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Hummingbird Saltalamacchia

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Everything posted by Hummingbird Saltalamacchia

  1. Just downloaded this year's mobile game and Netflix. I'm not sure if I should sign up to the £4.99 a month with Netflix so I can play this year's game or if I should just stick to the 23 version. I'm not sure if I want to pay close to £60 a year just so I can play this year's game which usually would only cost me under £10. Plus this year's game has minimal changes and I have read that there are still many things wrong with the game. What's everyone's experience with this year's Netflix game? Anyone sign up or did you just continue with 23?
  2. Not sure about anyone else but I don’t want to be playing as or coming up against Chicken Inn, Eleven Men in Flight, Botswana Meat Commission, Cape Coast Ebusua Dwarfs, Miscellaneous, Naughty Boys FC, Motor Action FC, FC Cuntum or Nyasa Big Bullets. All those are real African football team names for those who don’t know.
  3. The reviews on the App Store are poor also just like they are on the Play Store. I’m sure I’m not the only one who realises that I ain’t missing out on anything by not having the new version. The changes are minimum and the game has been released with crashes galore. I am curious as to how long it would have took the team to make the minimal changes they made to this years game, no way would they have worked on this years game for the last 12 months, the new colour scheme and a few small changes probably only took a few weeks lol. I can understand working on the game for 12 months if there were lots of changes. I’ve downloaded Retro Football Manager 24 so I hope this will be a good replacement for FMM. I’m not having a dig but I think the mobile team have had a mare with this years game what with the Netflix deal and releasing an unfinished game and making zero changes again. Just a suggestion for next years mobile game, do something different or add something fun to the game, you have a hundred or more things you can add to the game and have many possibilities. All we got this year was a Vidal Sassoon hairdryer.
  4. I’ll have to stick with FMM 23. I would usually be buying the new game about now but I don’t do Netflix but I’m certain the mobile team won’t lose many players this year with the switch to Netflix, it will probably only be a small minority who won’t be playing this years version. Will be interesting to hear everyone’s opinion on this years version though. When I looked at the new features for this years game there wasn’t anything that would make me want to buy it, nothing big or different or something fun or random like mind games with other managers etc, I was slightly interested in the in match notifications though, I believe there was a similar thing in one of the old Premier Manager games on the PS2, where if your team were struggling then your assistant would recommend to go more attacking or more defensive depending on if your were winning or losing and recommending taking a player off if he was tired etc. Wish the team well with this years version though and hope the sales improve, will be interesting to see what they do with FMM 25 if they don’t improve.
  5. I bet Vidal Sassoon will be happy that the Hair Dryer is featured in this years version.
  6. I would have to agree with others in saying the changes are minimal. I read about the new features and if this years game wasn’t available only through Netflix then I don’t think I would purchase it as there is nothing in the changes made that make me want to buy it or that make it a must buy, I won’t be purchasing it anyway plus I have barely played 23. I have supported the mobile team in the past and won’t criticise them and we all have to appreciate the fact that whatever they decide on doing some will like it and some won’t, it’s like anything else in life. But if sales are down then surely you would want to get sales up again by doing something big? And different? Maybe the reason sales are down is because of the minimal changes each year? If sales go down again with this years game then surely you can’t just make minimal changes for 25? I still don’t believe the mobile game is being pushed anywhere near close to its limits.
  7. Interesting reading the development blog. I wonder why the sales for the mobile game have slowly been declining over the last few years? If that is the case, is it due to there being minimal changes each year? Or maybe people are tired of playing mobile games? Maybe it’s a mixture of both? Although the mobile game is a fun game, the 23 edition I have barely played, maybe the mobile users want more I don’t know. I guess it makes sense what they have decided to do though, sounds like they want as many people to download the mobile game as possible and not just release the game each year knowing sales will continue to decline even more, having the game now available on Netflix you would imagine sales would be better and it opens the game up to a wider audience as stated. I see what Declan Barry is saying but games like Soccer Manager need to advertise and market their game a lot more than Sega have to with Football Manager which has been around for many years compared to Soccer Manager. Will be interesting to see how different this years game is compared to 23.
  8. This is an interesting debate and conversation. Also interesting to hear everyone’s opinions. I have purchased the mobile game every year since the 18 or 19 version. I won’t slag anyone off, Marc or anyone else that works on the mobile game, they work hard to give us an enjoyable game and although the game each year has minimal improvements, each edition has been an escapism for me while I have battled severe and chronic depression and suicidal thoughts and much more besides but this year I won’t be buying the 24 edition, I don’t do subscriptions and especially Netflix, also being someone who is unemployed, every pound is important especially in this day and age. I can’t help feeling that the majority on here who say they won’t play this years edition will still play it, look at FIFA, same game year in year out and everyone still purchases it regardless, people spend insane amounts on that game. I have said it on these forums before that they ain’t pushing the mobile game to the max, similar to how the game was on the Sony PSP, I still play FM on the PSP every now and then and it’s as close to bare bones as you can get. I say thanks to Marc and the team for the hard work they put in to each edition but I guess I’ll have to find an alternative now.
  9. Just browsing the App Store and I see this years FMM 23 is available to pre-order and apparently team talks are in. It says on the game description ......... Be the difference maker when your players need it most with the introduction of team talks. Get them fired up and inspired to win those three points. What are everyone’s thoughts on this? I’m 100% certain Marc or one his colleagues said they weren’t putting team talks in. I myself said team talks were needed and others on here did also, I know others didn’t feel team talks were necessary so it’s interesting to hear what everyone thinks of team talks being added to this years game. Interesting to see what the mobile team have done for FMM 23.
  10. I said previously on this forum that this years game is incredibly hard, just like last year's game, with that being said though I have been playing a lot of this years game over the last few weeks, I started my current and only save with La Nucia many many months ago and I finally just finished my first season in 7th place, missed out on the play-offs by a few points because my players were on the beach at Tenerife on the last game lol, I'm finding it to be okay now the more I play it. That's football though isn't it? A team can play well one game and the next not turn up, that's football. In my league most teams played the same formation as me, but even if every team had a different formation to mine I never changed mine, I just merely change to defensive or attacking, if I play a poor team I attack, if I play a better team then I go defensive or counter, play a team similar to mine then I try to control the game. I don't know how anyone can change their formation for different opponents, I just finished 7th and I had the same formation for every match. That is a thing I like about the game, dominating one team one game with all players getting 8's but then losing the following game where my players get 5's and 6's. Back to changing your formation for different opponents, I guess that would be very time consuming. I would say the most important info in the pre match report is if they play defensive or attacking, I literally only noticed this the last few weeks of playing lol, I do play in the dark so maybe I'm a bat lol, if in the report a team play defensive then attack if you have a better squad than them, if they have better players then counter or go defensive, I ain't attacking a team who have much better players than me, I don't actually pay much attention to their formation, I just look to see how good their players are. Took me time to work out that my team play better with direct passing as previously I wasn't having many shots with short passing. As you can see from my screenshot I only conceded 26 goals in the league, why do I say that? Well I never actually man marked a striker from the opposing team lol, even if he has scored lots of goals, furthermore I played a high defensive line all season, so I'm surprised I only conceded 26 goals. Try not to overthink it would be my advice, go with the flow. It took me a long time to work certain things out, once I did now I'm slowly getting better at the game, so next season relegation then lol. Good luck 👍.
  11. Coming up to the end of the season with La Nucia and literally just noticed that some of my players are disappointed with the amount of football they have been getting although they have almost played every game. I understand certain players being disappointed with their game time if they have only played a couple of games during the season but for a player to be disappointed with his game time although he has played week in week out is obviously a bit silly. Don't get me started on Fofo lol, he certainly lives up to his name, cuddly and soft lol, I am glad he is moving to Entella, I will drive him to the airport myself I think lol.
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