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Terrance The T-Rex

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10 "You're a bum, Rock"

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  1. Scouting reports for international managements always come into your inbox like this making a mess and hard to navigate instead of it being all in 1 message like the club scouting
  2. This has to be my most hated part of the game which deeply infuriates me, when creating tactics you create tactic 1, set up your players and your formation, you then go and create tactic 2 and move the players from for example a 4-3-3 to a 5-2-3 and when you then go back to the 4-3-3 your striker is now in CB and your LB is somewhere on the right wing. Each tactic tab should be independent and not effect the other tab Example - Tactic 1 is a standard 4-3-2-1 4-3-3 inverted wingback tactic Now when I go back to my Formation 1 tactic the players are all out of position and if you swap a player out of your tactic from your bench that new player is also in tactic 1 as seen by elliot Lee replacing Young. I propose that the tactic section has 3 individual "tabs" meaning each tactic can have their own unique formation, tactic and substitute bench without effecting the other tactic, Everything below within the red box should be its own tab and the tactic selector should be moved of the tab so you can control which tactic tab is viewed I am also well aware of the manage tab to save formations however it is extremely tedious having to constantly swap between saved formations in the manage tab and if you make a change and forget to save then swap back to tactic 1 the formation change wont apply
  3. sorry but I cant seem to find the database forum is it just the general discussions forum?
  4. Uploaded it as "Players disapearing in set pieces", Also I noticed a welsh player under the name of "Ollie Cooper" is missing from the game and should be in the Swansea City side, do you want me to make another note in a separate thread for this?
  5. Creating a throw in tactic and I only have 9 players in view out of 11, I am missing DM and WBR, I have moved all my players to different positions as they are sometimes stacked however can not find them, this has been a bug for multiple FMs now
  6. Be able to speak to the board about signing a player which is currently a blue bar saying "interact with board" which seems to happen once over a random transfer and has no real reason behind it so I suggest this option be applicable to all transfers
  7. When the manager is in talks for a new contract or vision, he should be able to demand that the wage budget or transfer/scouting and staff numbers are increased as part of his deal.
  8. Certain clubs may choose to have the DoF be in control of transfers, or other areas of the club. The manager can currently just click delegate and take control or give the DoF the chance to control the transfers/staff however this is such an important and vital part of the club that is just overlooked and can be done with 1 click of a button, the manager should have to speak to the board when he delegates important tasks to his staff
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