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0 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. Oh Great thanks.... appreciate your effort man...
  2. The only reason I am can't use this skin... All the updates have same issues with the Touchline tablets.... And I couldn't find way to fix it myself.... @_Ben_ Hoping you could help me out with this... I have cleared all caches, I have done all I can do... Thanks Aside this problem... the skin is 100% awesome and great...
  3. Thanks Ben for this great skin... only one issue I got... I use a resolution of 1920x1080 and 95% but on the Player overview screen it doesn't show the full size of the pitch so some part of the player positions are cut off. Is there I can fix that myself I changed to 85% it was okay but the text are so tiny... Thanks again for this beautiful skin... best ever!
  4. Yoh! @_Ben_ What xml editor do you use... or how do you go about editing the skin... thanks for this beautiful and deatailed skin...
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