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1 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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    Balgonie Scotia

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  1. Thanks mate, got it done. Was simple enough to do thankfully
  2. Do I need two rounds then? Is that to include a relegation playoff? Would I need to tie it in to the league below?
  3. Is it a straight forward job to remove a couple of rounds from a league? I have been editing the Cypriot league and have added in another competition but this ends up with to much fixture congestion. The league has 3 rounds. A league where everyone plays each other twice Then a championship group and a relegation group consisting of top 8 and bottom 8. I want to remove these two groups and just make it a straight forward league. How difficult is this? And am I likely to run in to problems?
  4. Is it a straight forward job to remove a couple of rounds from a league? I have been editing the Cypriot league and have added in another competition but this ends up with to much fixture congestion. The league has 3 rounds. A league where everyone plays each other twice Then a championship group and a relegation group consisting of top 8 and bottom 8. I want to remove these two groups and just make it a straight forward league. How difficult is this? And am I likely to run in to problems?
  5. I am creating a new database atm and I've run in to a problem with the nations I'm using. Both are already in the EU and Economic trade area, in terms of agreements. I'm trying to add another agreement and when I do the editor pauses like its adding a new slot but the slot doesn't appear and so I can't add the new agreement
  6. I tried merging your muratti with my Guernsey league and looks like it'll be a fairly straight forward thing to change the countries 😊
  7. They will be, using the Cyprus league system and Maltese league system as a base. Still got a lot of work to do on it. In the process of sorting out 700+ players and staff to hopefully help with newgen names. What is everyone's preference for reputation? A really low rep league which would be relastic or a mid level but ultimately unrealistic but able to sign players and have a fighting chance in Europe? As it stands the Guernsey and Jersey leagues would be well below any Welsh or northern Irish teams in terms of reputation
  8. Do you know which editing tool is used to create the cutout badges? Thats always where I found the problem making them
  9. I've started work on the leagues now so I'll let you know how I get on. Yeah the Upton Park Trophy, champions of Guernsey and Jersey play at the end or start of every season. I'll certainly try doing that once I have the leagues figured out I can work through all the data base in time but I can't for the life of Mr make custom badges. Have you any idea how to do those?
  10. I just chose Malta as it was a relatively small nation that I knew I wouldn't miss to much in my save game I changed the teams names in the Maltese league to the ones from the channel islands so I haven't removed any teams. So when it comes to qualifying for Europe and things it all just carry on from where Malta left off. The national team start in the nations league group where Malta were and the same goes for world cup and euro qualifying In terms of guernsey and jersey they are created as regions with all the different parishes created as cities in those regions. So I'm not sure how simple it would be in terms of changing that and all the players and staff. I have been looking at things today and I think I'm going to build a new data base with a separate Guernsey and Jersey based on your Muratti and island games set up. I'll start with that and add leagues, teams, cities, stadiums, media, awards and all the things I had in mine. Will take time but I love doing that sort of thing then being able to play in a fully custom channel islands save 😀
  11. I recently made a form of channel islands league system using Malta as the base. Filled with all the teams from Jersey, Guernsey, Alderney and even a team for Sark and Herm. Padded it out with some French teams and a couple English ones. Only thing was I couldn't make the nations on there own so combined them to make channel islands a nation. Populated it with almost 200 platers, officials, managers, ex players and that sort of thing. Currently playing as a team called L'Ancresse Spartans and have picked up one or two problems. At the end of a season some teams finish with the same record and rather than using games against or something I set it to the message comes up under the league saying team a was chosen at random to finish above team b as they have the same record. I'd love to add the Muratti to the database but I'm not sure how easy it would be given I've set up a league system and another nation
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