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0 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"
  1. This is great. It's my prefered way to set up tactics. By the way, maybe I've missed it, but what role do you prefer for your wingers: inside forward or inverted winger? Do they bring much difference for this type of football?
  2. I feel like wingers work when you have someone else attacking the space a IF would attack. So a W(S) and a CM(A) work really well for me in a 433. Also you need to think about your LB/RB. It's going to depend on your system, if you want to stay back or play with quick transitions I think FB/WB work well. However if you intend to hold the ball or play against low blocks a lot I think it's a bit too unidimensional to have two players on the wing that just want to stay on the wing. This can probably be fixed by doing something like: play narrow + W stay narrow + WB stay wide (to force an overlap) In previous FMs I hated the W(A) because all they did was: run with the ball, cross, cross is blocked, get a corner, repeat. For this reason I haven't used a W(A) yet, but wingers feel better this year so maybe a W(A) is viable. On my 433 I play on the right side with a W(S), CM(A) and IWB(S). Works well, really pressures the opponent's half space and frees the winger (that is always the widest player on that flank) for 1v1s. Can be a bit weak against counters if they have a wide player up front, far away from my IWB
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