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Everything posted by mwttstck

  1. Yes, the issue keeps showing up in the release version. I'm playing in Real World mode. No other database edits were made only graphics and name changes. I've checked the Pre Game Editor and there is no wage set for him so I don't know what's causing this
  2. No, this was in the default Beta database.
  3. Surely Christian Dafreville, manager of Saint-Pauloise FC and Reunion U19s coach, isn't earning over 30 million per week.
  4. Yeah, my chosen cutoff date is (somewhat arbitrarily) May 16th giving you enough time to plan the summer transfer window (also I initially wanted to role play as Erik ten Hag taking over Man United on that day). You’re right that removing the current loans is easy but I will also try to add back in last seasons loans (end dates after 16-5-22) which could be interesting in case of buy options etc. The way I’m actually realizing most of this is by coping the contract and history data (+ loans etc.) of all people who moved since May from the final FM22 database and importing those into FM23. This way I can mostly automate the process (Laptop running 24/7 on its own ) since I didn’t feel like manually editing around 150,000 people. But this also means of course that I am coping any mistakes in the initial database as well. Also I am probably missing people who signed new contracts between March (FM22 cutoff) & May and then after again.
  5. I also rely quite heavily on the Editor for all kinds of changes to implement “my personal truth” in the game. Although I personally don’t mind things going in a different direction than real life once I start a game and try to embrace it as an alternate universe on its own, so this is is more about getting the starting conditions right (i.e. I don’t really care about future transfers not close to my start date).
  6. I am currently working on a (rather large) file aiming to undo every transfer (both players and staff) since the start of the 2022 summer transfer window. It has always felt somewhat immersion-breaking to me to start an FM campaign with real-life transfers already done in-game. While the option to disable the first transfer window goes some way to fixing this, it always felt superficial to me. I'd also like to be able to use the more up to date data of the winter update without having to use the updated transfers/squads. I have already reset almost all players contracts and non-playing histories to their previous state (spring 2022) and am currently working on resetting the playing history as well. Additionally, I will be doing the same for club and national staff and hopefully also contract renewals. Cases of player retirements and cases where person type changes from player to non-player or vice versa are more tricky. New players/staff introduced in FM23 will also be harder to do. Essentially I am looking for input/feedback on things that play into this that I haven't considered. Some other considerations: - resetting loans (should be easy) - pre-arranged future transfers - squad number changes - resetting transfer instalments, wage contributions and conditional fees - changing club budgets/balances to reflect money not spend/received - board member/ownership changes (not sure if possible) Would appreciate any thoughts on this. Perhaps someone in the community has done something similar before. What am I missing that would break this?
  7. Is it possible to set up a future contract/contract extension for players/staff using the Future Transfer edit (Pre-Game Editor) while letting them stay at the same club and job?
  8. I am wandering what would happen if a player (/staff) had/was given a PA range which already includes their CA. For example, if a player had a CA of 130 and a PA of -75 (120-150) would their actual PA range then be 130-150 or could it still be lower than their CA (i.e. <130)? Is it possible to introduce some randomness (with smaller variations) to PA for already established (higher CA) players this way?
  9. You’re probably right. Waiting on what support has to say about the issue, although I don’t have high hopes.. In any case, I more or less figured out a way to do what I want without both instances running side by side Thanks for the input!
  10. Perhaps, though that wouldn’t explain why it does work with other combinations such as 21 + 23 etc.
  11. Yeah, I tried on someone’s windows PC too and it worked. Just tried using both the 22 and 21 editors and it worked, same with 23 and 21. only 22 and 23 (the ones I need) won’t work in parallel for whatever reason :/
  12. Is there a trick to opening two different instances of the Editor at once (like FM23 Editor and FM22 Editor). Whenever I try to open another editor while already running one (from different year) the app will close again immediately. I‘m using the game through Steam on a Mac.
  13. Yeah, I really wish SI gave you an option two start without any transfers done already (i.e. FM22 squads). Not sure what the rationale is for doing all the transfers in the first place
  14. True, that would do it. I was hoping there is a way to achieve it while still starting in 2022 though.
  15. Is it possible to disable the first season’s January window through rules editing? With the winter update released, I would like to fix the updated squads in place until the 2nd summer window for added realism/immersion. I’ve had some success with disabling the first seasons summer window by editing the reference base year to start in the next year, hoping that the checkbox option (in game setup) of disabling the first window would then apply to January, but this didn’t seem to work (Jan was still open). Also disabling/pushing back both windows seemed to create a permanently open window (showed as “restricted” window open for -100 (read: “negative 100”) days in game). Any ideas? Other ways I could prevent transfers until the next summer without creating individual team embargos?
  16. Hmm doesn’t work for me, although I feel like it used to (maybe on older versions). Not sure if it’s a Mac issue or something else I‘m missing…
  17. Is there a way to have two Editor windows open simultaneously for easy reference between the two? If not for the same version then for different versions (22 Editor + 23 Editor)? *running the game through Steam on a Mac
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