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Posts posted by BigDaddyNotail

  1. Also I notice the finance mod might make the life of  Hotspur or Atlético Madrid players much harder.. After the first season, even with CL quality, they still have almost trivial transfer budget while their competitor have much more budget. I guess it is because of 0 balance at the start? Since both clubs have a lot of debts, so with limited spon sors at the begining, they barely have any budget to buy players. 

    BTW, not relevent to this mod, I think the Liverpool itself is very financially unrealistic in this game... In reality they barely have any money to sign stars, but they are super rich in the game:onmehead:

  2. On 05/03/2021 at 06:05, Daveincid said:

    good! So this shouldn't happen anymore:)

    Oh that's great! I really want to improve China in the game, as it's a important league in general and for the financial balance worldwide!

    We know, but chinese clubs didn't so far :)

    I really don't understand their logic. I thought that chineese goverment invested massively into Football for reputation-reasons and boost their standing in Asia. So why does the Chineese FA working against the Clubs/Companies and against the overall Project by theGovernment? Or do I missunderstand something completeley?


    I actually boosted Chineese League reputation, implemented the transfer-tax of 100%. So as I said I am thinking of maybe lowering everything, but it's not 100% sure IMO what exactly the plan is for chineese football:lol:

    I think the problem is Chinese football clubs mostly rely on its owner. They can easily get bankrupt once their owners stop investing, which is happening recently. Spending a lot of money signing foreign players did improve the quality and business of the league but it is still financially unworthy. On the contrary, Chelsea, Manchester City, and PSG also got huge investments from their owners. But they would not get bankrupt immediately even if their boss stopped investing. So I think Chinese FA wants the league to focus on local players, developing the youth system so that the clubs can be self-sustainable.  Since it is still a mess right now, I think in the next update SI should modify the Chinese league quite a bit. Perhaps you might wait and see how SI would deal with it and add your rules on top of it, if necessary. 

    Another thing I noticed in your mod is the higher starting transfer budget for some big clubs like Barcelona, Manchester Utd. In vanilla Manchester Utd might only have 30M but can have 80M with your mod. This look unrealistic at least in the starting season where almost every club is troubled by finance. But that's not a huge problem to me because I can simply ban any transfer and setting budget to 0 for every club in the beginning of the game:)

    Anyway, thanks for all your work!!

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