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Posts posted by nickname1010

  1. I uploaded a save (name: 'Buy_down_salary_cap_bug.fm') where I can't buy down some players' salary cap. What I have observed is that I was able to reduce salary cap of few high salary players, but wasn't able to buy down salary of low cap players. In the particular save that I uploaded, 'Michael Davis', 'Roberto Carlos Garcia', 'Marcel Ruszel', 'Doug Lee' are some examples where I can't reduce their salary cap. On the other hand, I was able to reduce salary cap impact of 'Diogo Pinto', 'Ahmed Kadhim', etc.

    The horizontal scroller is stuck at the left most place, so I cannot reduce it further by scrolling it to the left.


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  2. 14 hours ago, Freddie Sands said:

    Regarding the salary cap impact of the $151k p/a player, any transfers costs divided by the length of the contract in years are added to the salary cap impact of said player. Would the transfer fee/agent fee/etc account for this additional $593k p/a impact?

    Ok, so you are saying that if the contract is

    • $4 million (= $4,000k) transfer fee
    • 4 years long
    • $100k loyalty bonus
    • $151k p annual salary

    Then salary impact won't be just $176k/a ($151k/a salary + $100k/4years loyalty). It is actually going to be $1176k/a (but limited by max salary cap which is $744k/year in my case), because 1 million which you get from 4 million / 4 years will be added to the salary cap as well as $25k from $100k / 4years loyalty bonus?


    Wow... I didn't know that.. and that does explain what I have posted earlier. I always assumed Salary budget charge would just be sum of player's salary + player's loyalty bonus, excluding transfer fee that my club would pay to the player's previous club.

    Since registration page does not show anything about transfer fee, it was difficult to figure out where that extra money was coming from.

  3. 15 hours ago, Haiku said:

    Hey, I'm not an expert with MLS rules, but I think you're wrong here. As seen in your video, the player you want to register is on Senior Minimum contract and is non-homeground. You already have 4 registered non-reserve and non-homegroun off-budget players, so he can't be registered as such and his salary counts towards the cap. When you clear the roster he can be registered because the quota is empty.

    You are right. I had more than allowed number of senior minimum salary players. I have encountered so many irregularities with MLS team registration, so I was very frustrated with what I had dealt with, so I was asking for help. Not to mention I had to resign my position 3 times!! giving up my progress with the team mid-season just because I was stuck in limbo state where I couldn't register player due to salary cap issue & the game doesn't let you proceed unless you complete the team registration.


    Is below my misunderstanding as well? I hired a new player as a regular senior player (Not designated player) with $151k/a salary on April/27/2023. The thing is that the player was injured at the time of transfer. As soon as that transfer got completed, my registration is messed up again. (Player injury seems to mess up roster based on my experience)

    1. The player's salary is $151k/a, but it is showing salary cap impact of $744k/a ?? (first screenshot)

    2. The player's contract page shows the same number, $151k salary but $744k salary cap impact. I could potentially spend $700k to reduce its salary cap impact, but I don't want to because I shouldn't need to do that in the first place. (second screenshot)

    3. I deselected everyone in roster, but salary cap impact still shows $4.95M ??. I cannot safely update registration or roster, and worse, if I don't have any general allocation money, I wouldn't have been able to reduce salary cap and my save would have been ruined again, and I will have to resign my position for the 4th time. (third screenshot)


    How can I clean reset this problematic player's salary cap impact? I don't believe MLS has a rule where all newly transferred players will have salary cap impact of $744k/a, which should only happen to DP.

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  4. Is SIGames reading this thread? When you post a bug to general discussion or other forums, they redirect users to this thread. However, there is no updates or anything in this thread from SIGames?


    Here is another bug where removing a player who is receiving Senior Minimum Salary does not update '10 Off-Budget Players', but it gets updated when you clear roster and add from scratch.



  5. Can anyone from SIGames at least explain why there is a huge gap between two numbers that I believe should be same?

    My guess is that

    1. number on the right (from info mark) only counts salary

    2. while number on the left counts salary + loyalty bonus. 

    Are above statements true? 

    If that is the case, I think info mark table at least should have a additional row that shows how much of royalty bonus amount are getting added to salary cap budget.


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  6. On 08/01/2021 at 15:47, Haiku said:

    Have you tried after the patch we received yesterday?

    Yes, this happened after the latest patch. 21.2.2.

    However, I kinda figured out why. 

    I was trying to add 5th Senior Minimum Salary (SMS) player to the roster. (MLS only allows 4 SMS players, and they are categorized as Supplemental roster player, so their salary don't count towards Salary cap budget.)

    However, as soon as I attempt to add 5th SMS (which isn't allowed per MLS rules), all 5 players' salary starts getting counted towards Salary cap budget, which is why you see huge jump in salary budget use. 

    However, because none of the above is very clearly shown in the game (e.g. If it clearly shows I am adding 5th SMS player which is not allowed, I would have figured out it much better.), most users will likely be confused like me and have bad user experience.

    If FM2022 can add another line showing # of SMS players that I have in my roster, that would be really helpful.


  7. Welp, spent $50 or so to buy first FM game in my life to play my local team in US.

    After spending 10 hrs or so and getting familiar with my team, I am facing this notorious salary cap issue that other guys in this thread mentioned. 


    I cannot make any further progress in the game because my player roster cannot be confirmed because of this arbitrary ghost salary that gets counted toward salary cap.

    Sad thing is that this same problem seems to have lasted in every FM series since years ago?


    Return window is closed (Steam/2hrs) and I cannot return the game. What a bummer.


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