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Issue Comments posted by RickyKosta

  1. Last season i win man city by 4-0 and 7-0 because of no rotation of players . This season, and in the same save, Barça did almost the same.. this should be fix in some way.. or the AI put low training in most used players or rotate players. 





  2. 2 horas atrás, SamHessering disse:

    Yes it works, but not perfectly! For example, I wanted to set the creative value from 5 to 7 with my goalkeeper. The result was then 1 🤷🏻‍♂️ 

    Other values work. I only tested it briefly at work. Will try again later 


    Yes this happen since the start.. if you want to level up put in bettes 8 to 12 and it drops 4 to 8

  3. 4 horas atrás, Ewan Aiton disse:

    Hello @RickyKosta. Thank you for raising this issue. We are aware of this issue and the development team is currently investigating.

    Hi! Thanks for the reply!

    I notice also the mentor is also with big many players end the mentoring with 2 or 3 days... The ones that don't terminate the mentorship just put endless lidership and agression... I also notice in central defenders the attributes of position are very hard to level up.. maybe it's not the editor but the attributes that the IA block.. or in the full backs with crossing or passing. Idk.. but it seams to me know that is not related to the editor it self


    sorry my English not my native language 

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