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Posts posted by Dev225

  1. Why cant console versions edit trackers on defending set pieces and cpu always short corner outside of box which 8 out of 10  times leads to a goals. I have watched many videos and pc version can edit trackers to stop the pass to outside the box. This needs to be fix unless I am missing something. I am controlling set pieces but when click on individual players especially the trackers unable to change the defending role

  2. Hi 

    Having problem playing online on xbox edition. It's like the game thinks I am offline no matter what I do. Uninstalled and reinstall wiped all save data. Hard reset xbox. Created multiple accounts. Tried different xbox. Rest modem. Check all my profiles and still the same issues. When I go to join online game no servers are showing. I contacted help sega are totally which are useless and fm tweeter page as useful as a ashtray on a motorbike. SI games are totally silent yet no fix what seem to be a wide spread problem for new users who bought after patch. No acknowledgement from any of them getting fed up always repeating myself to them. Does anyone have fix to this

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