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Sandy Tait

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Issue Comments posted by Sandy Tait

  1. Same problem with Ajax in my journeyman save - took the job on with the club having a -£35m transfer deficit and I thought okay, that's a fun challenge, I'll just have to blood some youngsters. Worked well - had three absolute break out stars and a couple of others showed real promise, everyone benefitted from the first team football, and I managed to sell enough dross and unwanted players to get the deficit down to a mere £250k.

    Winter transfer window comes along, and the board tell me my transfer budget is now -£45m and I need to sell players. Like, wtf? Even more insane, they've upped my wage budget, meaning I now have £800kpw extra available for salaries (this is the Eredivisie, so that's an entire first team squad!), but I can't use that to offset against the transfer budget deficit, meaning I can't sign anyone at all, not even loans or free transfers.

    I am fine with the initial challenge of trying to clear a transfer debt (it was actually really fun and forced me to really push youth development) but this has broken it. Worse, the board are frustrated that I haven't done enough to clear our transfer deficit, despite me coming within touching distance in just the first window. Oh, and I'm also getting the "The board have relinquished control of player sales" message every single day.


  2. On 17/11/2023 at 23:37, Michael Sant said:

    Having an issue under review and fixing it are two different things

    Tell us something we don't know? :)


    10 hours ago, Michael Sant said:

    As mentioned in the thread for this issue last year, over time attempted fixes and changes have been made but haven't resolved the issue. It is therefore looking likely that something more substantial is required to resolve this but it isn't something we can put a specific time frame on. 

    Not wanting to be unkind or rude, but this is just more stating the obvious. Obviously previous fixes haven't worked, and obviously something more substantial is needed. This has been an issue for a decade or, to put it another, half the existence of the Football Manager franchise (not including the CM days here, clearly). If a bug is present for that long without being fixed, I can't help but seriously question the actual interest the team has in fixing it. Not expecting you to come back with an exact timeframe, I'm just hoping you can convince us that progress is being made and that maybe when FM25 comes out we won't be talking about this yet again.

  3. Of all the bugs encountered in the Football Manager series, this one is by far the most persistent and ridiculous. A game as advanced as this, that gets significant overhauls on an annual basis (and multiple patches in-between), still cannot handle the seemingly simple matter of having resizable columns that actually work. It's just mind-boggling. Yeah, the match engine's great and the database is amazing and so on but can SI please just fix the sodding interface? FM24 was supposed to be "the most complete edition in the series' history", yet still struggles with something this basic.


    Honestly, if the entire sales pitch for FM25 was just "WE FIXED THE COLUMN RESIZING PROBLEM!!" I would buy it without a moment's hesitation :lol:

  4. On 24/10/2023 at 15:11, Kyle Brown said:

    Yeah we're aware of this one and have been trying to find a solution but it's proving tricky. We'll do our best to resolve it when we can. 

    Has there been any joy in fixing this? Been a bug for a few versions now. Similarly the nonsense with "auto-size" thinking the screen is about twice as wide as it actually is and shoving half your columns out of view.

  5. @Zachary Whyte A little extra info that may or may not be helpful with this bug - it seems the column only vanishes the next time you start the game after loading a custom skin. I removed the customs skins I had while the game wasn't running, deleted my cache as per the guide, started the game and loaded a save and saw that the Rec column was back, put a custom skin back into the skins folder and loaded it, and the column was still there. The next time I booted FM up it had gone. Obviously the solution here is never close FM ;)

  6. I'm noticing messed up player ratings, too. For me, only two of my defensive players (i.e. full backs, centre backs, defensive mids) averaged over 7.0 for the season, despite us winning the league and finishing with the second lowest GA, just 8 behind City. I remember inaccurate DM ratings being an issue in FM23 but I thought it was patched out eventually.


    Defensive players highlighted below, and the distribution is clear.image.thumb.png.64a45ec2b6176527eb8814d1b0bf60f5.png

  7. 6 hours ago, Zachary Whyte said:

    For those who are seeing this can we please ask if you are using any custom files/skin?

    Also, can you please upload your save file, you can see how in the link below.

    I am using a custom skin but it's also happening with the default skin. I've tried deleting my cache per the guide but the issue persists. Happens across all my save files, both new ones and ones imported from FM23, and across all skins.

  8. On 13/07/2022 at 10:27, Kyle Brown said:

    Going to be a tough one to replicate as we need a wider range of saves, but we've taken a note and if we spot it during internal testing we'll be sure to get to the bottom of it - thank you for flagging it. :)

    Further info: I've gone back to autosave from 12th June 2025, which is before I spotted the player, and he doesn't appear in the database at all! Wondered if it might be something to do with leagues being added/removed, or the season refresh date, so holidayed until 30th June and lo and behold he's there, as a free agent who's at the club but not appearing the team list - search for him and you'll find him though.

    Also, "a wider range of saves" uploaded:

    "Journeyman - Dinamo (v03)" - Player not at club and does not appear to be in database

    "Journeyman - Dinamo (v02)" - Player at club but has no contract and is not showing in the team list; can be searched for

    "Journeyman - Dinamo" - Player is at club, still has no contract (two offered), and appears in team list twice

    Hope these are of use!

  9. Update: using the in-game editor to move him to my club, then dropping him to the reserves and promoting him straight back to the first team seems to fix both the contract issue and the multiple listings on the team list, though it does make his career history look a bit screwy (three entries for the same club during the same season) but assuming this doesn't cause any further issues it's a workable fix.


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