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7 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"


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  1. Actually 2030 was just an example I like to play with regen players. Unfortunately I can't do it myself because I want realistic progression (if I do it myself I only have to open one league and a small database. This reduces realism.)
  2. hello, i love to play in future years. can someone share the save file?
  3. Thank you very much for all your help it really helped. The SS you sent is exactly what I wanted. I think, as I said, I will use the Turkish league in playable, other leagues in playable/view only mode. In addition, can you share your save file in 2030? I love to play in future years.
  4. sorry i just woke up from sleep and i didn't understand what i was asking. I usually manage teams from the Turkish League, so I'm thinking of creating a career with your method. However, as an extra, I will add 5 big leagues in Europe and 5 smaller leagues next to it. All of these will be in view only mode. Do you think this reduces the realism in my game? Because when the year is 2030, for example, I like to go to teams with good youth teams and examine their youth teams one by one. That being the case, it bothers me to see NPCs there. For example, I go to the Colombian League and looking the youth team of Atletico Nacional, then I look at many teams such as Santos in Brazil and Bodo Glimt in Norway. I love playing my career like this on a large scale. Because of this, I do not want to reduce the realism. Because finding players from ASEC Mimosas from Africa and selling them is my biggest pleasure in the game. Is there a different method you can suggest me with what I said? Or should I try playing around a bit with this method? for example Sorry for not being in English. Oynanabilir = playable, Sadece Takip = view only, Tahmini Oyun Hızı = game speed As you can see Turkey, Germany, France, Italy, England and Spain are playable, other leagues are in view only mode. Should I do it this way? I hope you understand what I mean because I am very confused too. Let me also point out that when I create a career, I never go to a different team. I manage only one team.
  5. Are regens realistically created when we do it this way? and only playable league teams do not have hegemony?
  6. Hello, maybe I have a question about something that no one agrees on. First of all, my operating system is as follows AMD R9 380 Intel i5 6500 8GB DDR4 RAM 128GB SSD (game installed) While playing the game, I have to constantly create new saves. How should we install the game? I usually do single-team careers and overvalue realism. For example, when I look at the youth team of any Romanian team in 2025, I don't want to see NPCs. I really want to see regens created. However, I could never find a way to do this. When I add all leagues and make them playable, the game becomes extremely slow. Adding major leagues and opening players from advanced options also slows down. What are the things you do about it? I'm really curious about these and want to learn. Even if I play the game all day in the saves I've created, I can barely finish half of the season.. Please help me In short, what I want from you is a game set-up where I can access beautiful regens and have a realistic and long career. When I look at the Slovenian teams, I will not see NPCs in their youth teams, a realistic but not overly slow set-up that will not restrict the transfer mobility. ADDITIONALLY, I WOULD LOVE IF YOU SHARE WITH ME YOUR SAVE FILES THAT HAVE ADVANCED LIKE 10-20-50-100 YEARS
  7. I did eveything. I have had no problems so far. It went away on its own.
  8. Hello, I have installed the logo and face pack, but none of them appear even though I have done everything I need to do in-game. I'm pretty sure this isn't due to mods. The main logos of the game showing. I probably messed up either my config files or a setting in-game. Can anyone help?
  9. Hello, I have installed the logo and face pack, but none of them appear even though I have done everything I need to do in-game. I'm pretty sure this isn't due to mods. The main logos of the game showing. I probably messed up either my config files or a setting in-game. Can anyone help?
  10. Its not to be so hard you dont have to wait Turkish transfer window. You can release main patch now and after the 7 March you can release another mini-update. Turkish clubs not buying everyday a new player. Too many players waiting couple weeks to create new careers. We just want to play with new player profiles and last transfers also fixes ofcourse. Just release fkn update.
  11. Hello, this is an event that bothers especially Turkish players and reduces the pleasure of the game to almost 0. - In any way, when we get a star or potential star player on our team, their market value is incredibly low. For example, when we buy a player with 190 PA and he really performs well both in Europe and in the league, the offers he receives are at most 20-25M€. It's really incredibly unreal. I don't understand how the Turkish league is in your eyes, but the Turkish League is really different from what you think. If we need to give an example from Galatasaray; It has star names such as Lucas Torreira, Sacha Boey, Nelsson and almost all of these players will transfer for a minimum of 20M€. Like Arda Güler in Fenerbahçe, he has an incredible potential player in the game as well. Trabzonspor has players like Uğurcan Çakır, the best goalkeeper Turkey has produced in the last 10-15 years. In short, the Turkish League is a good market and a country with high sales potential. A league similar to it, though not as much as the Portuguese League. When this is the case, the offers of 9-10M€ to a player with 150-160 CA is both unrealistic and really harming the gameplay. -- As an extra, for example, after buying a player for 80M€, that player wins all kinds of awards, but after only one season, the value of the player we bought for 80M drops to 20-30M€. - All of the big teams in the Turkish Leagues have really good infrastructure player recruitment systems. However, none of these are reflected in the game. Galatasaray, Beşiktaş, Trabzonspor and Fenerbahçe dominate almost all of Turkey's players and there are football schools in every city. The facilities of the big teams and the recruitment systems to the infrastructure need to be improved. - Especially all the profiles of Galatasaray players are unreal. According to the videos I watched on Youtube, the authorized scouts said that Galatasaray would become much stronger than other teams as the reason for not updating their profile. This is huge rubbish. To give an example as a profile, if you randomly watch 1-2 matches of Sacha Boey, you can see how badly your scouts are doing about profiles. It is incredibly funny that the potentials of Kerem Aktürkoğlu, Yunus Akgün and Yusuf Demir are lowered. - Another issue is salary issues. Almost no salary on any team is correct. I don't know from where you did this, but no team gives salaries like in the game. - The transfer options also do not reflect the truth. Turkey buys a lot of players from Europe, especially Italy, France and most of the Balkan countries. However, this is not reflected in the game. Apart from that, it is one of the regions where player exchange is intense in South America and Africa. There are many immigrants of African and Arab origin in our country, and many of them are really trying to join the youth teams. - Another issue that carries the same meaning as the above article is the players who come to the youth teams. *Although not very often*, foreign players (usually of African origin) come to the teams in our country. It can be nice to have players like South Africans or Nigerians coming out of the infrastructure from time to time. - The other issue is related to team dynamics independent of the Turkish League. At the slightest success, the whole team wants a new contract. It may be realistic if it's a small number, but almost all players say they want a new contract, for example, after winning the championship with the middle row team. The contracts they want are also really funny. While the team average is 1.5M€, the salary requested by the player varies between 3-5M€. This is okay if it's only for a few players, but it gets very annoying when the whole team wants it. That's all I have to say. I hope you will provide a response. Thanks.
  12. Especially when we manage teams in the Turkish League, players get really funny offers. I win the Champions League, my player wins the golden boot and he has 170ca, but offered to him is only 25 million euros This is extremely annoying and ruins the fun of the game.
  13. This happens to me a lot, especially after 1 or 2 "elite" regens. I do not recommend it as a solution, but if you save a day before the regens come, the potential of those players changes every time you save-load afterwards.
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