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Sandy Tait

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21 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"


  • Biography
    Football Manager player & creator since '96. Chairman of the esteemed Hardleigh Athletic FC and creator of the Spurs Misfits database.

Favourite Team

  • Favourite Team
    Tottenham and Ajax

Currently Managing

  • Currently Managing
    Ajax 01/02

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  1. Same problem with Ajax in my journeyman save - took the job on with the club having a -£35m transfer deficit and I thought okay, that's a fun challenge, I'll just have to blood some youngsters. Worked well - had three absolute break out stars and a couple of others showed real promise, everyone benefitted from the first team football, and I managed to sell enough dross and unwanted players to get the deficit down to a mere £250k. Winter transfer window comes along, and the board tell me my transfer budget is now -£45m and I need to sell players. Like, wtf? Even more insane, they've upped my wage budget, meaning I now have £800kpw extra available for salaries (this is the Eredivisie, so that's an entire first team squad!), but I can't use that to offset against the transfer budget deficit, meaning I can't sign anyone at all, not even loans or free transfers. I am fine with the initial challenge of trying to clear a transfer debt (it was actually really fun and forced me to really push youth development) but this has broken it. Worse, the board are frustrated that I haven't done enough to clear our transfer deficit, despite me coming within touching distance in just the first window. Oh, and I'm also getting the "The board have relinquished control of player sales" message every single day.
  2. Just run into this bug as well - I'm importing the training schedules that I've used for all my other careers so far in FM24, hitting confirm, then save, as usual, but they're not showing up in the list. Have tried restarting the game to no avail.
  3. Tell us something we don't know? Not wanting to be unkind or rude, but this is just more stating the obvious. Obviously previous fixes haven't worked, and obviously something more substantial is needed. This has been an issue for a decade or, to put it another, half the existence of the Football Manager franchise (not including the CM days here, clearly). If a bug is present for that long without being fixed, I can't help but seriously question the actual interest the team has in fixing it. Not expecting you to come back with an exact timeframe, I'm just hoping you can convince us that progress is being made and that maybe when FM25 comes out we won't be talking about this yet again.
  4. Of all the bugs encountered in the Football Manager series, this one is by far the most persistent and ridiculous. A game as advanced as this, that gets significant overhauls on an annual basis (and multiple patches in-between), still cannot handle the seemingly simple matter of having resizable columns that actually work. It's just mind-boggling. Yeah, the match engine's great and the database is amazing and so on but can SI please just fix the sodding interface? FM24 was supposed to be "the most complete edition in the series' history", yet still struggles with something this basic. Honestly, if the entire sales pitch for FM25 was just "WE FIXED THE COLUMN RESIZING PROBLEM!!" I would buy it without a moment's hesitation
  5. Has there been any joy in fixing this? Been a bug for a few versions now. Similarly the nonsense with "auto-size" thinking the screen is about twice as wide as it actually is and shoving half your columns out of view.
  6. @Zachary Whyte A little extra info that may or may not be helpful with this bug - it seems the column only vanishes the next time you start the game after loading a custom skin. I removed the customs skins I had while the game wasn't running, deleted my cache as per the guide, started the game and loaded a save and saw that the Rec column was back, put a custom skin back into the skins folder and loaded it, and the column was still there. The next time I booted FM up it had gone. Obviously the solution here is never close FM
  7. I'm noticing messed up player ratings, too. For me, only two of my defensive players (i.e. full backs, centre backs, defensive mids) averaged over 7.0 for the season, despite us winning the league and finishing with the second lowest GA, just 8 behind City. I remember inaccurate DM ratings being an issue in FM23 but I thought it was patched out eventually. Defensive players highlighted below, and the distribution is clear.
  8. Hi Zach. I've uploaded the save "Sandy Tait - Tottenham.fm" but as I say it's happening in every career so I don't think it's anything to do with the saves.
  9. I am using a custom skin but it's also happening with the default skin. I've tried deleting my cache per the guide but the issue persists. Happens across all my save files, both new ones and ones imported from FM23, and across all skins.
  10. Vanished from mine, too! Thought maybe it was my custom views, or the skin I'm using, but switched to the default skin and checked the default views and it's gone from all of them.
  11. Academies are, IMO, the most underdeveloped part of the game and it's been due an overhaul for a long time. You get an inbox item in the first half of the season with a vague prediction of what you'll get, then in the second half of the season they all turn up for a trial and that's it, leaving the whole thing feeling like a glorified die roll. It's particularly out of place when you're managing the likes of Ajax or Barca who famously have absolutely enormous youth academies that have many, many levels as well as youth camps and satellite academies in other nations. I'd love to see: * The Youth Academy getting its own page in the Development Centre section * Multiple youth levels visible, as you suggest, with the number and the size being tied to the club's youth facilities and recruitment ratings; it wouldn't even need to be a full team page like with the U18s, but perhaps just a section on the new Academy page briefly outlining the player names, positions, etc. like we currently get on the Youth Candidates page in the Development Centre * Youth players below U18 not having precise or fixed positions, and your Head of Youth being able to suggest that a player might benefit from playing a different role (either permanently because it better suits their ability or, as Ajax do, short-term to help them round out their skills; e.g. playing centre backs in midfield for a season to develop their technique, passing, etc.); player positions and roles are generally way too permanent in FM and you just don't get the natural drift that many players have over their careers (attacking mids becoming centre mids, then defensive mids as they get older and slower, etc.) or younger players being tried out in a different role and sticking with it because it actually suits them better (TAA as you mention, Mousa Dembele going from a forward to a midfielder, Gareth Bale from wingback to winger, Danny Rose going from winger to wingback, Jan Vertonghen moving from midfield to defence, etc., etc.) * The option for youth camps and satellite academies overseas, a bit like affiliated clubs except it doesn't require a pre-existing club and would be solely for getting youth players into your academy - at the very basic level this could simply be an item in the Development Centre noting that you have a youth camp in, say, South Africa, and the game reflecting this by boosting the club's scouting knowledge for South Africa and increasing the chance of South African players coming through in your Youth Intake (or into the Academy)
  12. Great suggestion! Would love to be able to tell my assistant "Don't use this guy in this position/role". Having the assistant be aware of the pecking order for players would be great, too.
  13. Update: I now have the rest of the team complaining that I didn't let Frendrup leave, when he's gone out on loan with a mandatory future purchase!
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