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Issue Comments posted by TheArsenal63

  1. On 25/02/2022 at 10:30, Kyle Brown said:

    Everyone, it's not the news you're looking for, it's not been tweaked for this update, nor do we think we will have anything concrete to implement in FM22. 

    It boils down to the complexity of the issue and the amount of testing we would feel comfortable with before releasing a change like this into the game. 

    Something to keep in mind is that flatly comparing real passing date to FM isn't reliable:

    • There are different ways of tracking a pass, and different data providers will provide different stats. We use SciSports and they typically have higher completion rates that the others. 
    • We will always know the AI's intention in game, unlike in real life. Think of a fluke cross that ends up in the net - pundits would debate this post match, but we know the true intention and could track it accurately. The same goes for clearances that end up at the feet of a teammate, for example, we can say with certainty if the AI meant it as a pass or a hit and hope. 

    This isn't to say we don't feel there needs to be changes - we're not saying everything is fine.

    We will always look to make improvements, we just have to err on the side of caution with this particular issue. Simply put, more time is needed to make a change this underlyingly big. 

    I can only apologise, but the issue is right up the top in terms of priority and we will do everything in our power to ensure it's improved upon for next years edition. I was only informed yesterday that this wasn't quite making the cut or else we wouldn't have kicked the can this far down the road. 



    This is the exact response many people were looking for if things don't work out. SI has suffered in the past few years because of a lack of communication , you guys had a habit of completely stone walling people who bought your games and completely ignoring or not communicating with them on aspects of your match engine.

    I am happy to see that communication has improved, that was one area that this forum was terrible at for many years. In fact I stopped going to the general discussion because of people blatantly telling others there are no bugs in the match engine and it was all perfect.

    But once you acknowledged the issue and have a plan to fix it, most people will be more willingly to accept it rather than letting them become frustrated and leave as customers.

  2. 16 hours ago, Sneaky Pete said:

    This is definitely part of it, but some of it is likely also tied to the bizarre risk evaluation behaviour of players in their own defensive third.

    You will regularly see - and frankly this is kind of terrifying to me - players pass the ball back to their own GK in their own box with opposing players everywhere around them. I frequently see backpasses to the GK right after corners with 5-6 opposing players still in the box. At the same time, however, getting CBs to hit long diagonals - even with the right role and the right PPMs - is incredibly difficult.

    Something is fundamentally off with respect to which passes players think are on or not.

    What I imagine is happening is that SI are in constant battle between performance and realism. If the engine has to be very accurate to player stats, all 36 of them, it would be burdensome so they weigh checking some stats and not others or at least not accurately.

    I really think one of the biggest issues for FM is their low pc requirements. It needs to work on ancient laptops and PCs and it hinders their ability to make a better match engine as well as better graphics.

  3. This whole issue isn't limited to passing. There is a huge problem with the discrepancy in players ability and their suitability for a certain style of play.

    The problem is that it is nearly non-existent, the game is far too tactics driven and players (apart from goal scoring maybe) don't make enough of a difference to styles.

    If i have a team of players with passing of 5 to 8 and I ask them to play tiki taka, they should TRY but it should be obvious in the game that you just don't have the players for it.

    I don't think this is a short term fix but for the next FM, players stats need to start mattering more in this game.

    You can play the short passing game in league because the engine is not weighted enough towards stat checks for players. I'm seeing players with extremely low vision and passing play line breaking passes CONSTANTLY and CONSISTENTLY.

    It's all linked to player stats and their impact on the engine.

  4. On 16/12/2021 at 10:51, Kyle Brown said:

    I'm afraid so, we've had it in our database for a while but it's still not where we'd like it to be. 

    I appreciate on the surface it sounds easy: 'just make IW cut inside more' but with any change to the ME there is always the danger of knock on effects that will be worse than the original. It's far more tricky to test the ME than say a Gameplay bug, for example.

    I can't sit here and tell you that's acceptable, I am genuinely sorry there are still issues with IW/IF, but we do genuinely have a team working as many hours as they can trying to make improvements, and as soon as it's ready we'll release a fix to the public.

    You guys have a patch cycle, usually December and then March, so will you actually release the fix when it's ready or are you just going to wait until March like every year?

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