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8 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. The partey, trossard, raya is definitely on me but in comparison to the top playing times, their apps are pretty similar. also, a lot of the time - at big clubs- players with over 160 pa always ask for star player as its linked to "salary cap" based on that role. is rotating a big team impossible then, i know there are big clubs who rotate based off game importance irl and we dont hear of these problems with essentially half the starting 11 (maybe its my fault for more realism in that regard). while this issue has been somewhat resolved, the other problems is: talking to players: captains, coaches. and/or agents cant talk players out of their issues anymore and my experience as a manager in fm 24 is there's virtually no talking without being forced into a promise. this is a problem as whats the purpose of talking if you know you will, inevitably, be forced into making a promise.
  2. Players with the most starts at the club unhappy with playing time. my 2 gks playing times are both classed as "backup". the players have the most starting apps in comparison to the rest of the team and they ar estill unhappy. The screenshots, other than partey, raya, and trossard, the rest have been given great playing times and its only january. every time i've tried to talk to the player, i basically get forced into making a promise and even threatened by some to leave even though they get the most playing times at the club.
  3. Also, the visualizing tool doesnt change and changes wrong sometimes(like telling your player to attack far post for a deep free kick, visualizer shows them off the pitch).
  4. i'll keep updating this post until it becomes archived or it gets fixed. Zonal marking on defensive throw-ins dont work, doesnt matter what you set, the player push towards the edge and some of them end up marking nothing. y'all need to redefine what "player mark", "go back", and "zonal marking" mean; because the in-game description is different from what happens in game. Aerial defenders, blockers and counter attackers are properly defined but "trackers" do not follow their ingame description; they lose their marks, are terrible at anticipating runs of opposition and are seemingly a placeholder for anyone who doesnt fit into aerial defenders or blockers. it would have been better if y'all didnt give them a role because they don't do what the role says anyway
  5. also after a setpiece has been taken, especially with crosses; if the ai retains possession, the human players dont press or try to return to their original positions, they just stand there marking air
  6. ai defending throw-ins is great, humans defending throw-ins not so much. doesnt matter what setting you put, they still score, wide freekicks are terrible the "player-mark" and "go-back" still mean nothing as the AIs greatest box threats are virtually left unmarked everytime and you cant set any kind of zonal setting for it. decent improvement but still need changes that affect humans not just AI
  7. looking forward to the changes, even though the notes only mentioned taker lists and AI personnel. i'll go in openminded
  8. this save was made after the latest update i believe, since the previous frequency was too unnatural, i just deleted it and started a new one. the injury history list has the frequency of injuries and the gks who were injured all season. i just hope my case is an anomaly then but this is what i experienced over the course of a season after the new update
  9. bad luck for all your club gks at every level, and even on loans in incredibly odd. some players are unlucky with injuries and thats fine; i've had a player come back from a 9month injury, play 45mins and be unavailable another 8 months, thats bad luck. the game rotating your club gks injuries at every level and even to gks on loan is unnatural and not just bad luck
  10. 1) set pieces that involve passing are impossible to defend against. short corners, throw ins, even free kicks that are played on the ground have an incredibly high chance of ending up as a goal 1) Virtually impossible to defend throw in set pieces, the zonal marking does not work; players set for certain positions just stand there and do nothing regardless of what setting you put. its like rolling the dice whenever you set a set piece instruction. 2) the "trackers" are terrible at tracking, they ALWAYS lose their marks 3) nothing to do for free kicks, you can zonally mark, you can't set your A1s to mark certain box threats so another roll of the dice in hoping your tallest defenders are on the tallest box threats. the set piece creator was supposed to improve ease in creating set pieces yet we've ended up with every AI team virtually perfect at every kind of set piece (attacking and defending) there is. massive changes are needed; might as well bring back the old creator as i'd rather not understand the setup, download someone else's routine and have a reasonable time when it comes to set pieces; unlike this great gamble that is this new set piece creator. Fix it, please and thank you. you can choose random games in the uploaded save and more often than not AI exploiting the garbage that is this set piece creator. Even if you find something that somewhat works, all of a sudden there's another loophole in your setpieces. virtually a waste of time
  11. that sucks then, i still find it odd that its rampant even from u81 to senior team. i agree that the frequency is definitely less but the current frequency is still "unnatural"
  12. the number of injuries affecting my gks from u18 to the senior squad is incredible, even with a good number of physios. you can check the injury history, i still get reports of my gks on loan with injuries. i thought this was fixed with the last patch, my senior squad gk recently had a hand injury midmatch; the number of hand, arm injuries is something else. i hope this will be fixed with the next patch.
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