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Everything posted by MegaAlbin_88

  1. Big thanx for the answer, makes a lot of sense! Gonna give this a go and see how it plays out!
  2. Looks like a fun tactic, gonna give it a go! A question about the inside forwards, do you mean to play a left footed on the left is better in this case or are i'm just misunderstanding you?
  3. Very nice Post! Gonna give this a go, looks really interesting! What do you do if they have 2 defensive mids, which one is the more important one to man mark? I come against that type of tactic very often so And if they have wingbacks should i change to man mark them as well, or is it just full backs?
  4. when you say you add mark tighter instruction to all players involved in the mid block, what positions do you mean? sorry if the question is stupid
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