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0 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"
  1. You don't need to apologize!Thank you very much for your reply, there is no disrespect to you, I will edit the above questions, if it caused you unpleasantness,I apologize to you I understand your philosophy of making attribute-free skins very well,I will continue to play the game with the skins you made.Thank you for all your efforts, apologize again and wish you a happy life and all the best,Peace and love
  2. @_Ben_hello! First of all, thank you so much for releasing your skin for us to use, you put a lot of time and effort into making it, this is the most beautiful and smoothest skin I have ever used. I cannot say more than enough to praise your work and salute you. Secondly, English is not my native language, so my communication with you is based on translation software, I don't know if the meaning of the expression is accurate, please understand I have been using your skin for a long time,I found some minor issues during use. I spent 3 days trying to find a solution in the forum, I read all your replies , I didn't solve them all because my native language is not English, which makes it difficult for me to proceed. So I'm here to ask you for help. if you can't help me, I still want to thank you and salute you again I will ask you questions separately to ensure that I understand your explanation, and please let me know if I violate the reply rules
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