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Everything posted by robot_9x3

  1. Most football today is played in a Zonal Marking scheme, your 2 cms in picture1 don't have any of the opposition midfield in their zone to mark, so one marks I'd guess the left-winger? while the other marks his zone being close to two opposition players, the AM seems to be closing down the centerback as intended in a midblock shortly infront of the halfway line. in the second it looks like one CM already marked someone and the second covered a runner? That's why they are both basically on the same spot? A solution to what you wanted, would be to go to "palyer instructions" and ask them to "specifically mark a player". But than they'll potentially be drawn out of position, giving less protection to your backline.
  2. I guess it's some kind of Gegenpress Choas Tactic right? So quick possession changes, basically a game ideally played 90minutes just in transition-phases (counterpress and the resulting attacking transition). so the players need to have some Endurance. Because should you be forced into a build up, you have your Regista DM basically alone in midfield. Both CMs will push up early both wingers and one wingback will push up early He(the Regista) has quite some options infront of him but nothing else should he lose the ball it's only the two CDs trying to defend the counter. I guess it works, just by the amount of pressure and overloads you create against any backline? I don't know if you need play out of defence and shorter passing in your Defense- and Midfield-Build-up there are only 4 players involved (2 CDs, Regista and WB-SU). But maybe they are required to have some kind of controlled possession. I think in real life football a tactic like that would fail horribly. Or be the 85 minute "all or nothing"-approach I guess this is the shape your team is in quite often? And the scorlines quite high rather often? How do you see it play out? Does it work? Does it produce the football you want to see?
  3. TLDR I'd say take away some of the risk, keep a little more of the ball, maybe look into some role/duty changes to give yourself more out balls and attacking options/angles LDR All just my opinions. I am not tactics guru. This is only with the assumption, that you are lacking "good possession" I assume your possession stat is somewhere around 30-40%, pass completion somewhere from 60-80. Most success full passes played between your back four. I'd suggest to remove the more direct passing, your mentality is attacking that means you'll have a tendency to move forward, no need to enhance that by askign the team to play more direct (often more risky & longer) passes. Also maybe for a short while, remove play out of defence. You're on a bad stretch of form, you might not want to risk getting behind by being sloppy when playing out. Maybe remove both underlaps because who is supposed to underlap? The WB-A is probably stay wide... you probably don't want the CMs to underlap aggressively Sounds counter intuitive I know to suggest on one hand "try to hold on for the ball longer" and on the other "yeah get that ball away from there". Both apply contextually You don't want to lose the ball in your third while playing out so get it away from there, don't need the extra stress of chasing a game. You want to play more safer passes forward so you have more chances to get it to where you want it. Not lose it half way there because Steve Nofoot (with passing 2 vision 2 and technique -1) tried to play a direct line breaking pass only to get intercepted. Maybe have a dedicated DLP-Su in DM/BPD to play more risky passes let the rest of the defense/team take a little more care with the ball. But that does not factor in what kind of football you want to play, a Rangnick/Klopp school Gegenpress-DirectAttacking-Choas-System probably doesn't want to dial back on those two options. I actually don't know what kind of football you want to play. You want to have an organized build up (Short Kicks, Play out of Defence) To than try to bypass the Midfield (play more Direct) To than try to out play the opposition in their third (Work Ball into Box) I defense you try to play an aggressive Midblock fine but dying approach, you probably put regroup on because you began to lose and to concede? Your Team how I see it in attack once you are settled. There is no space for underlapping runs. you crowd the center. But that's only if you get into that shape. And just looking at it the roles I think you are trying to play a direct link up into something like this.
  4. There will be yes if you funnel into the middle that's the basic idea lure them there so your trap can spring an win back the ball. The players position themselves to encourage the opposition to play into the middle which for one means the cms to block passing lanes out wide opening lanes into the middle. The idea behind that is to apply pressure there if you have more men in the center you should win the ball at some point, because you outnumber the opposition and can hassle them down until you have the ball. Obviously it's not always fool proof. With a diamond you'll still have a DM or Central-CM to cover the center, and against a flat 442 you should have a idealy 4vs2 if none of the four is able to win the ball or force a bad pass that's not an issue with the idea but with the execution (so the Players, if they all can't tackle or position themselves to force a mistake there is not much you can do other than bring in better suited players). Same with stop/invite crosses you'll leave space somewhere which can be exploited the idea being you deem that space less impact full for the opposition.
  5. @nugatti I think one of the more important aspects for the cross Engagement is your central defenders jumping reach, compared to the oppositions strikers also your keepers aerial reach and command of area. So if you play against 1. FC Cologne who have Tigges and Selke two rather towering strikers upfront you either want to match them or try to stop anyone feeding them. That's obviously on you to decide. If you want to stop crosses your Fullbacks should have good tackling as you're asking them to engage there and not lose. Other probably Acceleration, Pace and Agility to keep up with those pesky wingers. Probably other Attributes as well but listing all that might help is basically a what is needed to defend on the ground list... Funneling for me at least is simply "where is my formation loaded with players" e.g. 442Diamond vs 442-Flat I want the opposition to play through the center as the diamond442 and I want them out of it and wide as the 442flat. If there is no real advantage somewhere I often leave it on standard so neither. You could check for mismatches though. Really good Fullback vs average Winger you want the opposition out wide to win the match up. Your Def Mid is weak and they have a superb playmaker as a ten you might want to funnel play away from that match up. Other since as stated your defensive width in different phases of play is affect you could opt for invite crosses & funnel out wide if your centerbacks are slow and you want to discourage any balls through the channels as much as possible. Obviously if they have suberp crossers and a tower of a man with good heading in your box whom you can't match in the air you'll die that death. That's footbal on defense, you try to decide which death to die if any hoping the opposition can't profit on what you give them.
  6. Hi by far not a genius, but I have some questions regarding your tactic. I think you are funneling the opposition down the center because you don't have wide players? Are you beaten by long balls through the middle by any chance? The funneling to the middle, tells your team to play wider in defense, that could create gaps in your defense which gets exploited. If yes and you want to keep the funneling which in my opinion is the right thing to do. Maybe ask the high line to drop? I think that is "Restez plus bas" In english the explanation states they drop when there is an attacking threat, which well if they are dropping just before a long ball is played, they have at least picked up some speed and are not just out accelerated by the forwards. Which also means the space between your defense and your goalkeeper in which a striker can be played in reduces. I am just assuming your defenders are decently quick. Maybe just ask one Central Defender to play a Cover-Duty To have a better understanding on how you get beaten look at the Analyst report in the Data Hub: Click on "Conceding" choose the games and competion and take a look: You can also check for which goals and which position is your problem. As you can see here my right side is a source of danger and obviously crosses stand out. Don't know how it looks with your team but maybe you can spot something. Why play on counter when you want to play for possession? Just leave it unticked, so if a great counter chance presents itself they will take it but they won't try with every chance there is. Probably helps your possession. Why is one of your fullbacks/wingbacks on defend? Don't you need both of them at least on support to provide an easy out-ball if the middle is packed? Maybe it works like that, I just never tried with fullbacks or Wingbacks on defend when I aim to control possession. Also if you look at the tactical presets for "control possession" and "tiki taka" both have a rather lower tempo rather than a high tempo, maybe your playing to fast, exhausting your players but not moving/exhausting the opposition. Hope some of this made sense/gave you an idea on how to approach your problem without altering the tactic all to much.
  7. I haven't got FM24 yet, but from old FMs and from what I have read about the new positional play principles, I think you are on the right track with inward moving wideplayer types. Have you tried to accentuate the behaviour by pushing other players wide and further up (e.g. Fullbacks) instead of FB-Su as maybe FB-At or just WB-Su? At least in from what I have expierenced with the old FMs that seemed to help to get wide players to more eagerly drift to the middle. Other like others have said PIs and TIs to bring them as narrow as possible with the ball.
  8. Hi so I read this twitter thread: And I thought it would sometimes be rather handy if we were able to create custom columns. That would mean a column players can name themselfs, with values players can specify themselves. Obviously this would mostly be calculations. I would envision this close to Excel/LibreOffice-Calc: CellValue= ValueFromColumnA Operator ValueFromColumnB Maybe even a free form text cell, so I can add a Note I want for the player and have them more easily visible than his profile notes and the little orange box. Although this might be a second feature. Back to the Twitterthread example: It would be nice to add a column named "player impact", value = TGLS/90-TCON/90 So i get a third column for each entry like: "player impact" 1.84 1.42 .... This would only be row specific, while I could see use cases, where I want to calculate against other rows, I think this might be even more niche than my proposal is already. These "Custom Columns" should be recognizable, probably with a little icon next to their name which would enable editing as well. I would assume there would be another Menu Point "Insert custom Column" which will lead to a Menu which would need us to add a name and a value also showing which values can be added. My Idea for the basic layout of the custom column menu: Value filled with example for how a formula can be filled by user. Just for this Showcase. Why ColumnNames and FormulaIdentifiers you might ask. I would assume custom columns can be used, but they can be renamed, referencing the name would destroy other values, so having a unique Identifier should make this a little bit more robust. Sorry if a suggestion like this has been made already, I haven't found one when searching. Why this might NOT be worth considering: I guess this might be very niche, and would probably be a huge change to the views. It may not be feasible to do something like this, because the View Export would enable me to just export the data after every game import them to my Spreadsheet and see the new values as well.
  9. Update 4 Success I think. The Table while unimportant for this thread as a whole it provides us with the goals against and goals for stat. Image: League Table third. second best defense, 8th best offense. The tactic Image: tactic So as I said I wanted to keep some more possession. I actually used shorter passing. I dropped the AP-A to a Ap-Su The left FB was once more turned to a FB-D to keep solidity that forced me to switch again from IW to W. I switched form Fullbacks to Wingbacks. Why the FB switch? Image: horrible run of games As you may see we had a horrible run of games with lots of goals conceded as well as chances allowed. From the Highlights, I saw, I deducted that our wings are exploited ruthlessly. So I needed to solidify them again without harming the attacking I am after still to much. Reading the Roles Fullbacks are more defensive than Wingbacks. For me it seemed like they are way more dutyfully tracking back into their position. Could be wrong though. Image: results after the switch Well as the results seem to prove the fullback switch helped. But I am aware we had the great luck to have to play 3 wins in a row (Bochum, Regensburg, Darmstadt). I think the changes were quite successful. We were way better keeping possession. We were way better at creating opportunities. Image: Pitch Tilt data. we moved way closer to the coveted few passes, against lots passess for Image: Attacking efficancy Thank you for everyone helping out and sharing their knowledge and ideas.
  10. So Update 3, played 12 Games so far still forth and second best defense also not to shabby scoring wise this time around: Current Standing Image: BuLi Table with us in fourth Image: current team and tactic I incorporated @dazza11 suggestion to not waste Baku and used him as a WB-At (To be honest I realy don't know the difference between FB-A and WB-A, i just prefer WBs most of the time) I also switched the AP with the Winger and the Winger now is a IW I think he still has the option to go wide, at least he does quite often. To cover Baku the DMs were switched as well so we keep my basic approach but we mirrored it. The prevailing Problems The Data: Conceded Conceded per Game Scored Scored per Game Games 13 1,08333333333333 21 1,75 12 7 0,583333333333333 16 1,33333333333333 12 As we can see defensively we seem to be still as sturdy as I want to be. With the ball we are now a little bit less effective. The stats few passes in final third, bad possession, bad passing completion, tell me we loose balls to easily. The few passes in the "Defensive Third For" are a even worse problem. My aims Still while keeping the defensive side of the ball top notch, up our attacking output. How do I want to do that? Well first of all, we need to keep the ball more. I will have to check why we can't keep the ball in the attacking third. After that we need to look at Chances created. Possession As you might see from the Formation screenshot I removed the play more direct and currently i am pondering to play shorter passes. This would hopefully only see my playmakers play some fancy long range passes while everyone else focuses on not giving the ball away cheaply, thus helping us stay on the front foot some more. Any thought from you guys on this? While I obviously thought part of the problem might be missing passing options, except for the striker most players seem to have two options with them to keep possesion in all highlights. Than I thought we might be to shot heavy. Shooting The Data: Well we seem not to shot heavy, being only 9th in shots per game. The shots we take go on target in 43% of the cases, so they seem to not be desperation attempts. The shooting location is quite central for the Last 5 Matches which is also good. In my opinion we are not shooting enough, which is underpinned by our chance creation having us 10th in the BuLi. Back to the start why can't we keep the ball in the final third? - We are not creating tremendous amounts of chances. We do not only need few passes to unlock the opposition and having a shot. - We are (in my opinion) not options to pass to either upfront or in on the same line. Back to looking at the Possession: Player Stats Who looses the possession a lot? Image: Squad view sorted by possession lost Well my new Winger recruitment is at the top of the list, a pity but expected when his defining trait is "can run fast with ball". Actually both Winger (Rivas and Wimmer) are in the top 3 of possession lost. Both with horrendous passing completion as well. loosing many balls due to dribbling a lot is expected but also by poor passing... Well as expected both cross a lot but unexpectedly poor, probably because they were wingers on the right when I started the season for half of the games, so I might see that drop now they are Inverted. Also of note both Regista players (Svanberg and Braganca) are loose with possession, being in the Top-5. Their passing completion is around 80%, not good but not horrible for guys I expect to play the difficult pass. Could be better though. They are as I wanted and as the passes attempted show obviously our distribution hub having by far the most passes. I suppose their crossing is so high because they are my main Corner takers. at least I havent seen one of them on the overlap in a highlight I actually don't know why their Pass completion is so low. These guys should have always options in front, even more now that Baku (Right Fullback) is allowed to attack. They should have always a save option besides them. With Vision15 they should be able to see enough options. They should make decent Decisions (13/14) and should be rather Composed(13/16). Would any of you guy have a guess why their completion is around 80% rather than lets say 85%? My Keeper (Casteels) giving away so much possession is a concern. But I try to force the opposition to do the same so I can't blame him. I will have to ask him to play shorter though. (I will tick what fits his kicking/passing/throwing toget him to play safer balls) Obviously my Advanced Playmakers (Waldschmidt and Oliver) are here as well. I am impressed by Oliver though while his number is high it's a lot smaller than Waldschmidts and also smaller than both Registas. But both of them have a low passing completion. I suppose here we could have an option problem only the other AMs and the Striker were viable Attacking options before I pushed Baku(Rightback) up the field. So I might have to wait to see some improvement here. The other none surprising entries here are my Central Attacking Midfielder (F.Nmecha and Jonas Wind) but them being 8th and 10th is rather impressive. They are the most forward players in our midfield only having the Striker infront of them. The odd one out is my Backup Righback Fischer, he completes lots of his passes but loses possession a decent bit. I guess he is not up to the task to fill Bakus shoes. But only Four starts and more often than not not even being on the bench, he is not worth looking into. Another point of possession lost is both Strikers with Gimenez 11 and L.Nmech 16 Offsides in all competitions. My Result I will wait on some feedback from you guys before continuing. My planed changes are: - Ask the keeper to distibute safer. - lower the passing down from more direct. - I am thinking about lowering the passing tempo to balanced again, we are not a counter-transition team and most other teams don't allow us to do that anyway. Well that's the direct ideas I had. I still don't know how to help us keeping the ball in the final third. Work Ball in the Box seems contra productive we don't over-shoot we under-create. Asking for more dribbles or to Run at defence.. I don't know why, the AP-A, IW/W-Su are already asked to dribble more. I can't see this helping us but I could be wrong. Play for set pieces they are set up but I think we scored only ~3 goals from corners and freekicks and we don't have a really good taker since Arnold left. Also I don't want to be reliant on that. Be more Expressive I actually thought about this. It could bring some needed Chaos but actually I do not know what exactly it does. Our current attacking approaches also look like chaos so we might not need that. Hit Early Crosses something @Cloud9 mentioned already I should think about. I don't know if that would help. Wouldn't that mean we are even more likely to just ping the ball in there hoping either the ST or the AMC reach it? So not really helping with final third possession but possibly helping a lot with scoring. Maybe I need to change roles which so far I have been reluctant to do I admint that. Bonus A defense that holds but doesn't work
  11. That is probably true. But when not on the counter the AP gives me a Player with the license to do fancy stuff to unlock defenses (I know its not working thats why you are here). I wouldn't even mind if he slows play down when appropriate. Idea behind the AP Image: AP with the ball in the channel (tactical-board skech) Just picture this the AP slows down play there in the channel-wide area, he is a dangerous man so he will probably be closed down. The opposition defence shifting more and more to the left. Ideally creating numerical supperiority just by him having the ball and drawing in opposition players. By him being narrower and not alone on the wing the R-DM/CM-, R-CD and RB all have to have an eye on him, with ball or without. So he alone should be a worry for three players. He can either: - dribble himself into dangerous areas (that's why he is on Attack) - play through balls to the AMC or the ST. (Someone finally makes the runs by having an AF) - play a security pass to the, hopefully, rather free regista who could do magic - shift play to the other now free wing. - play with his Wingback who might try to overlap. Happens rarely but it does happen. That and again the lack of pace in my options are my reasons to opt for the AP-A rather than a Winger or and IW. I might have it wrong but all Wingers need pace a Treq or an AP are not as reliant on that to do their role. Due to me wanting to be defensively sound a lazy Treq is obviously not an option. Maybe my thinking here and my idea is flawed and I am not 100% grasping what the IW will bring to my game, so sorry for being so stubborn in defending my AP-A choice. If scoring does not approve I will obviously try the IW-Role eventhough I do not understand how/why that could improve our penetration. Current Changes I tried AF-A and SS-A and while they both tried to penetrate they both do it seemingly equally, so both seem to try to pin the backline and start a run. I didn't like how that looked so I rather quickly went for AM-A and AF-A the AM-A starts and arrives a little later but he is more of an option should the ball go through the middle on accident. I tried with a Wingback-Su on the left side to have a more eager overlap and width there. But that seemed to open up the left a little bit more. So for the new season I am back to my all defensive backline. Else I added the low crosses as explained by @Cloud9 and the more direct passes and the slightly higher tempo. I got some new recruits I bought a 17/17 Winger 18/18 was not available even with 50.000.000,00 to start with... I will be honest he is not an upgrade to Wimmer but he has 17/17 and was cheap due to being transferlisted (and well not awesome) but he should be able to do the Winger stuff decently well. I will rotate them once both are fit. Obviously the new guy got hurt early in preseason. Image: comparison Wimmer vs new Winger Recruit Rigoberto Rivas I needed a new backup Striker my old one left so approached two guys Santiago Gimenez and Tommaso Biasci. Image: Both new Strikers compared to L.Nmecha Biasic was super cheap and happy to be an emergency Backup even thought he seems to be close ability wise and Gimenez, for me at least, seems to be a slight upgrade to L.Nmecha having only cost 12.000.000,00. currently I plan to Rotate Nmecha and Gimenez. Also I bought a new solid Centerback in Lucas Verissimo to have a capable backup, having lost Bornauw in the Winter and also van de Ven during stretches of the last half of the season, might have played a part in the end of the Season but that's the next Chapter. What happend after implementing the Changes I asked for advice after 22 Games. Conceded Concede per game Scored Score per Game Games played 16 0,73 25 1,14 22 13 1,08 21 1,75 12 That meant in the league we only had 12 Games left, while before the changes we only conceded ~0,73 goals per game after the changes we conceded ~1 goal per game. Offensively we scored before the changes 1,14 goals per game after the changes we scored 1,75 goals per game. I don't have data for incorporating the low crosses and the more direct passing yet. I will update after having played some games of the new Season. But at least the role changes especially for the Striker seemed to be crucial. Nmecha was second in the the race for the top goalscorer with 21 goals having scored 13 Goals in those 12 games. What also happend is we conceded more, but again I lost Bornauw my best Centerback for 6 Month so he was gone when I asked for help but his replacement van de Ven (who was supposed to play as leftback) also got hurt for some stretches of these 12 Games so I only played with 1 real centerback that being Lacroix. Something I noticed: a lot of the highlight against us started on the left side so the side where the new Leftback was higher due to him being a WB-Su. So again for the new season I will start with the all defensive back four. Hoping to secure the defense a bit more while not messing with the scoring. What I am fearing though is that the more direct passes and higher tempo will lead to us having even less possesion than we already have had. Again I will update you guys soon. I hope we will like in these last 12 Games widen our XGf-XGa score even more. From 0,41 to 0,67 was a huge leap forwards for us. So for now Thank you all for your Inputs, I hope I can give you an Update either tomorrow or on Thursday on if we could improve evenen more. From the friendlies i played it looks good but they were only friendlies.
  12. Yes I have seen that, I am just not sure why. I have a attacking Stiker, an attacking AMC, and an Attacking AML why is noone moving in positions to score or so rarely. Why is that? isn't that an instruction like "if you cross please do X more" basically me saying please don't put the ball in the air in such a matter that he is covered with snow when he arrives at the target. I have no issue with that I was just surpirsed that the tackling is so none existing when the defense is rather tight. I disagree slightly with the pace, Wimmer and both Nmechas are rather fast somwhere 15/16ish it's just the AML who is rather slow compared to them. With the Roles and Instructions you are right. I wasn't intending on building a "pure counter attack" team but one that could beat an opposition in many ways, when it's slighly on to counter yes try it but else we should be able to score otherwise as well. (We arent able to score I know) Well than I might have misunderstood the role description. I thought the PF(A) behaves like a AF with the ball. I will try that for sure. Thank you for that Input I will at least try with a more offensive Leftback role. The AP role is soley due to the player there being "to slow" to be any sort of "winger" in my eyes and well in my Friendlies he did what I hoped he would "receive the ball play a cross field pass to the forward rushing Winger to set up goals". Wouldn't a IW + WB combination behave rather similiar to AP+WB? the AP/IW moving inside freeing up space for the Wingback? My Problem with the Shadow Striker ist that well he is more Striker than Midfielder so we have even less passing options in the middle when he pushes even higher, wouldn't that be a problem? Also I would like my striker to be the main goalscorer so with the other advice I have gotten from @Cloud9 I would move him to be an AF would that be a problem? Would both just pick different Channels and run? Creating penetration and hopefully scoring I crave? Or would both run into each other because they both try to be "the striker"? Again thank you for your Input so far I will take the WB and SS recommendations and see if that helps with creating something. It's more a "I can't spend now", windows are closed and I would like to fix it with the players I have, and discourage someone coming in telling me about our lord and saviour 4-2-3-1 Gegenpress and 11 Wonderkids I should buy to play that. I am at Wolfsburg I am certain in the Sommer I'll get a Warchest to do lots of things with, I don't need to Conte the board I think . I would just like to do things with my "approach". Which yes is a Master of none because I would like to be able to beat all oppositions, If they play we should be able to grind out a result, if we are allowed to play football (face a low block) I would like the team to be able to create against that as well. Problem here as we have all seen my team is missing something in the final third to create or hold onto the ball.
  13. Hello all, after I got help with securing my defense a few weeks ago, I achieved that goal. I started a save with Vfl Wolfsburg in the Bundesliga, while I can't fault my defense: Image: Table Vfl Wolfsburg in third having conceded only 16 Goals in 22 games but only having scored 25 Now my offense is not firing at all... My current tactic Image: current tactic 4-2-3-1 Let me explain my thinking when setting this up: Formation: 4-2-3-1 DM, I just looked at the players I had and looked how I could incorporate all of those I deemed "important" especially the starting front four. Instructions: In Possession I am not recreating a style so I wanted to be as flexible as possible. So not many Instructions here. whipped crosses: none of my strikers in a tower so having them whipped might help them win some more. Focus Play Left/Right: At first I planed with Waldschmidt out wide and thought he has vision and passing so why not focus play through him, an the focus on the right wing to get the Winger often in 1v1s he should win and deliver a cross after. In Transition We were expected to finish somewhere in the middle 8/9tn I think. So I thought when we have the chance we should counter and make the game quick. Out of Possession Again keeping with being flexibel not much to see here. If the opposition keeper has the ball I want him to play long figuring we might have a better chance winning balls in the air so we should prevent him from playing short. Mid block again flexible don't run yourself in the ground pressing too high, don't invite too much pressure sitting to deep. Drop off more well my CDs normally Lacroix and Bornauw are not to slow but I would rather them picking up speed backwards before the ball passes them than after just to help with balls over the top. So that's the "tactical" approach there really is none except do everything a little and don't be too focused on doing one part while opening the other Roles Defense: A simple GK: keep the ball out of the net don't do fancy stuff with the ball at your feet. A really conservative Backline. 2 CD-Ds, protect the goal hold a line, play a secure ball. 2 Wingbacks on Defense. On the right side Baku hates me for it but I wanted him to be a crossing threat from deep while wimmer could be a threat that goes to the byline if needed. So having him on defend was a tactical second way to score from the right choice. On the left side I planed with Van de Ven he is decent going forward but with his height of 193cm he is more or less a third Central Defender plus I planed with Waldschmidt before him whom I did not trust to do the legwork coming back (Waldschmidt has 10 Workrate, 7 Positioning, 9 Aggression). Midfield: 2 Dms well Dms so when a counterattack triggers they are not pulled forwards to far. Left Dm an Anchor Guilavogui was my first choice he is a ball winner through and through but I wanted someone to protect the backline and the rather static anchor-role gives me that. Right DM a Regista the more offensive Deep-Lying-Playmaker, My first choice here was Maxi Arnold, but he left in the Winter when the big guys called. He honestly wasn't as much of a playmaker going by his attributes, but I wanted someone to be responsible to man the middle of the pitch and be availble to be passed to as well as to have the freedom to pass wherever. The AMs Left-Am, planned with Waldschmidt here but with 13 Acc and 13 Pace he is not really fast enought to be a winger, but his passing an vision paired with his flair screem playmaker so I thought why not try that he can ping balls to the Winger opposite of him or slot a ball through to the other AM or the Striker. Hopefully pulling the opposition defense to his side freeing up a later arriving Wimmer. Center-AM Felix Nmecha good all around So I thought why not hav him attack the backline, be a runner for the AP to his left. Right-Am Wimmer a Winger stays wide trys to beat his opponent and cross the ball in. Also on Support when the ball is on the Left side he often arrives late an unmakred in the box. Striker Just a Pressing Forward a so basically an Advanced Forward with extra defensive duty I think. Here I had Lukas Nmecha who I wanted to partner with his brother a little faster a little stronger a good Striker to worry a Centerback or two. I have my Set pieces set up they are not to fancy but also not too shaby for me. But I don't want to score more from set peices I want to creat more from open play. Why haven't the roles changed even though some players have and we are not scoring? Well to be honest mostly because the defense is rock solid and I fear I might unsettle that and I tried to buy better suited players for some roles. Oliver is a better Playmaker than Waldschmidt, Braganca a good regista and rather cheap I hoped he might breath some live into the offense with his skills (Passing15, Technique16, FirstTouch14, Compsure16, Vision15, Decisions14, Balace15, Flair12) The Data Image: Attacking Data Image: Defensive Data. Surprisingly we try to tackle super rarely If you need some more Data please tell me I am happy to provide more. But the ones that I think might be important: Attacking Efficencty: we are middeling but more toward "Passive Shooting Wasteful shooting" Scoring: middeling but towards "Low scoring, low nonPenalty.XG" So no surprises here we don't create much and what we create is wasted a little more than usual. Pitch Tilt: "Lots of passes against in final third, few passes for in final third" Movement: "Fewer dribbles, loose in posession" but dribbles is more or less middeling Pass Map Last Game: good linkup wide less linking up towards the middle My analysis so far: Obviously we are not creating many good chances by looking at the Passing map the AML doesn't provide the link up I expected towards the middle, all in all my Attacking 4 (5 counting the Regista) have problems finding each other, that fact is also supported by the PitchTilt stat we have problems moving the ball around in the final third. Why I can't tell for me the set up looks "fine" but it obviously is not. We are greatly over performing thanks to a gret keeper and a good defensive line. While I don't fear to lose a 1:0 with this team anymore I would like to be able to say we don't conceded and we score at will Something else I noticed while writing about the formation and the roles, it reminds me a bit of Mourinhos second Chelsea stint with Ivanovic at Rightback and Azpilicueta at Leftback both also being rather shy going forward. Hazard on the left the heart of the team e.g. their Playmaker. A holder in Matic and a Playmaker next to him. But this wasn't the aim to recreate that but I at least am as efficent and as boring as they were in that first season. And like them in the second I would like to keep the defensive prowess while adding to my attack. My Vision: How i envisioned this to work: I thought the AML(AP) would come narrower building a "double 8" before the oppositions box, the AMC and the PF-A on a line worrying the Centerbacks. The Regista has the Winger as a forward wide outball or the Wingback on his side and a backwards outball. His Options to the right are the AML(AP) who moved more centrally as a forward option in the middle and the Anchor as an easy middle out ball while also having the Winback on the left side as a target for a switch of play. Thus creating a handball like ring around the opposition box that should have options to keep the ball and create holes moving the ball around. The AML as an AP-A is a dual threat here he might play a through ball but he might also take a defender on himself. Image: vision for the formation with both playmakers as middle threats with all options available Now to you: So If you have tips on how to create more and better chances without disrupting my defensive prowess and without recruiting completly different player types, please write a comment, I am thankful for any tip with some explanation on why and how that might help/effect my team. If you need some more Data or some other Input I am happy to provide whatever I can.
  14. Hello, I have this little User Experience issue with Player interactions and I would like to present my Idea to fix my issue. So I like to do a bunch of individual talk regarding the same topic all at once (Monthly meetings regarding Conduct/ Trainingperformance feedback talks/ Praise-Critque Last Game) I would like to be able to select all the players relevant to that topic and trigger the interactions with all of them at once. This would save lots of clicks. It is quiet tedious to click the same thing over and over again. The individual Meetings can still be shown like they are now but instead of "End Talk" there should be a "Next Talk"-Button which brings the FM-Player to the next interaction talk with the next player. Example Use Case: -FM-Player is in Squad view. -FM-Player chooses multiple players to talk to. -FM-Player chooses topic he wants to talk with all players about FM-Player has multiple individual meetings one after each other. If a meeting is scheduled wrongly the "Next-Talk" Button while just cancel the current meeting like it does currently. This could also be used for interactions like fines select multiple players execute the same interaction for all of them (E.g. "1 Day Fine")
  15. Hi all, Could someone explain the player feedback please? so I set up my team but some players are anoyed (Davies/Cancelo) I'll freely translate it: Davies - "Thinks teaminstruction (be more creative) and his player property (trys tricks) don't fit together" Cancelo - "Thinks teaminstruction (be more creative) and his player property (plays ball with the outside of his boot) don't fit together" Could someone explain why? They want to do fancy flair stuff, I say (be creative) do more fancy flair stuff and they say they dont match? What am i missing here?
  16. @CARRERA I didn't let the instruction settle for multiple games, mostly one game try to figure out what happens, what changes in the behaviour of the people I think will be targeted by the instruction and what changes to the starting no instructions at all do I see in the overall shape. Yes not datadriven but I have to admit I'm awful in getting lots of knowledge out of the FM provided data. Since its my first adventure into this years FM I started rather boring to get to know the Match Engine. No Instructions 4-3-3 AF-A W-A W-A CM-A CM-S A-D FB-S CD-D CD-D FB-S GK-D The only weird one is probably the Anchor, but I like the role and read somewhere it's the FM "Makelele role" although I'm not to sure on that. But hes reliable and should clog up the route through the middle. Example long ball, this time a little from the side so not complete centrally: Gif: long ball over a settled defense ending in a goal It's not the Players I think, not to badmouth Terodde but he has Acceleration:10 and Pace 12 while Elvedi the CD who is NOT caught absolutley out of Position (looking at you Itakura) has Acceleration:13 and Pace:15. I know pace is not everything but he should be quick enough to get the ball before Terodde . I know that's football you will conced such goals but it feels like I conced them too much if you know what I mean. Or I'm just so fixated on them, I just notice them way to often confirming my owen made up bias. I also think I now know why I sometimes see the inverted crescent I mentioned in my original post. Simply that both CDs get drawn to the ball like some U-12 Players, especially with long balls and if I am not mistaken the FBs drop earlier, probably to where the line should establish itself. Still haven't figured out why I see the same occuring quite often when an opposition player is out wide: Picture: Inverted crescent Situation one: CD-L (Itakura) has steped out, CD-R Elvedi is way ahead of Scally FB-R who dropped back more agressively. Bensebaini is the nominal FB-L but due to Kone challenging out wide he probably took his spot as a CM(?) Situation two: The opposition goes down the flank some more, Itakura has dropped off as Kone is with the opposition. But instead of dropping off towards the goal he drops off away from it. Scally is still deeper than Elvedi. Maybe that's down to Elvedi being slow and scally faster. Later on the line will establish as a line, nothing against FBs being on the money with their positional duty, just weird that the Cds are so 'slow' for a lack of a better word. Look at Netz Left FB(Bottom) he drops way to deep way too early way to agressively. Yes this time it could be the player but again that's a trend I have spotted which irks me as I don't understand the why and can't explain it with my (limited) footballing knowledge. Gif: Opposition in possesion, FB-L opposite of where the ball is drops meters behind the CDs I have seen often that the CDs are slower to drop compared to the FBs, maybe I am wrong but isn't that the other way around normally? Could that be exacerbated by ticking the drop off more option? Thus making a long ball over the top even more dangerous? And yes it's not happening like that all the time more often than not the back four behaves like expected , the scoreboard resembles most of the time a normal football match 2 Goals here 3 Goals there sometimes even 1 all sometimes none at all. If you want me to look at specific data or even post a screenshot of the tactic, as I said nothing spectacular because I'm just fiddeling around, just tell me. Maybe I just need to get to know this FM better, the problem with jumping every other release, I am not used to changes of the last one and this ones iteration. But you guys would agree with me established footballing knowledge would dictate Pressingtraps outside, allow crosses, and drop back more with maybe a deeper line of defense should be considered when trying to shore up a defense that seems to be beaten by long balls right? Considering I am not aiming for a high press...
  17. Hello all, if you've seen some of my posts you might know I like defense first football (not toothless but having been a goalkeeper in my youth I prefer to have the opposition to not score). I got FM23 for Christmas and have since only played 44 hours eventhough I had taken off two weeks planning to sink them into the game. I tried again this weekend (which probably added 12 of the 44 hours) but I have so many problems with getting the new defense settings. And something with the defenders seems weirdly off. I don't know if I am crazy but I have learned a back four should behave like a cresecent (meaning ball is centrally both cds a little bit deeper than the fbs, shifting with the position of the ball) I notice quite a lot that both fbs are deeper than the cds. Than I have noticed that the cds tend to position a bit quite a far from each other, even in defensive situations. Which now leads to the problem I am having: Something I have suffered from a bit is long balls through the middle. Sure that can happen and be successful but not in the frequency I suffered from that and not at a Top-5 level league (German Bundesliga). Currently I play a flat back for FBs-CDd-CDd-FBs and a DMd infront of them. What I tried: Obviously force the opposition outside with the pressing traps option. I mean that shouldn't be to necessary with a 4-3-3 (Dm). But was worth a try didn't help much but at least brought the CDs a little closer. Than I played around with the deny crosses or allow crosses options. My Idea being we allow crosses and bring the back 4 narrower to stop a ball from the halfway line going through the middle. That still didn't help a lot. I also wonder whats the difference between pressingtraps outside and denying crosses (I noticed with denying crosses the CD is more likely to step out wide as well) But basically don't they do the same? bring the opposition outside and win the ball back there? So I tried the back line option, hoping that instructing my defense to drop off would make it harder to hit a ball in a spot that is not easily collected by my keeper or is too short to be a danger outright. I know in hindsight that should have been the first option to try out because it at least sound like what I want to happen. I am now pondering whether I should try to make the defense step up hoping to catch more attackers offside but as i said I am defense first I would like to have a safety net instead of the offside gamble. Now I am trying to play with the defensive line position, obviously pulling that deeper should help as that forces the defense to be deeper, instead of dropping off when needed like I hoped the previous option would. Although from previous FMs I am rather reluctant to pull it below standard deepness. Other Ideas I will have to play with: CD partnership options -> maybe stopper/cover would help, forcing the cover CD deeper while the stopper hopefully challenges the long ball. Formation changes -> I might have to switch to a three at the back formation... Obviously having a third CD and one centrally should be a stumbling block for balls through the middle. Please help Is it me playing the game wrong? obviously I notice it and get annoyed because my team is not setup to go for a shoot out trying to outscore the opposition. Is that something you guys suffer from as well? Do you have a solution? Have I missed something which would be obvious? Are some of the instructions contrary to each other? I doubt its the players Bundesliga level should be good enough to not see a common slap stick performance.
  18. Hello Community, For me Passing so: "Much Shorter", "Shorter", "Standard", "More Direct", "Extreme Direct" always was like the game states "how fast we transition from defence to attack", e.g. if you have an option further up on "more direct" prefer that option. On shorter passing build up with patience. So Passing would look like that Shorter Passing: Image: 4-4-2 drawn with a few short passes until it reaches the forward (created with tactical-board dot com) Direct Passing: Image: 4-4-2 drawn with a few direct passes until it reaches the forward (created with tactical-board dot com) While tempo for me was, well... the tempo... how fast we play, how fast we run into positions to receive and such, which seems absolutely stupid after I stumbled upon this old discussion from 2013: If I understand that correct tempo means "how much the team tries to force it". So the "intensity of approach" and "moving the ball decisively" translates to play it even though the situation is bad aka. force it. Would that mean playing direct with low tempo prefers this pass: Image: 4-4-2 with opposition low tempo direct passing idea, less risky pass open receiver (created with tactical-board dot com) While playing direct with high tempo prefers this pass: Image: 4-4-2 with opposition high tempo direct passing idea, risky pass receiver is marked (created with tactical-board dot com) Could someone please enlighten me? What would "high tempo short passing" and "low tempo short passing" do? If my understanding now is right: high tempo short passing will more readily try to score/play a pass that risks loosing the ball to get into position to score. low tempo short passing will try to keep possession way instead of trying to get into scoring position (e.g. Guardiolas Man City in minute 85+ when leading five to nothing) That would mean tempo = "how much do we want to force it" Neatly tying it to Mentatlity Defensive = low tempo -> no risks, kill the game Attacking = hight tempo -> risk it, we need a goal
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