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Everything posted by szmd92

  1. Yes it is frustrating, it makes the game unenjoyable. Proper high press is bad in the game, your players often refuse to press at all despite being instructed to press intensely, and their positioning is way too deep. If the AI wants to play out from the back it can do it very easily and dominate possession against you with a weaker team. I tried to play a possession based high pressure attacking style, and I was disappointed becasue of the above. Then I tried specifically and tightly marking their defenders, and my players completely ignored it. Also almost every team uses an inverted fullback and/or inverted wingbacks or a three at the back formation which doesn't seem too realistic to me. I guess SI is too busy counting money to care about this.
  2. I agree. I thought that you can make it work if you use a regular not inverted fullback with the instruction to sit narrower, but they don't sit narrow enough, they are still wide. Similarly the "Stones role" is also quite limited, because you cannot tell the libero to get further forward and it's only available with a defend and support duty, and we cannot instruct him to roam from position which doesn't make sense to me. A libero with a support duty is basically an auxiliary off the ball holding defensive midfielder, we should be able to instruct him to get further forward and roam from position/move into channels so he can contribute more higher up the pitch and stretch play in central midfield. The introduction of the tactical creator was a good thing, but I think they went into the other direction too much and we are very much limited in a lot of ways when it comes to tactical/player instructions. There are hidden instructions which I think the game should show us, for example the false nine and the half back role has the hidden instruction to "drop deep". There is no reason we shouldn't be able to instruct any other role and position to drop deep, and the game should show us the instruction. If i want my central attacking midfield playmaker to drop deep into central midfield, currently it is not possible, the playmaker only sits between the lines and collects the ball but I simply cannot instruct him to drop deep into central midfield. There should be also a generalist freely modifiable central defender role with support and attack duty too, there is no reason that the central defender should only be available with defend duty. We also cannot tell a fullback and wingback role to roam from position, which doesn't make sense to me. The complete wingback roams, but it also stays wider so it doesn't contribute centrally off the ball, the inverted wingback also roams but it sits narrower and cuts inside, so currently it's impossible to have a roaming wingback/fullback who is not instructed to stay wide or sit narrow. Another thing is when I want a central midfielder to move into channels and stay wide, it's impossible to select these two instructions simultaneously which doesn't make sense to me because they are not conflicting instructions, for example the mezzala is instructed to do both. We should also have generalist freely modifiable wide forward and centre forward roles.
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