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3 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. @Ewan Aiton I used the report bug option. I didn't name the save (I don't think!)
  2. I did manage to get him to sign a new deal by reloading the game and offering him as much as I could
  3. @Ewan Aiton Great news, I've found it again and I've sent over the saved game. If you load that game, go to Kwame Male, offer contract, don't change anything on the contract, suggest terms and finalise - he moved to a club for £120k.
  4. Qualified for Euro Cup while managing in Northern Ireland (Danske Bank Premier). Expected my Saturday games to be moved to Sunday, but they haven't.
  5. @Ewan Aiton Really sorry, I don't have the saved game from before this happened (I selected the wrong auto save and it overwrote the auto save from before) - but this has happened again. All of the screen shots happened on the same day (31st Dec 2024). I offered a contract, he seemingly accepted (all fields went green) I then hit finalise and he moved.
  6. @Ewan Aiton unfortunately I don't, but let me play this season and see if I can get the same thing to happen in Dec/Jan
  7. @Ewan Aiton my game on 10th Sept for Swansea Uni should have been postponed - notice there are no welsh players that played for me that day as they were all on international duty. There was a Wales match on 9th September and 7 of my players started that.
  8. @Ewan Aiton Have sent you the save by using report function in game. Player that this happened to was Lee Scougall. He went from my team to Brentford for 12m
  9. Example was when I was Swansea Uni and Wales manager. I called up around 6 players to the Welsh team, but I was not offered postponement of the game. I think the minimum is 3 for you to have the postponement offered, and I'd sometimes get it, if other players were called to other national teams.
  10. Player has 6 months left on his contract and another club are interested and have made a rival offer for a pre-contract agreement. Player seemingly accepts my terms and I finalise contract. Player has then moved to the club that were interested for a random fee.
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