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Posts posted by eddygodwin

  1. On 17/08/2023 at 11:30, julle17 said:

    I understand the preference of setting up a system in a 4-3-3 or 4-2-3-1 or anything of that ilk, and have that transform in game to 3-2-5 and 2-3-5 like pep, arteta and many others do in real life. I also really want that to work, and while i have had some succes getting the ingame movement i want along with good results, the closest representation i have been able to get of what i wanted was just to simply put that formation i wanted in the tactics creator. I wanted us to attack in 3-2-5, so the formation i chose to go with was this.

    I've elected to sacrifice my off ball structure being how i would have wanted it to be the most, to get the exact offensive movement i was looking for. 
    Not saying you cant try it the other way, just another option to consider.

    Thanks for your suggestion, i've had an attempt on making a natural 3-2-5 as in starting formation of a 3-2-5 which worked successfully and now looking to attempt another type of tactic. I've must've seen an image and thinking of different ways to form that 3-1-6 in possession.


  2. ive got this idea of trying out a 3-1-6 formation in Football Manager. I'm all ears for any of your experiences, suggestions about how i could set/make this work. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

    It starts as a 4-2-3-1 --> 3-2-5 --> 3-1-6


    Team instruction: Attacking/positive mentality; Much shorter w/ slightly lower/higher tempo, focus through the middle, Widest width, work into the box, counter press, roll out to fullback & centreback, High line of engagment and defensive line, max press and step back.

    Play instruction: IW(stay wider, hold position), CM(A) (Move into channel), Treq (Stay wider) SV(A) (Get forward, move into channel), WB(Automatic) (Hold position, stay wider), FB(D) (sit narrower, dribble less). Back three have close down less.

    Reason why i didnt play with the CAM (AM-S) is that i notice that it would go into the channel where the SV should be at, even try use hold position but would still position himself there.

    Screenshot 2023-08-16 at 19.06.31.png

  3. Off topic but anyone know how to make a 442 into 3-1-4-2 in possession. I tried two ways to produces:

    1)       Using narrow formation but wide width

                              PF/AF -------------TQ

                           Mez(s)              (Cm-S stay wider) 

                           Hb(d)                (Regista)

    Wb(s).       CD                                       CD              Wb(s)

    Both Cb stay wider. Told 2 central midfielders to man mark fullbacks but they didn't so changed my approach to this


    2)                      PF/AF.                     TQ

    Wp(s)                                                           IW (S/A)

                           Hb                         Reg

    Wb(s)    Cd                                  Cd                 (WB(S)

    Problem was that there wide players didn't tuck in enough as I wanted to and both started wide during the build up. You guys have any suggestions?

  4. 3 hours ago, Luizinho said:

    Is there any specific scenarios where you'd go for a 3-2-5 over a 2-3-5?

    I guess it give greater protection to counter attacks but you lose the numerical advantage in the midfield...

    Yeh i get what you mean but you would do still get a numerical advantage when attacking the final 3rd and like you said better protection and can change depending on the opposition + easier passing option/passing angle when getting pressed imo.


  5. 10 hours ago, crusadertsar said:

    But on the upside, we finally have a False 9 on a higher mentality than "Balanced". In my current formation with False 9 the role is playing wonderfully because he is on "Attacking" individual mentality. I rather they not change that. It was so frustrating never being able to get him to any mentality higher than balanced and the role suffered as a result. But I agree seeing AMC (S) on very attacking individual mentality kind of goes against the point of the role.

    Can't they add a feature where we can switch between mentalities for each role? 

  6. On 25/05/2021 at 19:23, Cult of Football Manager said:

    Thanks mate I appreciate it!

    I did straight away after but I thought I'd do something a little different so I've been spending time on another recreation. I don't know if I'll have time to post it on here in written format will more then likely be a video on Youtube. 


    I might save Pep's Barca for FM 22 

    How would you set it up? I'm thinking to use a cautious mentality with tenacious pressing (TI: much shorter, POD, low crosses, dribble less, overlap left&right and focus down the left, Counter press and hold shape). (PI: CB stay wider, Wingers to stay wider, SS  roam from position).

    IW (A)                                SS/AP(A)?                            IF(S)

                            Mez (A)                     RPM/DLP

     WB/IWB(S)                           HB                                  CWB(A)

                                   BPD                     CB


  7. This is how i setup:            


    IW(s)                             TA                            IW(s)

                       Mez(s)                    B2B(s)


    IWB(D)                      BPD(C)                  IWB(D)

                                     SK(A) (Roll out specific to BPD) - i see less of the ball getting booted out 

    Screenshot 2021-02-07 at 18.02.42.png

    Screenshot 2021-02-07 at 18.15.40.png

    3-4-3 Cruyff Total Football.fmf

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