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Salvatore Musk

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Posts posted by Salvatore Musk

  1. 2 ore fa, XaW ha scritto:

    Ah, well, you have to use the pre-game editor and head into the advanced setting. There you can find a the league rules and set substitutes from there. That said, I'm not very good at using the editor, so you should probably ask in the editors section of the forums. There are better editors there than me that can guide you better.

    Thank you very much

  2. Sorry, I've been an FM player for years. We’re talking about a game that tries as much as possible to be realistic, right? So someone could explain to me why in the first season there are 5 substitutions per game and in the following season in Serie A there are only three substitutions? I don’t understand. Could you explain to me if there is a way to change this absurd thing? Thank you

  3. I am currently online on steam, simultaneously on the Mac Pro and on the ipad pro.  I bought the game on ipad, from the App store.  I would like to play it on the mac but can't find the game on steam.  He asks me to buy it!  Or he wants a product key that I don't know where to find.  I selected the synchronize option on the home screen but nothing happens.  It tells me to load the saved file that I am playing.  He tells me that he has successfully uploaded but nothing.  This is not very clear.  Help😩

  4. Hi, I would like an info please.  In fm20 touch when I simulated a match, that is, going directly to the result, afterwards I could not see the goals or the salient actions and not even matches of other teams besides mine, while in the basic version I could do it even years before.  Do you know if this can be done in the fm21 touch?  Thank you guys

  5. Ciao, vorrei un info per favore. Nel fm20 touch quando simulavo una partita, cioè andando direttamente al risultato, dopo non riuscivo a vedere i gol o le azioni salienti e nemmeno partite di altre squadre oltre la mia, mentre nella versione base ci riuscivo anche anni prima. Sapete se nel fm21 touch questa cosa si può fare? Grazie ragazzi

  6. Ciao, vorrei un info per favore. Nel fm20 touch quando simulavo una partita, cioè andando direttamente al risultato, dopo non riuscivo a vedere i gol o le azioni salienti e nemmeno partite di altre squadre oltre la mia, mentre nella versione base ci riuscivo anche anni prima. Sapete se nel fm21 touch questa cosa si può fare? Grazie ragazzi

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