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4 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. Thanks for your suggestion, i've had an attempt on making a natural 3-2-5 as in starting formation of a 3-2-5 which worked successfully and now looking to attempt another type of tactic. I've must've seen an image and thinking of different ways to form that 3-1-6 in possession.
  2. ive got this idea of trying out a 3-1-6 formation in Football Manager. I'm all ears for any of your experiences, suggestions about how i could set/make this work. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks It starts as a 4-2-3-1 --> 3-2-5 --> 3-1-6 Tactic: Team instruction: Attacking/positive mentality; Much shorter w/ slightly lower/higher tempo, focus through the middle, Widest width, work into the box, counter press, roll out to fullback & centreback, High line of engagment and defensive line, max press and step back. Play instruction: IW(stay wider, hold position), CM(A) (Move into channel), Treq (Stay wider) SV(A) (Get forward, move into channel), WB(Automatic) (Hold position, stay wider), FB(D) (sit narrower, dribble less). Back three have close down less. Reason why i didnt play with the CAM (AM-S) is that i notice that it would go into the channel where the SV should be at, even try use hold position but would still position himself there.
  3. So this what I'm currently using but im trying to replicate a 3-2-5 shape in possession but i don't know if the tactic is doing great or im just lucky/clinical
  4. Off topic but anyone know how to make a 442 into 3-1-4-2 in possession. I tried two ways to produces: 1) Using narrow formation but wide width PF/AF -------------TQ Mez(s) (Cm-S stay wider) Hb(d) (Regista) Wb(s). CD CD Wb(s) Both Cb stay wider. Told 2 central midfielders to man mark fullbacks but they didn't so changed my approach to this 2) PF/AF. TQ Wp(s) IW (S/A) Hb Reg Wb(s) Cd Cd (WB(S) Problem was that there wide players didn't tuck in enough as I wanted to and both started wide during the build up. You guys have any suggestions?
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