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Posts posted by TheArsenal63

  1. Some on here are too invested in the game (as was I at some point before I realised it's going to be constantly tweaked until March anyway so might as well wait).

    You should realise that this is what the game is, there's enough evidence to show you what is their methodology and approach to updates and what they consider a playable game. Make your purchase decision based on that. Can you tolerate it or live with those flaws? If not, you are most likely wasting your time and energy trying to change how a company operates and approaches it's release/updates.

    And some others are strangely too invested in controlling how/what people say on here and being  a bit hostile to people's feedback if they deem it too negative.

    That's the mods job to moderate the conversation if it gets too out of hand, if you are not a mod, let people have their say and carry on.

  2. So the crossing issue (player's not crossing direction they are facing and turning back to either cut back or cross with weaker foot) seems to only happen in these scenarios :

    Player has acres of space (anyone remotely near them makes them turn back, crossing early or taking on the man is gone)

    There are players in the box to cross to


    Problem is :

    Player's don't get into the box quick enough so no one to cross to.

    ME is too strict with when crossing happens, any players close to the crosser and they decide the cross is not on and turn back.

    Dribbling is still bad, players turn back and don't take their defenders on. Fullbacks also shoot too often from tight angles, again contributing to the lack of crossing.

    I'm able to get 75% possession too often as well so possession is still too high.

    Fix those issues and the ME would be in such a good place. Hope they take a look at it for the march update.

  3. 2 hours ago, eric1000 said:

    You must be playing a different game to me.  The update sucked all the fun out of the game.  Lost count of how many times now I go three goals up, dominating the opposition and then suddenly they turn into world class players and bang bang bang bang now losing 4-3 within fifteen minutes of play.  Also sick of scorelines that are completely unrealistic, 6 4  8-3  6-3 and the worst one yet 9-5.  Defenders have gone to ****.

    The game is very different than FM22. I had to be more careful with my mentalities in this FM, I don't go above Balanced now unless I am at home and facing a smaller side. If it helps, everything that affects risk in the tactic should be turned down by at least 1 or removed entirely, compared to the FM22 save. The risk of counters is much higher and conceding from them as well. So far all the issues I had, I can overcome with trying to disrupt the oppositions build up and also making sure I keep the ball a bit better when I get it back. My aim is to control the game instead of it turning into a back and forth. Largely those ideas have worked and I have 60% - 70% possession with averages of 2.5xG per game.

    I use a lot of opposition instructions as well, I mark and press the CBs (not the DC, just RCB and LCB) so they are forced to launch the ball in the air, then I have my CBs on cover with good heading and jumping, anticipation also important. I then make sure that there are enough midfielders coming back so they can challenge for the second balls as well, otherwise the ball will come right back at you.

    I also mark the WBs in 3 ATB formations so I don't get overloads in attack.

    Once I have finalized my tactic , I can share it if you want to try it with opposition instructions, having good success with it at the moment and the defensive ideas are working to help my team control games.

    The game (so far) feels in my control, and my biggest issue with FM23 was there was so many silly things happening that it wasn't worth trying to work around them since they were ME bugs.

    Right now , if i study the matches, I can come to a good conclusion as to why I am conceding or losing, I have to be more careful than FM22, as long as I feel in control of fixing these problems, I'm fine.

    There's still bugs btw, crosses don't happen enough and possession is too high but it's not a big enough issue to spoil the fun like the beta release was.


  4. ME is excellent right now, defending feels great, defenders (mostly) are close to enough to challenge for the ball now and it feels like a battle for the second balls as well which is great to see.

    Center play is great, possession is a bit too good at the moment, I feel like pass accuracy needs to be toned down a bit. This explains why people , including me, are complaining about the chaos factor being toned down too much, it's too "clean" at the moment, needs like 10%-20% more chaos. But make it player specific, so I don't want to see my Huddersfield team being able to play into tight areas this well.

    Final thing is the most important, right now I see a near complete absence of crossing early or first time, I see far too many cut backs, players with acres of space will just turn back and choose a cut back option. This used to happen a lot in FM22 and it was very annoying, don't get me wrong, crossing does happen but it's rare, far too may cutbacks at the moment.

    It's almost like the AI does not see options in the box (maybe due to the enhanced defending AI) and so decides to always go for the cut back (even then the cut back is usually not first time or in the direction they are facing, they will turn back AND THEN cut back), there needs to be more crosses across face of goal even if there is low chance of not scoring from them.

    That's the most glaring issue right now, too many players turning back and then choosing the cut back instead of a cross. Fix this and a bit more chaos which would reduce the possession numbers and honestly this might be the best ME in a long time.

    Well done the SI team!

  5. Representation of defending is much much better, it feels and plays like every pass is contested with a player not too far from the ball, so there's almost always a challenger when it makes sense for there to be one near.

    The slight downside though is the dribbling and chaos , which was the great part of this ME has been toned down a bit too much in my opinion.

    If the beta was 100% chaos, this feels like 40%.

    It still is miles better than the beta and a much better ME than FM22.

    The attacking play is also a little bit static, I haven't had time to do all my tweaks but there definitely is a lot to learn here and figure out. It's possible that the way the tactics affect the ME has changed significantly enough that I can try and tweak the attacking phase to get the desired result.

    I will report back if I have success in creating a more free flowing tactic.

  6. 6 minutes ago, santy001 said:

    The problem here is you're conflating your opinion on what is enjoyable, and what you feel is enjoyable with the rest of the player base. It's perfectly valid and reasonable to advocate for the fact you're not finding the game enjoyable at the moment. The issue is when you begin trying to present this as something which encompasses far more people than you can possibly know whether it does or not. 

    That's fair, but I would push back a little on that and present the list of fixes on the touch version as a way to show that some of those fixes are fundamental and potentially game breaking which is why they are fixing it.

    But I also concede that people can still find enjoyment in the game in the time it takes them to fix the issues, after all it is a subjective experience. So that part is fair.

  7. The funny thing is , I almost always enjoy the final version of the ME once they fixed the issues.

    My main issue is, i shouldn't have to wait a month+ for the game to be in an enjoyable/stable position.

    Release dates need to be taken more seriously at SI, most games have the core gameplay loop (in this case the ME) down pat on release day. They still patch it but it's usually tweaks.

    Final thing I would say is, the ME in football manager is akin to walking in other video games. If the ME is broken, it's like if player's couldn't walk or had issues with navigating the game world. It's that important to FM, have a stable one before release and don't have your customer's wait a month+ to be able to enjoy your game.

  8. 5 hours ago, prot651 said:

    Please provide proof about over the top balls in every series.  I can remember only one and it was fixed . I think by jow SI development team know about over the top balls , international management.  They are not that stupid and banging on about the same old things that have been posted 1000s of times is not helping . 

    Just as a counter to this, you are 100% in your right to bang on about the same things 1000 times in this thread. The more the merrier, I enjoy reading other people's posts and I welcome their thoughts. This is what the feedback thread is about.

    Don't let people make you hesitant to post here just because of a fear of being told off. I'm sure the developers and mods welcome all posts and comments as long as they are respectable. SI have said countless times that the feedback and bug reporting is invaluable to them, so keep em' coming folks.

  9. 1 minute ago, themadsheep2001 said:

    You're misremembering, as that typically isn't the cycle. In fact last the year the first ME update (post release, as there was one on release) dropped early December. 

    I might be , but I could have sworn  FM20, possibly 19 and 21. I'd have to look back, but there was solid 2 versions where there was major issues with the ME that wasn't resolve until march. It was more of surprise than the norm when we got an ME update before march to fix the major issues reported in the bug tracker

    It's fine now anyway since Jack has confirmed there will be one before Christmas.

  10. 6 minutes ago, Jack Joyce said:

    We're currently working towards an update before Christmas, we'll be updating before March.


    Communication is really important - even if its not always the news people want to hear. But believe me, everyone on the team is working hard on improvements and has been throughout the beta period and hopefully you'll see that work soon!

    That's all I wanted to know, thanks for letting us know. I'll come back when those updates are in.

  11. 1 minute ago, themadsheep2001 said:

    It's usually 3 updates (depending on issues) and the next one has never been only in March. Not sure why you've made that up tbh 

    I haven't made anything up (why would I, that's such an odd thing to accuse me of), from memory (and I've been playing this game for a while), there's usually an update on release for the ME, then any major bugs get addressed in march. I might be misremembering but this happened on FM20.

    I'm pretty sure your last ME update has always been along with the winter update. And on some versions (depending on severity) it's always been march.

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