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4 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"
  1. Absolutely! I'll be patient and wait for an update. Hope they keep up the amazing work!
  2. Thanks for the reply! Just to make sure and specify further, I'm talking about, if I should download the whole continent with every country file in it and put them into my data folder, even if I'm not including all those countries in my game when setting it up, or if I should pick and choose files to download and only put those in my data folder, for leagues which I'm actually going to select in my game. Just so there's no misunderstanding
  3. One question by the way ... is it okay to pick and choose specific country files to include in my game or is it recommended to include the whole continent with every country file in it, even if I'm not planning on making some countries with their league available ingame? I don't know if the country files for leagues, that wouldn't even be active, still slow down the performance or not, that's why I'm asking.
  4. Since discovering this amazing modding community surrounding this game, it has became so much more enjoyable to grind my teeth into it. You guys are a godsend. Absolutely fantastic work and keep up the good work!
  5. Hey @Robbles Quin ®™ First of all, thank you for your hard work on creating this amazing file! It's greatly appreciated. A question and sorry if this has been answered already, but is your file also compatible with Daveincid's - "Increase Realism" Pack? You have him in your credits for sure, but I just wanted to make sure, haha. Thanks again and keep up the good work!
  6. Hey @Daveincid Hope your Covid Infection wasn't too severe and that you are back on your feet, all healthy! Just wanted to say, that your work is greatly appreciated, providing an even better Football Manager experience. Keep up the good work and thank you!
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