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Sandy Tait

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Posts posted by Sandy Tait

  1. Academies are, IMO, the most underdeveloped part of the game and it's been due an overhaul for a long time. You get an inbox item in the first half of the season with a vague prediction of what you'll get, then in the second half of the season they all turn up for a trial and that's it, leaving the whole thing feeling like a glorified die roll. It's particularly out of place when you're managing the likes of Ajax or Barca who famously have absolutely enormous youth academies that have many, many levels as well as youth camps and satellite academies in other nations.


    I'd love to see:
    * The Youth Academy getting its own page in the Development Centre section
    * Multiple youth levels visible, as you suggest, with the number and the size being tied to the club's youth facilities and recruitment ratings; it wouldn't even need to be a full team page like with the U18s, but perhaps just a section on the new Academy page briefly outlining the player names, positions, etc. like we currently get on the Youth Candidates page in the Development Centre
    * Youth players below U18 not having precise or fixed positions, and your Head of Youth being able to suggest that a player might benefit from playing a different role (either permanently because it better suits their ability or, as Ajax do, short-term to help them round out their skills; e.g. playing centre backs in midfield for a season to develop their technique, passing, etc.); player positions and roles are generally way too permanent in FM and you just don't get the natural drift that many players have over their careers (attacking mids becoming centre mids, then defensive mids as they get older and slower, etc.) or younger players being tried out in a different role and sticking with it because it actually suits them better (TAA as you mention, Mousa Dembele going from a forward to a midfielder, Gareth Bale from wingback to winger, Danny Rose going from winger to wingback, Jan Vertonghen moving from midfield to defence, etc., etc.)
    * The option for youth camps and satellite academies overseas, a bit like affiliated clubs except it doesn't require a pre-existing club and would be solely for getting youth players into your academy - at the very basic level this could simply be an item in the Development Centre noting that you have a youth camp in, say, South Africa, and the game reflecting this by boosting the club's scouting knowledge for South Africa and increasing the chance of South African players coming through in your Youth Intake (or into the Academy)

  2. I'm genuinely perplexed by this one, and I'm clearly missing something... Hull and my team, Forest, were both in for picking up former Man City youngster Darko Gyabi on a free after his contract expired.  After some time thinking about he, it went for Hull.  Fair enough, you win some you lose some.  But then I saw the contract he'd accepted to go to Hull...  And that's after he'd gone back to them to get them to up their offer because while they were the preferred option their contract offer wasn't on a par with the one we'd offered him.  So I figured maybe he just hates Forest or he's a secret Hull City fan but I had a quick look at his personal info with the in-game editor and, nope, nothing for either club. Nothing for either manager or any of our staff, either. He's got a preference to not play for Man City, and he's fond of Stromsgodset after a good loan spell there, but that's it.  And it's not because they have a higher reputation - Forest have a bigger rep than Hull at this point in the save, and I have a bigger rep than their manager, too.  And we finished 9th last season while Hull finished 18th.

    So can anyone tell me why, with no preferences or dislikes for either club, a player would accept a poorer contract at a smaller club in a worse position and with a weaker squad?  Is the player AI smart enough that he's looking at how many midfielders I have and thinking there's too much competition for 1st team places?  I need to know!! xD

    (Below is the contract he accepted to join Hull, and bottom is the contract offer he had from us.)


  3. On 29/08/2021 at 23:54, StewartAHannah said:

    Its time FM moved with the times and gave our staff a mobile phone. Then whom ever you delegate to can send you a txt and and ask for a yea or nay answer  or some guidance? But then they could also introduce video conference calls so we can conduct transfers whilst sat on some exotic beach whilst on holiday.  

    Oh I like the idea of, say, your DoF negotiating the contract but then forwarding the agreed terms to you for approval.

  4. 7 hours ago, StewartAHannah said:

    yip contract negotiations lack flexibility and involvement, all or nothing. Similarly if you delegate contract negotiations I would like an option to renegotiate change accept decline etc.  

    Yes! Always frustrating when you delegate it, the terms are rejected, and then you have to wait for ages before you can have a go yourself. Result for me is that I just never delegate contracts!

  5. A small one but I'd really like to see an option to set how many staff you're looking for when you put advertise a job vacancy. So annoying to have the advert automatically get withdrawn as soon as one person of that job type signs, especially if they're someone you've approached directly rather than through the advert.

    Related to that, it would be neat if when a member of staff signs you get an update in that news item about how many vacancies you have for that position. Obviously it wouldn't matter for unique positions like Director of Football, but it would be very useful for when you're taking over at a new club and making wholesale changes to the staff if when you sign e.g. a scout there's just a single line at the end of the item saying words to the effect of "As a reminder, we now have 4 vacant scout positions at the club."

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