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Posts posted by Monsieur-Beev

  1. Hi all it's been a while since I've posted here but I'd been playing my trade at schalke this year until United came knocking and I couldn't refuse.

    Im in season 30/31 and now have a team dominated by youth players and regens with a few of the old guard still knocking about. 

    In my third season with us I'm doing really well in the league but Ive used a new system and the data hub has me a little confused when I'm trying to analyse it.


    So I've been looking at the data hub and my defensive statistics are a bit weird and could do with some help clarifying something. 

    I play a high press but all of my defensive actions (87%) come within my own half with 30% at the edge of my penalty area. However I've got the fewest blocks and clearances per game in the league, the least goals conceded/ xg against but I've got an insane amount of interceptions per game. 

    Does this tell me my press is effective forcing opposition to play long ? Or does it mean my press is terrible and I'm just being bailed out at the last minute? 

  2. Anyone had a stab at recreating the 4222 from the palace game ? Been thinking about trying out Sancho more centrally given his technique and vision but not really sure how to go about creating the system in the engine. 

    I currently have him as ap(support) on the right wing and he's been very up and down rating wise but does seem to pick up that number 10 space quite well. 

  3. Hi all, looking for a bit of advice regarding my 433 at Blackburn. 

    I somehow managed to jump from 16th to 4th in the prem in my second season and while this tactic has been brilliant in the Champions League, 18pts in a group containing Juve, RB Leipzig and Zenit, I'm struggling to get consistent results in the league. 

    A lot of problems seem to come playing against 4231 wide and generally against the lower ranked sides. Any advice to improve the tactic would be greatly appreciated, I'm trying to play pass and move football as I don't have much blistering pace apart from Mousset up front. I've also included a picture of my second tactic for reference. 



  4. On 15/06/2021 at 22:26, Prince Vinsmoke said:

    I think you're right but McTominay has been solid for me as DM(S) averaging 7.2-7.3. I'll give him another season, maybe I just need to adapt my formation. Have you tried roaming playmaker for Pogba? I think he could be good there

    Yeah I play a midfield three with a dlp, mezzala and then change between BBM, rpm and advanced playmaker for the third depending on opposition etc. 

    Pogba is getting on a bit for me now, season 5, so hes slowly being phased out but he performs well as either of the playmaker roles. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Prince Vinsmoke said:

    Anyone got any chance with Declan Rice? I got him in my 2nd season of my new save and he's been average and below. I tried him in DM as DLP-D ou DM-D/S, in CM as DLP-D or S, he just can't get a grade above 7.00 in any game even when i'm absolutely battering the opposition. It's kind of disappointing considering the price you have to pay to get him. I don't understand. He's even supposed to be a "consistent" player. Consistently average maybe but I expected him to compete with McTominay, he's just not been cutting it in any save I've tried him.

    I've got him in mine and he performs well, mostly 7s sometimes better but he's had a couple of shockers. 

    In my experience players (non defenders) don't tend to get above 8 unless they score or get a couple of assists. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Prince Vinsmoke said:

    Anyone got any chance with Declan Rice? I got him in my 2nd season of my new save and he's been average and below. I tried him in DM as DLP-D ou DM-D/S, in CM as DLP-D or S, he just can't get a grade above 7.00 in any game even when i'm absolutely battering the opposition. It's kind of disappointing considering the price you have to pay to get him. I don't understand. He's even supposed to be a "consistent" player. Consistently average maybe but I expected him to compete with McTominay, he's just not been cutting it in any save I've tried him.

    I've got him in mine and he performs well, mostly 7s sometimes better but he's had a couple of shockers. What position do you play him in?

    In my experience players (non defenders) don't tend to get above 8 unless they score or get a couple of assists. 

  7. On 14/05/2021 at 09:29, sedge11 said:

    He looks incredible. But I don’t think there is a way around it, unless you don’t mind him kicking off and try and recover it from there.

    So far I've started games with him as af and then changed to DLF after kickoff, he seemed happy until he tore wrist ligaments and is now off for 4-5 weeks. Seems a bit much for a wrist injury but okay!

  8. Sorry for the spam guys, but appraising my squad coming into the new season and there's quite a few players getting on a bit (pogba, de tea, Maguire) and others nearing the end of their contract that won't accept a reduced role (vdb, Williams, tuanzebe) so I'm thinking now is the time for a bit of a rebuild. I've got a few players hovering between the ages of 18-21 who have the potential to be good replacements but would be immediate downgrades on the likes of poggers but I guess they have to start playing regularly sooner rather than later?

    How do people generally decide how to go about this without upsetting the squad and choosing who is worth keeping for experience etc?

    Im mainly worried about changing too much and results going awry.

  9. End of season 4 and it all fell apart in the last month. Lose away at Norwich to lose the league, then again to Norwich for the fa Cup final and then get completely owned by a Liverpool side that only a month before can't even get a shot on target against me. 

    How do I even begin to work out where it went wrong ?

    I know my club atmosphere has taken a hit because Goncalves has thrown his teddy's out of the pram over game time, is this enough to derail a season? 


  10. 2 hours ago, BigV said:

    100% would go for him even if im stacked, williams is meh as it is and backup RB's dont come along often in this version. Buy, see how he plays out after 2 or 3 seasons, get his passing up and jumping and that guy could be the next TAA. Also depends on your RB situation, if you used support and attack he's brilliant, defensive not so much. 

    I thought as much, he has a lot room to grow so I'll go for it. I use support mostly as well so should fit right in. 

    I just hate seeing academy boys go.

  11. Looking to bring in a new right back at the end of season 4. Williams doesn't want to sign a new contract, he doesn't like big matches and laird and wanB are playing well so looking to find the next big thing. Just looking for people's thoughts on this player before I pull the trigger. 

    The deal could potentially cap out at 40 million.

    Also anyone else picking up insane youth players in Eastern Europe ? It seems stacked on my save.





  12. On 06/04/2021 at 22:35, Chapman7 said:

    I just tested him and added extra grand or so with him being a coach is enough to accept lol and one of the best? On mine he only has 12 defending lol 


    I had no idea coaches attributes could change! Is there anyway to see their potential? 

    Also bizarre that Joyce only has twelve, he's rated 19 for defending on mine but I'm paying him more than double my other coaches.

  13. 43 minutes ago, BigV said:

    He can when the oppertunity arises, you'd probably get more using CF-A as its more fluent in positioning whilst also doing the DLF job, Haaland is the perfect fit for CF imo.

    You can still press but the LOE is where players will press from, dropping it down to Higher/Standard gives the opposition more room at the back to play the ball, giving them more room pushes them forward a little which enables you more space when you win the ball back which is advantageous as you can create more. 

    Thanks for the explanation! I'll try dropping it down a level.

    Do you think swapping the DM to a Half back and giving my wingbacks more license to roam would help the build up ? Or would that affect defensive solidity too much?

  14. 3 hours ago, Vizzini said:

    Try dropping the LoE and DL to create more space for your forwards to run into when regaining possession OR change the striker into a DLF-A.

    Thanks for the reply! Will the DLF-A still play on the shoulder if he has the tries to beat offside trap trait ? 

    I'm reluctant to drop the LOE as the club want me to play pressing football or can this still be achieved ?

  15. Into season 4 after our treble win and I've brought in Haaland at striker and skriniar at centre back for the first team with rice joining as DM cover. 

    Start of the season has been a mixed bag with the majority of goals coming from scrappy play or set pieces. I was just wondering if anyone had any advice regarding my tactic to create more clear cut chances from open play.

    I'm struggling to decide whether the problems are just stemming from new players bedding in or whether the tactic itself needs reworking to accommodate them.



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