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Posts posted by RickyKosta

  1. Someone is Lost! 😂

    Anyway just a fact, CR7 Said is going to retire at the age of 40 and if at 40 he thinks is body can handle more he is going to 42.

    About This new update, we have a new Freddy Adu! Yeah sometimes i just Turn the PC to grab that little dude!

    For the all that i read in This topic, i understand now that FMM is not going to be the FM and actually makes sence. Im starting to like the game as it reminds me the old CM that i played in Commodore Amiga 500 or the first FM for PC ..Blain Elifoot lol! Was the game that got me into This. 

    I understand Lars with the issue of set pieces but i work arround that with a saved tactic. I use 3 in game só wend i wanna do changes i just load the saved One.. meaning that i have always the players in the position that i want.

    Height..  well i understand Lars again in This.. i can make an example of a great Portuguese central defender Miguel Vítor the dude is smal for a CB and never got his carrear done in big clube or National side... But we can make another example of the oposite with another Portuguese CB that is tall enought Rodrick Miranda from Wolfes the dude is not good lol!

    Anyway i like to read This One! Sorry the English dudes! 👍

  2. 3 hours ago, Marc Vaughan said:

    There are a LOT of complications in doing this within FMM to do with:

    • User Interface (ie. how do you switch between users and such).
    • Code structure (a lot of the codebase has been built with only a single user in mind)
    • What do you do when there is a match day and both people play at once (even more so if they're both in the same match

    So to conclude - its possible we'll add this at some point, but because its an option which only a minority of people would utilize it'll be fairly low priority (and thus unlikely to happen in the short term because the benefit to users versus time required isn't a great ratio).

    Meh! Ok those are good points.. i will wait!

    Ty for the Reply Dinausaur! 😂

  3. Hi! Ty for the Reply! Do you guys need Help? I mean i try other teams in Portugal that have reserve teams with alot of good results in training that the ones that have B teams! .. at This point i just loan out all players that i have in b teams... It sucks seing the b team relegated Over and Over again until its gone of national comps.

  4. I would like to see a pregame editor, you can make as separate APP i would pay for that for sure! 👍

    Also ingame editor is kind of buggy... If i Change One atribute the editor Change others.. i dont want that and i belive Many as me dont want that also. Just the fact of removing a injury the editor Change stuff.

    Please add hidden atributes also. We pay for a editor! ✌️

    Option to add rich chairman to other teams

    And for last, instead of stars rating show the atribute rating like 0-199. 

    Also wend we edit some atributes please show if the changes are in range of player. Lets say i have a player with 80 with the range of 130 before i aplly my Change the editor should say if it is in 130 range or more

  5. Hi! So i am portuguese. So i play alot in Portuguese league. I noticed that b teams are useless in FMM. No coachs no manager, players dont grow. I tried in Many teams that have a B team. In Portugal B teams play on national comps. So players should have at least game experience. Others thing, the rare B teams that have a manager, if This One is sacked.. well no more manager forever! Lol! No coachs. B teams are not reserve teams! And speaking of reserve teams, portuguese comps dont have reserve teams but have U23 comps.

    Thank you!

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