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45 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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  1. That is true. But still, whether players from the bench are not as good as first eleven, but they are fresh. And isn't acceleration affected by tiredness? Like, you know trait "knocks ball past opponent", and if a fresh attacker does that, it could mean that the tired defender just can't stop him WITHOUT a foul. Those are (or should be) considered as tactical fouls, and it means a warning. Do you feel that in FM there are realistic number of these? If there aren't enough of these, it means that the math in game AI isn't good enough. IMO What do you think?
  2. What I meant was this. Whether DEVs are happy with the way they have implemented fatigue in this game. Like, if there are two equal players and the other one is fatigued and the other one is a fresh sub, and they are having one on one situation, will the difference in freshness show in FM? I'm not an expert, but I think that the biggest difference would be in acceleration. And so it should or could also show in the amount of warnings. And the same way there was this chaos with GK injuries last autumn, also this fatigue issue COULD have something to be adjusted. But, IDK.
  3. It is a bit weird how people have so different opinions on this issue. Maybe it would be best if DEVs explained all the info they have, and why they have made these solutions (in the game engine). And if they are happy with it.
  4. I think that this is one of those old questions left unanswered. But, if so many of us, players, have thought this, there must be something in it. Because I would like FM to be a simulation, so SI should analyze statistics. Are players as fast near the end of games as in the beginning, amount of fatigue related injuries, aso. This might also be caused by SI concentrating on top leagues. There players might more likely be able to control their fatigue levels. Those of us who like to manage in League Two or lower, or in lower leagues using mods, might wonder this fatigue thing even more. What I am afraid the most is, that those math equations in the game engine just might be too complex or even too complicated. So, that making only LITTLE adjustments could change game a lot. And therefore SI would be unwilling to adjust these. Or, what the h*ll was that what happened with GK injuries (when FM24 was launched)? What is the truth, IDK.
  5. Before adding, were those other logos OK? If not, do you have any other graphics mod that works OK? And, BTW, there are BIG logo packs for free. If your team is an existing one, it most likely is included already in some of those... I have used this one Metallic logos.
  6. I think this is the best choice to be used here. Aren't these exactly selling access into information about players? And if we don't have a scout knowing certain area or countries, then using an agency like that could be a possibility. Now in FM we would have to change scouts...
  7. That question of money is not that important right now. I used double expenses just because usually bought services are more expensive than those made by your own... So, expenses can be adjusted. More important is whether there is a method of scouting lacking in FM. Do you think this would be necessary thing? And, remember, in FM there already are those agents that offer their players to your club. This would only be a way to "ask" an agent or an independent scout to offer his/her players...
  8. This game relies on the top leagues. And those teams there have a lot of resources - like scouts. In many countries. What about teams a few tiers lower? Or from smaller countries? Could there be a new way to "scout"? In this method team buys services from a scout or a scouting company. That scout or company has its list of counties it knows. For instance. A team from a smaller European country tries to find cheaper, but skilled players. In Africa there are a lot of them, and a lot of them want to come to Europe (bigger wages!). Team buys a service like this - send us four midfielders from country X for a try-out. They all must fit into our first eleven. Why this suggestion? I'm pretty sure that many smaller European teams don't have their own scouts in Africa. Still quite a lot of players come from there. So, there has to be a way to get "extra" scouting services. How much would it cost? Maybe double compared to using your own scout.
  9. That's understandable. But, us, players could even use only fantasy leagues with fantasy players, if the game AI and the match engine would be "perfect" otherwise. Do we (read: modders) get those tools? For me it would be OK, if the match engine works like a "black box". BUT, could there be any way to build a system to enable adjusting the input data? What I mean is this - when in match there is a sliding tackle, the probability to an injury could be increased using a difficulty slider. Injuries +2. There could be a bunch of sliders in options. This need of difficulty setup is something that has been here in Discussions many times. I think there should be one. It would help younger and unexperienced players to get started with FM, and it would enable hard core managing for football manager "wizards". Are there tools for this? Then, the game AI. Again, there should be difficulty setup possibilities. And, in the first place, SI should test game AI, and try to find anything that is not from IRL... Here are a few examples, but these are more or less from lower leagues. This game wasn't made for lower leagues. Hopefully, not yet. - Scouting and making contracts are said to be too easy. I was the manager in English 8. or 9. tier team, but I was able to sign players (= first eleven) so, that they all had experience from the League Two or higher. So, does that reputation system etc. work? - Budgets I was the manager in a team that had 0 as wage budget and 0 as transfer budget. Still it had about 10 000 for scouting. I have suggested that scouting in team's smallest local area would be free of costs - like the manager would drive to the neighbor town to see that game on his/her own. There should be a way to adjust these in the game AI. IMO. The decision, that SI will make, will also be the major factor whether I will buy FM in the future. If nothing really much better will come, then I think that these older versions are good enough for me.
  10. That's good to know. What I have heard is that the only big change is Unity. And there is no hurry, yet, but... there is a lot to do with graphics, for instance. It would be nice to have "prettier" stadiums, but what format will be used? Could that stadium editor be launched earlier than the game itself? What format is used with kits? Will there be any changes with mod "structure"? Like, I have wondered why there are both league rules and player data mixed in league mods. With new database updates some NOT updated league mods can't be used - though league rules haven't changed a bit. I hate that! Player data could be separated from the league rules, but maybe this would need some dependency structure been built. And, of course, will there be any changes with lower leagues? Or, any tools for modders to adjust tha vanilla game?
  11. I haven't read "real" news about FM25 almost at all. All my "facts" are from SI Forum. It has been said that a lot of changes will come. OK. IMO this game relies a lot on mods (graphics, leagues,...). Will FM25 be mod-friendly game? Modders, do you know anything? Devs?
  12. Your opinion isn't mentioned here for the first time. And I agree with it. Something came up into my mind. I hope that SI hasn't made their mathematical stuff too complex. And, yes, I do understand, that in the game engine aso. there are many attributes that have to be taken into account. But, you can remember that last autumn there were this crisis with GK injuries... Could it be that those calculation formulas are too complex, and therefore a little change in one of the variables could change the result a lot? That could also explain why SI would be a little bit afraid to make changes.
  13. I'm creating set pieces routines now. In 'Throw-ins' I have 'Attacking Third' chosen and Attack -button pushed. When I try to choose 'Work into box' option, nothing happens. When I push 'Long throw', everything goes as planned. If I push 'Work into box' button there, window goes 'back' into that Instructions box. And it stays there until I push 'Long Throw' again. The throw itself seems still to be set as 'long' all the time. How can I get 'Work into box' working? That is a link, but... nothing. Thanks.
  14. OK, this is hard to explain. And most likely isn't a "fault" at all. So, only FYI. I'm starting a new save. I'm using a mod, but does that have any effect... I don't know. I'm unemployed. I have tried to find a new team, and for that I check all the team facts before signing. Who doesn't? I noticed that in one team (with no manager) there was 4-4-2 as its tactic. Was this 4-4-2 chosen here just that it is the "standard" for every team (if not changed)? When I checked the list of players, there were more ADVANCED midfielders than "basic" midfielders in squad. In this tactic no advanced midfielders were needed! Is this a fault? Could this be fixed so that when game's AI is creating the starting point of a new save, it would first "create a history" for teams without a manager (= choose previous manager), and have his (her) favourite tactic used to create or choose players for this team. On the other hand, a team with no manager has no tactic, so... But, if FM would use the previous manager's tactic in these cases, it could also have influence on how fastly players get familiar with my chosen tactic (if about the same). Is that implemented in the game? IDK.
  15. I agree. I have wondered how can a manager start his (her) career with no badge at all and being only a former Sunday leagues player, and still be able to jump into... let's say Championship tier Manager position. I think that if someone wants to have a "learning curve" as Manager, there should be a chance to start in Academies or Uxx teams. I would also like to see coaching courses divided into sections like attacking, technical, aso., and not only some all-purpose courses. And, if there were lower leagues teams, I would like to start my career from there. Maybe no wage, but what to expect when you have no coaching badges...
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