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Everything posted by RickyKosta

  1. True... Since 14.3 this is a issue... In 14..3.1 still the same
  2. Last season i win man city by 4-0 and 7-0 because of no rotation of players . This season, and in the same save, Barça did almost the same.. this should be fix in some way.. or the AI put low training in most used players or rotate players.
  3. Yes this happen since the start.. if you want to level up put in bettes 8 to 12 and it drops 4 to 8
  4. Editor is working after update 14.3.1 Thank you very much. FM teams never disappoint!
  5. Hi again. I don't think the issue is with the ingame editor itself. More like the database and the IA. Mentorship program with failure. Or the mentoring only last 2 to 4 weeks and the kids gain mental ( hidden attributes) or it last until the end with no mental but with unrealistic attributes like agression and leadership. Training players its hard to level up or they go insane. Defenders heading and position. Central midfielders gain a lot of tackling and position no speed no resistance and overpowered in strength. Kids: Because of this i am training in speed and resistance but some don't get technical attributes if I don't do this they end up with, let's say a inside forward, 12 speed, stamina and strength and 20 crossing 17 dribbling etc etc. And many other things related to training... Seeing alot of goals scored by injured players or bench player that don even go to field. B teams players don't grow even if the play in national competition or if they are loan out. Reserve team have better train for growing players. This teams don't have staff leaving the 4 main staff to deal with lots of players. Always receiving messages from assistant manager to loan them out to gain game experience even if the b team is playing on second national league and if I loan them out it's the same because they are in reserve. Also in b teams if you have a player in loan you can't play with him. You can't move also this loans to first team and the same if you loan them out you can't move them. B teams useless. Portuguese teams after 2027 with financial issues many but many teams goes out of national competition. Managers put players in game very tired.. i just win man city 7-0 all aí uses the players until they get injured or with low attributes because they don't rest. World cup with many injuries.. Mexico win 3 times in 3 different saves. No worries just to get the example of no resting players. hope all this helps. From the one that plays this since commodore amiga 500. Chears. I love this versions of mobile reminds me championship manager england and Italy.
  6. Hi! Thanks for the reply! I notice also the mentor is also with big many players end the mentoring with 2 or 3 days... The ones that don't terminate the mentorship just put endless lidership and agression... I also notice in central defenders the attributes of position are very hard to level up.. maybe it's not the editor but the attributes that the IA block.. or in the full backs with crossing or passing. Idk.. but it seams to me know that is not related to the editor it self sorry my English not my native language
  7. Hi. The in-game editor stopped working. No changes in players stats. In screenshots a little example of modification of strength and stamina.. totally random just for example. Uninstall game and reinstall and it's the same.. not working.. oh and modify other attributes that I don't edit
  8. Hi guys. My in-game editor stopped working after update. I uninstall the game and reinstall and no go. I saw on external foruns that some people have the same issue. Needs fix. Edit: add 2 shots were i modify strength and stamina of a player and the final result... Nothing changed
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