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9 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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    Newcastle United

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  1. That's enough, I'm bored. I've decided not to play until Football Manager makes a decent game. No player on the team cares about my instructions. Even many of my opponents with very simple players can easily stop my best players by marking them, but my players can't do anything. Unless you understand the logic of artificial intelligence in this game, you are nothing and computer-controlled teams can play well even if they are very weak teams because they know this match engine very well. The instructions in no way work as written in their descriptions, even players who have the ability to execute an instruction act ridiculously on the field. The player named Nketiah, who knows nothing but running, is constantly running behind my defense, but my player named Isak is just waiting on the field like a statue despite playing Advanced Forward. There is no mentality or team instruction that I haven't tried, I applied them all. Arsenal's Inside Forward players can move around the field in narrow spaces as they wish, but they still prefer to stay in very wide spaces, even though I have given "stay narrow" instructions to my Inside Forward players from both team and player instructions. In addition, these players are very active, they constantly come up to their own defense and play with the ball in that area, and they come to my pen by walking from the back. Did you play hard against these players? It didn't work. Did you play soft against these players? It didn't work. Did you make a mark? It didn't work. There is nothing else to try. This doesn't just happen when I play with Newcastle United. I have similar issues when I have a Manchester City and Arsenal career. The team turns into a complete scrap heap in my hands, whereas I don't use any unrelated instructions and roles.
  2. But I used Di Marco in a defensive role. Also, although Martinelli has very low marking ability, he can run to the defense and get the ball from my player. It's impossible for him to mark so successfully.
  3. Sometimes I think opposition instructions don't work. I manage Newcastle United and I have Federico Di Marco at my left back, my opponent is Arsenal and a left footed Bukayo Saka on the right wing. I choose "Show onto right foot" for Saka from the opposition instructions, but during the game Saka starts to use his strong left foot much more and comfortably. I also couldn't understand how the "mark specific position" instruction works. What the person in this link said made a lot of sense to me, but I observed that it did not work like that at all during the match.
  4. Wouldn't it be difficult with players with a slow defensive line and very low aggression ability?
  5. I started my career at Newcastle United and transferred many new players to the team, but my left-back Federico Di Marco does not attack in any way, despite playing the WB(a) role, he lags far behind when attacking. I use left wing Pedro Goncalves in the role of IW(s) and instructed to play in the narrow, but I'm having this problem even though it doesn't interfere with Di Marco in any way. Also, I can't get full efficiency from Pedro Goncalves. He doesn't run into the box at all, even if I play Isak as DLF(s) in the forward. Just in a very fluid team fluidty, my players are running to empty areas, other than that they don't move too much. We cross the penalty area many times every match, but there is no one inside who can shoot. Although I use Guimaraes in the box to box role in the midfield, I can never see him near the penalty area. I'm sharing my team with you so you can see where is wrong with roles and instructions. Now you will tell me that my players have very good ratings, but my players made these statistics in the first 2-3 games
  6. I got it now. Dude, I'm Turkish and the Turkish translation of this game is terrible The description of these two instructions also tells me they function the same. Thank you bro.
  7. I mean, not what they mean. Why are there two different instructions that do the same function? Aren't the lowest tier of the left instruction and the "drop deeper" instruction on the right exactly the same? If so, why are there two of the same instruction? In one of the instructions here I can set up the defense high and in the other I can set it up deep at the same time. If the two don't function differently, that's ridiculous.
  8. While I can set my defense higher in one instruction, I can also set it deep with the other instruction, and these two instructions do not interfere with each other. Isn't that so silly? I've been looking at the descriptions of the instructions and I can't see a difference in either, they say pretty much the same thing.
  9. Obviously, in this game, you can make players do whatever you want (at least many things in your mind), but you can't because you don't know the algorithm of the game. As I said above, since all computer-managed teams know this algorithm, what instruction and role does what, and how it is used, opposing teams can do many things better. I am looking at the summary of the matches played by Manchester City in the game, the players can stay in very large areas and suddenly run to the center (it doesn't matter whether the opponent's defense is crowded or not), so it is possible to do this in the game, but I don't know how. If I had a league for tactical testing, I could try more easily, but unfortunately I couldn't find such a thing. How can I find such a league, does anyone know?
  10. Of course I don't want it to go offside, I just find it unreasonable for someone playing RMD to be this wide. It needs to stay in a slightly narrower area, but it doesn't do that. It is irrational for Reus to stay in such a large area when the opponent has created such a big space in the defense. Frankly, I don't think the striker, who only plays as a PF, will prevent Reus from running. The thing that makes me think the most is that computer-controlled teams can attack many players in the same area with the tactics they use, so this is something that is possible, but I can't. There is probably a problem with the tactic but no matter what I do I can't figure it out.
  11. He only has move into channels, play one-twos and likes to round keeper traits.
  12. Is that Raumdater's mission? I don't know if the link is shared on this page, but could you please take a look at this. Reus did not go in until our attack was over and he always wanted to stay wide, but Müller, who plays the role of RMD in the video I shared this link, tries to enter the penalty area at every opportunity. Is the only reason he can do this because someone plays the F9 role of the forward? Reus has the ability to "Move into channels", while Müller does not. Reus acted like a playmaker throughout the game. I also tried it in the role of IF (S/A), the result does not change. I've tried all the instructions you can think of play narrow, play wide, take more risks, roam from positions etc. A few seconds before the first picture I shared. He's trying to play in a wide field too much. Can't Reus run into this "HUGE" space? Can only one player playing the role of PF prevent this?
  13. What is the problem with these roles? In no way do they run into the opponent's penalty area. Take a look at this photo, I'm going crazy as I look at the photo. There is a huge void in the area where Reus is, but he doesn't even try to run into that void. There is no team instruction I haven't tried, there is no formation I haven't tried. I take a look at the tactics that publishers are making and see that these roles work for them, but why don't they work for my tactics? I'm instructing my team to "play narrow" so I'm aiming for my IF and Raumdaters playing on the wing to run more from the centre, but it doesn't work. On the contrary, I instruct my team to "play wide" so I try to stretch the opponent's defenders and create space, but that doesn't work either.
  14. 14- Or the players around Shaparenko are not playing effectively. Maybe they were able to find more space when they were positioned behind, but when they moved to the AM region, they couldn't find as much space as they used to because they were closer to the opponent's defense. Barbosa's consistency is not good at all, but maybe it's my fault. Because since the day I transferred, I have used it more often in the roles of DLF and F9.
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