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Everything posted by StozzleB

  1. What parameters do people base the fee on? I have no idea what sort of fee I should be getting for loans, often accepting whatever teams offer then get moaned at by the board, but I don't know what constitutes a good deal. Thanjs
  2. Thank you and others. I knew I'd seen it, and it's so annoyingly obvious!
  3. Hi, where can I see the height and weight of players? Not using a skin or anything, just standard. Thanks
  4. How do I best negotiate a sale? Seems like I always get low ball offers and any negotiation doesn't really get me anywhere. Often see on here others get much bigger fees than I am anywhere close to. Is there an art to negotiations? Thanks
  5. Evening all, Actually asking for a friend, but he said his laptop is "slow, like very very slow" and keeps dropping FM23. His specs are attached (I know nothing about computers). The laptop is brand new bought just to use FM. Any ideas? Thanks
  6. I had a mandatory fee included in a loan, but the loan was cancelled by the other team about a month from the end of the loan due to jot enough game time! Infuriating as I wanted him!
  7. Is there a way to praise training performance in bulk, as opposed to going through individually once a week?
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