primary goalscorer and 8 each for Havertz and Mount as facilitators seems decent, depending on how far you are in the 

    This havent been the main tactic as i have changed alot, also Mounts goal are lots of freekicks.

    The problem is that i cant get Havertz and Mount to assist Werner.

  5. 16 minutes ago, Geoff Newman said:

    This is all supposition, so apologies, but I've always associated overlaps and underlaps to be related to runners from behind the play (e.g. deeper than the player in possession).  This might make it very difficult to get an inverted winger to be the underlapping player.

    To get what you want, I think you might need to give Chilwell an attacking mentality to encourage him to be further up the pitch. Stay Wider makes sense, and possibly Take More Risks, too.  Having Mount as a Trequartista might help, as I think it might be the only wide position which allows Move Into Channels PI, which is ultimately what your animation is showing.  Adding Stay Narrower and Cut Inside With Ball might help him retain some of that IW style.

    Thanks for the reply, im trying to implement a high press and if Mount is used as an Trequartista wouldn't it decrease his pressing? Same with Havertz on the other side, he is an AP (A).

  6. 3 hours ago, NotSoSpecialOne said:

    The Underlap TI doesn't make anyone perform underlapping runs. It increases fullback mentality, decreases mentality of the wideman in CM/AM strata and is also sometimes hold up the ball to look for runs being made on the inside.

    Role selection and the resulting space on the pitch is more important. Even if Mount picks the ball up wide and there is space for an underlapping run though I'm not confident a WB(Su) would look to exploit it. An IWB or Complete WB would be better suited to the task IMO

    Sorry if I confused you with my question, but I want Mount to underlap. So I have Mount on IW (s) duty, with stay narrower PI. So Chilwell can hold the width, and if he gets the ball then Mount will make an underlapping run for Chilwell so pass into.

  7. 3 hours ago, lfds89 said:

    In contrast to the overlap instruction, the underlap doesn't wait on someone to make a move, it just increases the likelihood of the widest player trying to find someone making a run on the inside, either the winger, wing-back or a midfielder.

    With those roles, it'll be difficult for Chilwell to underlap Mount. For that to happen, Mount should be a W/WM/DW and Chilwell a IWB.

    To replicate Chelsea's pattern is not easy. Probably with a mix of Early Crosses, Underlap and Pass Into Space.

    So if Chilwell is on WB (s) with stay wider PI and Mount is an inverted winger (s) with stay narrower PI, then Mount will underlap?

  8. 4 hours ago, Manutd1999 said:

    Awesome post :thup: I'm not sure FM works exactly like this in reality but it's a good idea. Also, droppping the deeper midfielders back to DM allows me to use one of my favourite roles, the Segundo-Volante. So maybe something like this?


    ------------SS(a) ------- AM(s)

    WM(s)------------------------------- WM(s)

    ------------SV(s) ------- DLP(d)

    ------BPD(d) - -- CD(d) --- BPD(d)


    Maybe put the DLP on support duty, if not the DLP and CB's may occupy the same spaces.

  9. I currently have a chelsea save where i try to make my own 3-4-3 (5-2-3 WB Wide) with inspiration from tuchels system. IRL Mount often drifts into the left side of the pitch in early build up, and then moving either inside or up the flank when Chilwell takes the wide position. If Chilwell gets the ball on the flank, Mount or Werner often make an underlapping run for Chilwell to pass the ball into.

    In game use Mount as an IW (s) and Chilwell as an WB (s).

    Is there a way to replicate this pattern in FM?

    If i use the TI Underlap left, will it then make Chilwell underlap Mount?

  10. Hello, im trying to fit chelsea into a 3-4-3 system but istruggle a bit. 

    I want to keep possesion but i dont know how, i have tried work ball into box, play out of defence and slower tempo, but still i always have less possesion then my opposition. I can neither seem to create an effective press nor create many chances. 

    Also Ziyech has stay narrower PI

    Any help would be appreciated :) 


  11. Hello, im trying to fit chelsea into a 3-4-3 system but istruggle a bit. 

    I want to keep possesion but i dont know how, i have tried work ball into box, play out of defence and slower tempo, but still i always have less possesion then my opposition. I can neither seem to create an effective press nor create many chances. 

    Also Ziyech has stay narrower PI

    Any help would be appreciated :) 


  12. 28 minutes ago, Experienced Defender said:

    Chelsea can definitely play in a 4231 and your setup of roles and duties looks quite decent to me.

    Instructions could be a problem though. You use needlessly too many of them and - which is even worse - they look somewhat incoherent,

    I would remove the vast majority of them and start with only these:

    - play out of defence

    - counter-press and distribute quickly

    - higher D-line, offside trap and split block

    Everything else would be left on default and then only occasionally small subtle tweaks would be made depending on the situation. 

    Thanks for the reply, i will definetly try it out. 

  13. Hey, I am currently using a 4-2-3-1 formation with my chelsea team (2nd season), and I am wondering if this foramtion suits Chelsea, or if another formation would suit them better? I tried 4-3-3DM a lot in the first season, but it didn't really work. Any suggestions?

    Also, is there anything "wrong" with my 4-2-3-1? (roles and team instructions)



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