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Everything posted by WedgeUA

  1. It's a typical situation that player or agent asks for contract prolongation mid season, but currently very often they are selecting the worth possible moment to ask for it. I.e. after lost game motivating by the fact that he player there. Or after game where player had one of the worst marks in a team. That's definitely a bad moment to ask for pay-rise, but they do. And game give no option to reject with saying smth. like "man, you've played terribly in the last match. do you really think it is an appropriate moment?" It really drives crazy sometimes when you are asked about such things in such inappropriate moments and cannot reject properly as there is no suitable dialog option.
  2. Yes, some way to control positions of young players will be very useful. When team always plays with inverted wingers as LAM and RAM and academy produces constantly non-inverted LM and RM instead... At least give some option so academy tries to consider your tactics and preferable roles or give instructions for academy so i.e. you want them to prepare players for i.e. 4-2-3-1 and wingers should be inverted.
  3. Hi, Use case: Wanna play career when buy players only born in Chernihiv region. Checking availiable filters on "players in range" page. Expected: I can filter by region/state where player born Reality: This level is missing in filters. Availiable: global regions (Eastern Europe, South America, etc.), country, city ("place of birth"). But level between cities and country is missing (while it is present in DB).
  4. Hi, Situation: In Ukraine we have some regions with unique population patterns, that differ from other ones. I.e. there are several cities (Kyiv, Dnipro, Kharkiv) with big univercities, which attract lots of african students (pattern formed by USSR). Part of them stay in thise cities and then their children may appear in junior teams (with UA passport but names/sonames non-typical for Ukraine) or some of these students may appear in amator teams (in Dnipro there was even an amator team FC Legioner that mostly consisted of emigrated from African countries). At the same time in majority of Ukrainian cities chances to see smth like this are close to 0. At the same time in Zakarpattya region every second person has hungarian roots (and 2nd passport). They know hungarian language in addition to ukrainian and Hungary has lots of their prgrams running there to support hungarian-rooted. I'm sure that such pattern unique for separate cities/regions inside the country can be found in other parts of the world as well (mostly due to emigration patterns, when enclaves of emigrants from specific country are created in some region of the target country pr due to historical borders change, when some region belonged to different country, or just intensive exchange with nearby regions of other countries). So it would add some realism if researchers can set that i.e. teams based in Dnipro city would have ~5% chance to have african regen with UA passport, teams from Uzhorod (Zakarpattya region) will have regens with 50% chance of hungarian second nationality, while teams i.e. in Chernihiv have none of it.
  5. Hi, Use case: FC Chernihiv, Ukraine. In real life club has policy: they sign only players local for Chernihiv region (either born there or finished local academies (of local clubs)). FM currently has only country preference in policies, not region within country. Can you add possibility of such a policy at least to editor/ordb?
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