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Posts posted by BartySo

  1. On 21/03/2024 at 02:50, rusty217 said:

    1. Change their Continental Cup Nation to Portugal.

    2. I think this one should work out automatically. It'd essentially be the same as the Welsh clubs that play in England and I don't believe they have any problems there.

    3. Keep their Based Nation set as Spain.

    hey so should it be


    "Nation" is set to Portugal, "Based nation" is set to Spain and their "Continental Qualification Nation" is Portugal?


    and also what about the Spanish / Portuguese cup?

    will those fix itself without adding new league rules etc. because it seems that those Spanish teams that I plan to move will be available to play in Spanish Cup won't it create a schedule headache?

    or do I need to really make a full revamp of rules of both leagues to make it work properly?

  2. 8 hours ago, rusty217 said:

    1. Change their Continental Cup Nation to Portugal.

    2. I think this one should work out automatically. It'd essentially be the same as the Welsh clubs that play in England and I don't believe they have any problems there.

    3. Keep their Based Nation set as Spain.

    thank you, will try to do it today later on and check how things worked out

  3. Hi guys,

    I've come up with an idea to boost up the Portuguese league with teams from Spanish Galicia region + few other teams mostly from North/West part of Spain, none of them are "giants" in terms of Spanish football, and all are relatively close to Portuguese border. So first I wanna say I understand simple things in editor, editing finances, even changing number of teams and league format and all that but...

    I came here to ask for help with things mentioned below:

    1. How do I change the "continental cups qualification" status for those Spanish teams to be able to qualify to CL when win/place in podium spot in Portuguese League?
    2. How do I fulfill requirements of homegrown players when registering team to Portuguese league, and later on to CL?
    3. I would also prefer regens to have Spanish nationality, or dual nationality. Don't want them to be "just Portuguese"


  4. So I've had this idea to create Tears of Volgograd cup, kind of like a memorial using mainly eastern European teams

    I have everything set the way I want, all works perfect, tested it in game but...

    I just can't manage to create a pool of neutral stadiums, can anyone here jump into file and set those 8 stadiums as neutral ones which will be used in all rounds until quarter-final?

    Samara Arena

    Krasnodar Stadium

    Ekaterinburg Arena

    Kazan Arena

    Fisht Olympic Stadium (Sochi Arena)

    Akhmat Arena

    RZD Arena (Stadion Lokomotiv)

    Rostov Arena


    Also is there any simpler way to use advanced rules and just set a 'host' country for club cup like this one?

    Tears of Volgograd - Battle of Motherland Full.fmf

  5. Schalke 04 should have something like that included


    here is bit of history from newspaper about cities in which parents of players which won title in 1934 were born. Pointed cities, as you see those are Polish cities


    Lyck (Ełk), Neidenburg (Nidzica), Osterode (Ostróda), Heilsberg (Lidzbark Warmiński), Allenstein (Olsztyn), Ortelsburg (Szczytno), Lötzen (Giżycko), Schrimm (Śrem), Ratibor (Racibórz), Kosten (Kościan).


    here is a bit more when they've tried to Germanize some Polish city/village names in German newspaper and they wrote it like that: Wessoli-Grund, Dobtschyn, Valewo, Grondzken, Rogalyken.


    before WWII there was about 32 players in Schalke with Polish sounding family/last names. Mostly they were sons of Polish families which moved to Germany to work for some mining companies etc.





  6. Hi there,

    so I've created a database for English Football League, using similar system to MLS (for Premier League). Basically there are 32 teams in Premier League, which are split into two groups. I set all play-offs after regular season, etc.

    Now the fun thing is that when I verify league rules in editor everything seems fine, I got an confirmation that all rules are done well, and everything is great. Yet when I run a "game test" in editor I receive notification that something shady is going on with promotion/relegation in League One and League Two.

    Then I thought ok let me test file in FM 20 then, so I've set all things up, start game unemployed, then go for one year holiday, and to my surprise everything seems fine after this time. All leagues promotions, and relegations are done well.

    So I would like some expert to take a look at this file, and tell me what's going on here.

    Also would be really grateful with help or even if some nice person could already add the "infamous" MLS "six games against opponents from outside conference".

    Thank you for all responses and help.


    English Football League MLS Style FM 20 testi.fmf

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