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5 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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    Manchester United

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  1. So 6 games into the new season and I feel like all my tactical knowledge has just gone out of the window. 0 consistency and shipping goals for fun. Anyone else seriously struggling defensively? what the hell am I doing wrong this year? I missed fm23 so maybe I have a lot of catching up to do in terms of the ME.
  2. So I’ve just picked up this wonder kid in my intake who is 15 but plays at premiership level. Should I keep him in my U18s/ u23s for a while for physical and technical development, send him on loan or bring him into the first team for training but make him available for youth teams?
  3. Hi all it's been a while since I've posted here but I'd been playing my trade at schalke this year until United came knocking and I couldn't refuse. Im in season 30/31 and now have a team dominated by youth players and regens with a few of the old guard still knocking about. In my third season with us I'm doing really well in the league but Ive used a new system and the data hub has me a little confused when I'm trying to analyse it. So I've been looking at the data hub and my defensive statistics are a bit weird and could do with some help clarifying something. I play a high press but all of my defensive actions (87%) come within my own half with 30% at the edge of my penalty area. However I've got the fewest blocks and clearances per game in the league, the least goals conceded/ xg against but I've got an insane amount of interceptions per game. Does this tell me my press is effective forcing opposition to play long ? Or does it mean my press is terrible and I'm just being bailed out at the last minute?
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