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0 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"
  1. I ve used all the mentalities in the game. mostly play in a control mentality. I actually want to see a PF and DLF drop deep or into the half spaces and link up with the wingers and midfielders. It worked last year but not at all working in this year's game. Also plz tweak the inside forwards so that they move into the half spaces. That is the most important tweak the game needs rn coz the 433 and 4231 doesnt work well like they did bfore
  2. its not just the IFs. the strikers dont move around and link up play like they did in the last year's game. The PF and DLF have become fairly static roles in this version. Moving the IFs to the forward line may help to score some goals but it still doesnt fix their movement. I actually want to see the IFs move into the half spaces and combine with the WB and midfielder just like they do in real life. I m okay with the IFs scoring just 10 or 15 goals a season.
  3. I think that the Inside forwards rarely play in the half space. They usually just run wide with the ball. And the midfielders rarely play any through balls. I m just totally dissapointed with the tactical system this year. IFs are really a waste and strikers are not intelligent at all. They never make intelligent movement and usually just stay offside or stick too close to the opponent CBs. The midfield roles AP, RP dont support the wide players and move centrally behind the strikers leaving huge holes in the midfield. The other aspects of the game are really good. its just the tactical system that is disappointing. I really hope that u guys make some tweaks to the IFs role
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